Tuesday, April 5, 2016


     Wow!!! I set out this morning to write something else but before doing so I checked my email and found a message from my daughter who often sends me interesting entries she finds on Facebook or that have been sent to her. Today's was amazing and I tried to send it out to people but somehow lost the rest of my email addresses - figures! So here it is :

  In small copy and paste size it is:

      It is amazing what the human spirit can accomplish, how strong it can be. Is it that somehow G-d knows who these specially strong people are, that they would inspire us with their courage, faith, humanity and strength? The answer to that question is fraught with strong implications and other questions so I think I will veer off that road for I have not the answers to the questions that might arise.
     So let's go back to my original topic of the day - elections and one in particular and no, it is not the one here in the Village. For now I am staying away, especially today, for this song and story have sent me another message and I will hear it today.
     Elections are the times when people, simple, unimportant people, become important. So at regular and irregular intervals, depending on the system in one's country, the opinions of the people actually matter. Thus, they are pandered to and many lies arise as a result. It is often hard to discern the lies from the truth, especially as one dares to hope that finally, there will be a better class of 'servant" to the people - only to usually have it come crashing down soon after the person is in office.
     So, to the Presidential elections almost upon us for real. Who will be the candidates? Who will have the best chance? Who will disappoint the least and this year it is who will be the least dangerous! And so the echo of one statement comes through loud and clear and it is one that particularly offends me.  "Anyone but Hilary...."
     Does anyone realize how wrong that statement is and does anyone understand why they are saying it unless they have become one of the sheeple who simply follow along without a single original thought of their own. Now understand that Mrs. Clinton, Secretary of State Clinton, and there are many other titles and notice how the media never writes, only lately even giving her the honor of the title Mrs. rather than using only her first name, note that she is not necessarily one of my most favorite people. Note that I have my doubts about her, that there are some dark corners of her life that need some light shed on them BUT so do the others! And the email controversy is a pig in a poke, a grandfathering in of items that should not be and quite frankly is against the spirit and even words of our laws - no grandfathering in of past offenses that were not offenses at the time of commission. If they even were offenses!
     So what is that statement? It is the antipathy that people feel when they realize that there actually might be a woman in the White House. It is the buying in to that thought by other women who do not think their statements through and do not get what they are saying. It is the lack of realization that not a single one, nary a one, of those that are running are actually white sheep or people in white hats. Many of their hats are grey! It is the nature of politics that such is what comes to the fore and even when the hats are more white than grey, the pressure of reality dyes the hat.
    We must also understand that the reality of politics and the reality of the world, its many realities that we, the electorate do not even know about, can influence a decision and we will not understand it and it cannot be properly explained either.
    Look at all the candidates and think - who will have the calm exterior needed to deal with the leaders of the world, such as they are - sane or not, fearful or not, bold and willing to explore new options or not. Who has the experience to do that and indeed has faced off with foreign leaders? Who, excuse me, will have both the balls and the brain and, folks, it seems to be that it is Clinton over the others. Would that there were a more perfect candidate, but there is not so we must choose from what we have and rather than denigrate each one separately, suffice it to say that none are shining examples of what the American political system has brought to the fore.
     In addition, ladies, and all those who understand how strongly we must support those rights for women, those anti discrimination laws that are under attack, look at the candidates again. Looks of a person? Clothes of a person? Gender of a person? Physical attributes or lack thereof? Why? Lincoln was one of the ugliest faces amongst our presidents but his heart and his brain overshadowed all and he became one of the most beautiful faces in our history. The only thing that matters is that we look at the policies, both international and domestic and pick the best person for the job based on that and not based on their rhetoric now.
     Will we be disappointed at times, many times, with our chosen choice, with whomever gets in office? Most probably. I cannot begin to tell you how disappointed I am with our current office holder. He came here to CV and spoke all the words, all the sentences, all the triggers that needed to be pulled to get the votes and then......nothing or even worse. I believe that this man is one of the most anti Semitic presidents ever and trust me, there were others, but this is a very dangerous time for that sentiment or rather hatefulness. Very dangerous.
     So please, pick whomever you support, but please, support after great thought and evaluation and not because of a couple of jingoist statements and catchy phrases that in essence mean nothing or worse, are actually dangerous to the whole process.
     Want to shudder? What happens at the upcoming conventions? There are such tempers and voices being raised. There have already been incidents of physical violence at rallies so what is in front of us - a replay of the 1968 Democratic Convention? Lord! I hope not.
     Want to shudder even more? What if by some stretch of the imagination and turn of the wheel the match was Sanders vs. Trump? Me, I would move!! And start reading a whole bunch of book on survivalist training! Oy vey!!
    SHINE A LITTLE LIGHT, SHOW US THE WAY - we must keep that in our hearts.

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