Tuesday, May 31, 2016


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     "Ah, the shit for brains is off her meds again! Use the CV Messenger to wipe your ass honey!"

     What are those two statements or remarks? Those are the remarks or comments sent to My Village blog and to me after I posted a comment and an article that evidently displeased them. The Happy Yenta is a common alias of someone who resides right here in the Village and who loves to call me filthy names, to use anti Semitic remarks, anti gender comments and to be just a nasty character overall. I am quite surprised that he even had the temerity to write now as he knows that he is in a legal swamp up to his neck but then again, he is a moron. The blogmeister of My Village took his remarks off line. I do not allow them to get on line as they must pass thru my filter first and now you know why I have this filter.
     His remark to me, the second one, was written in much better grammar than normal (sorry, the English teacher in me just keeps noticing these things!) but the filth is the same. So why did I publish it here in my blog? Simply to illustrate the level of people that we are dealing with and the fact that the head honcho condones this behavior, apparently even encourages it as it lets the filth go forth while he apparently remains aloof. But one cannot remain aloof from hate. One cannot remain aloof from the mud in which one treads. One cannot remain aloof from the causal factor that rest squarely on one's shoulder.
     In any case, write I do and write I will, about anything and everything that interests me, be it the antipathy that I feel towards Putin, the concern I have about a Morocco that seems to have lost its mind, a religion that appears to think that killing any and all who disagree with their particular form of that religion is deserving of death and actually, most of these terrorists are not even religious but in fact just another version of gang mentality, no better than the Bloods or the Crips or the gangs from Costa Rico that end up here or the Latin Kings or whatever. Putting a religious overtone on something does not make it so.
     And in the same vein of concern, in particular because I live here and am hoping to remain here until they carry me out, I worry about, fret about, the poor leadership, the harmful leadership we have here. I know that that particular statement will earn me some lovely comments in return, which I, in turn, will block, but it makes no never mind. The truth must be stated and the fact is that this leader of ours has bought hook, line and sinker into the growing fascistic movements of the world, those "governmental systems that assert complete power and emphasizes aggressive nationalism and often racism." Change the nationalism to a word which fits our home, such as Davidism or change racism to misogyny or any other word one chooses and there you have the simple act of repression, the simple philosophy  that wishes to maintain complete power and that does not allow an opposition to live - well, look around you here and think back on the threats, on the tricks, on the behaviorisms of those who are nominally in power. When a simple under five minute chat about a book club that I attended caused a prominent member of this administration to foam at the mouth and tell the Graggs in  no uncertain terms that "she will never be on the radio" - well, nuff said!
     So yes, I love our country ad I love my home. I love being an American and I know my rights. I also have grown a thick skin over the years so these filthy minds of others, of the opposition to me and others like me, do not threaten me, do not stop me from doing what I wish to do, from saying what I wish to say. Such is life, my dear opponents so grow up and deal with it as adults already. So I might use the Rag to wrap some fish, or just chuck it in recycling or even not bother with it for it has no use to me other than to see the trash that is placed within its pages, but I will continue to ask questions, to challenge and to ask where our money is going and just what is the truth about the real hike we will have to have next year in our fees and what will happen if we keep putting off use of proper financial accounting for our needs and funding. And no - never mind the "creative" accounting. The Treasurer even admits how we are going to be bitten hard, right in the rear, if we do not do things properly.
     By the way, just read an interesting article about the "troll" army that Russia has. These are people who are online agitators, chasing down all who disagree with them i.e. anti Russian posts or the truth about the Russian army being where it does not belong and this word, troll, befits the situation here in the Village, what with the army of trolls from UCO overusing the blogs to find any and all anti UCO comment or anti the current administration and then harassing the poster. Hmmmm, sounds familiar. Always on the cutting edge, huh, my dear man. But sometimes the cutting edge cuts both ways.
     So to hell with all of those bullies and onward I will write. Stay tuned for more tomorrow! Do not like that? Tough bugs!!

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