Wednesday, April 6, 2016


     Different kind of posting today and please excuse any omissions as I am doing this off the top of my head and memory ain't always what it should be!!
    Iraq    Iran    Yemen    Turkey    Syria    Greece    Macedonia    Ukraine    Crimea    Georgia (the country)    Armenia    Azerbaijan    Chechniya    Russia    China    Philipines    Germany   England    France    Belgium    Libya    Lebanon    Israel    United States    Niger    Mali    Nigeria    Burundi    Central African Republic    Sudan    South Sudan    Somalia    South Africa    Finland    Iceland    Haiti    Dominican Republic    Argentina    Brazil    Honduras    Costa Rico    Mexico    Saudi Arabia    Tunisia     Morocco   North Korea     South Korea 
    What is that list? A list of countries that are or have been involved in war, foreign and civil, had terrorist incidents, violent episodes and trust me, I have forgotten many countries, but the point is made and the question remains -  "and ya don't believe we're on the eve of destruction?"
     Ebola    Zika    virulent anti Semitism    BDS and violence on the campuses    growing partisanship in the USA    LGBT and hatred that should not be    Islamic terrorism    Islamophobia    Black Lives Matter    increasing shootings of law enforcement people    growing class differential    stuttering world economy    excessive drought and flooding    strange weather patterns    tainted water - even here in the USA    massive destructive hurricanes and tornadoes    overwhelming forest fires    growing right wing violence    ditto on the left    crazy religious extremists all over, including Israel, the USA, Moslem countries, even Buddhists and Hindus!     disappearing coastlines and island nations    rising waters and melting ice caps    CVWPB and David Israel  (oops, that slipped in)     greedy drug companies    growing drug resistant infections    treatment of women, especially in Moslem countries but we here are not immune    wacky presidential campaign and candidates    .......
    And ya don't.....well, you know the drill already.         
     So what to do? Get involved. Hug your spouse or partner. Kiss your kids and the little ones. Take a walk with a grandchild. Dine with friends and laugh. Enjoy the silence of the immense high desert or the sun setting into the ocean. Read a good book. Get involved. Join an organization. Say something. Do something. Volunteer. Just hold hands with someone you love. Help quench the fires and flames of war. Have a Kinderegg! Cry and worry, yes, but also laugh and help others, talk rather than fight, speak up to the politicians. If we all do something maybe something good will happen. It's a thought! But at the very least, could we get rid of some of the violence and the hate and the evil and perhaps move at least a few inches away from the edge?

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