Friday, March 4, 2016


     Writing this post though I usually do  not post from Friday until Sunday, but will be leaving for about a week and a half to visit a grandson in a time zone many hours away so posting will be off times and possibly not every day. We will see. But check it out when you can.
     There is much to write about, including the results of the election, the national election, the garbage spewing from the mouths of potential presidents, greatly to our shame, the belated awakening of the Republican Party and so forth. The world remains a troubled place and you know I have lots to say - including about this Village.
     The Village has sustained a loss and the well wishers for Phyllis are ringing her phone off the hook. 28 vote difference ain't a heck of a lot, especially given all the hindrances we had to overcome. In addition, the same problems remain and will continue to remain until these people are forced to do their jobs or fade away into the sunset.
     The roads remain in their condition and get worse by the minute.
     The waterways are still putrid and greenish brown and stagnant and smelly.
     The financial situation is not good even as Howie acknowledged and we will have to pay the piper or say we just love to have unpaved roads and make believe we are Loxahatchee!
     The administration is still headed by a paranoid fascist and newspaper and TV and radio are suppressed and declared off limits to all but those who obey and salaam.
     The order of the day is still nasty and bigoted and biased and crude and rude and incompetent and inefficient. It will remain so until they are gone.
     We need to have term limits reinstated.
     We need to have an ombudsman and not one of the usual suspects!
     We need to change the voting rules to one vote per resident owner and ONLY one vote no matter how many units are owned.
     We need to reach out to the associations that are dying on the vine (and from whom zombie delegates come......) and help them, give them advice and not hang them out to dry by using mortgages as an excuse.
     We need to rein in WPRF spending.
     We need to get rid of these motel associations and all the transients and inappropriate people who now populate the Village.
     We need to do all this, and fix the sports courts, before we tackle the Wi Fi issue again and spend millions of dollars we do not have nor need to spend as we have Broadband, all we need and it is up to the individual and the individual associations.
     We need to return our Village to the wonderful place it once was and open UCO to ALL, be an inclusive organization and one that works with the realization that UCO is US!!! Not the officers, US.
     We are not going away and if any one feels he or she got to know me a bit better thru this blog, then you can understand that I do not give up. Where I see wrong, I work to correct and make it right. Negative and nasty statements, threats to my physical safety - nothing works and remember out there - there is a cease and desist order regarding these sexually harassing remarks, the religious nasty remarks and the physical threats. You have something to say - say it as an adult. Should not be too difficult. Try it, you might like it and by the way, Elaine Brown, what the heck were you doing taking pictures of the posters?
      See you all on Sunday and Monday and then watch for me.
     By the way, just looked at the numbers of the voting and there is not much difference in most of them so this is not a rout, by the way, and please note that Joy and Ed are minority winners and the opponents had way more than they did if added up. Take heed of this. There is a lot of dissatisfaction out there.

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