Wednesday, April 27, 2016


      Lordy, I am tired, bone tired, but would not trade yesterday for the world. Taking the day off to recuperate though. Thinking DVD, book and maybe another movie. No parks, no shopping.
     Yesterday was a beautiful day in all ways. The weather was perfect, if a tad hot, but lots of water did the trick. The crowds at Universal are a fraction of those at Disney so one did not have to weave around and through and I even got some photos with some favorite Seuss characters and some superheroes - and a villain too! Got drenched on a ride and screamed my lungs out and have discovered that I ain't what I used to be, even though the kids were kind of muttering "I think I can, I think I can" in a form of encouragement!
     What was really beautiful about the day was the lack of violence though let me tell you, there were representatives of every ethnic, racial and religious group there. Scads of little kids and bigger ones too but no threats or looks or pushing or anything but smiles and patience. So why can we not have this all day every day all over.
     Perhaps some of the violence was transferred elsewhere. I played my favorite game of Whac-A-Mole and won a monkey in a banana stuffed animal for one granddaughter and later had to win a minion for the other - fair is fair - and saves lots of aggravation! As I slammed away at the moles I simply kept in my head certain names - no names given - and what a cathartic release! Maybe we should petition Eva to get a couple of these games in the Clubhouse!
     Some people are very touchy though, oh so sensitive. Lanny and David did not like it one bit when I called them on ghostwriting and whoo, some response they wrote. If it is still up, you can read it and the comments and my response is here on my blog. Doubt my comment there will remain for long. Anyhoo, David tried to use a big word to show his erudition but it backfired. See, I knew it and Lanny had to look it up - not  big deal as it is a technical term not very much used in real everyday life, but David is and always has been disconnected from real life so there ya go.
     So let's ramble on in a "random" manner. The world and the Village again. Over half the electorate feel voting is rigged   and gee, the machines are used all over. So when we claim here that despite the machines the voting can still be rigged or tampered with, guess we are not nuts, huh David? There has to be a tamperproof method, from start to finish. Guess it would be harder on the outside, but here, NO! Just get a firm to do this from start to finish, from registration to counting and have that counting watched by members of opposing sides or candidates. Simple, clean, and neat.  And as for other votes - electronic is the way to go now and stop those stupid ballots being waved in the air and fake counts being called. Even better, one vote per resident owner and thus the entire electorate has a chance at voicing an opinion  via the voting. Pipe dreams? Never say never - we at least got in the machines due to making a lot of noise about the prior manner of voting and counting.
     Ramble on more? There are so many things right in the Village and living here. I love it, love my friends, love my life here. But, that does not mean that there are not things that need fixing, from the Rag to WPRF to our system of administration to our accounting and planning to the ridiculous and restrictive rules that seem to be growing daily and just add your issues to the list. There are many, yes, but there are many reasons to stand firm and fight for them, even though Gracie always so graciously invites me to move out. Sorry, kiddo, staying until the good Lord tells me otherwise.
     Hearing stirrings from all around so gotta go but will talk more tomorrow. Have fun, break a smile, see the humor in life and the fun and excitement. It is all there - just reach out, take a step, and hey, perhaps ramble around a bit in a random manner and you might have a great day!
     PS: In case you ae wondering why I keep using the word random so much today, it is a simple little joke, designed to show how ridiculous it is for David to use a word that means random and used in technical discussions more than elsewhere and then think he can stump me with it. Sorry, David. Failed again.

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