Friday, March 4, 2016


     Today we elect a president for UCO for the next two years. It is time to leave behind the administration of decay and rot, of mustiness and monocular viewpoints. It is time to leave behind the administration of one who sees and hears all through a filter of selfishness and  misanthropy. He simply does not like people and serves his computer rather than the people of the  Village.
     Yesterday, Ted Cruz made a statement during the debates. He stated that Donald (Trump) has a tenuous connection to the truth. True enough, but imagine how easily that statement and assessment transfers to David Israel and the people of his administration.
     Time and time again we have shown and highlighted the lies that pour forth from his mouth - about contracts, about monies spent, about plans, about what the Village needs and even lies about his own past.
     This is not the leader we need or want. This is not one who will take to heart the needs of the Village, the crucial and immediate needs along with long term planning. That second objective is invisible within him other than to talk of his standard Wi Fi and Broadband. Nothing of the water and the land, the frail infrastructure, the proper process, the proper staffing of UCO and the Village, the proper relationship with WPRF and this can go on ad infinitum,.
     His is the UCO of nastiness and decay. Time to open the windows, cut the secrecy - such as what was going on there last night with the lights bright way after hours - and time to let in the fresh air, the caring and concern, the knowledge and work that will rid us of motel associations, that will regroup our boards into real working ones, where proper process will be followed and help for all associations will be forthcoming, will be proactive and where the heart will return to UCO.
     Vote for Phyllis for President.
      Vote for Eileen Pearlman and Marilyn Pomerantz for Recording and Corresponding Secretary.
      Vote for Ed for Treasurer
     Vote for two of the four VP candidates - Olga, Marcia, Jon and John -  any one other than Ed Black, consummate liar, power hungry and Joy Vestal, newspaper hack and has - been, traitor to the ideals upon which our country is built - freedom to speak up, to present other opinions openly, she who matches the actions of dictators in tinpot countries who shut down the TV and radio to all except their own.
     Even the Republican Party knows when it has to throw out one who is a spoiler, a liar and an incompetent. We need to do the same.
     Read the posting immediately below this and see the facts gathered there. Time to combat the zombie delegates. Do the right thing - for you, for me, for all of us. You know what to do. And no matter the results, this blog remains in existence, to write of the new UCO and about the world. So thank you for reading it every day - I love ya' for doing that! See you at the polls.

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