Monday, May 30, 2016


     So sorry for no entry today until now. We have been flying since forever this morning, or rather the middle of the nite and just got home. You would not believe how many people are in the airport checking in and going thru security, all listening to the 2 hour warning given by the TSA who now have decided that it is the fault of the passengers for the long lines! Yup. That is what they said. The tram in the airport in Pittsburgh - love that airport - was jammed at 5:30 AM.
     In any case, I loved our visit, loved the hugs and kisses and little talks and homemade cards and just walking holding a little hand. I loved a little six year old explaining patiently to me why I should have known that 70 plus 60 is 130 and asking me why I had forgotten these facts! The girls are delicious, each one sweeter than the other, bright and beautiful. and my baseball phenom smacked a homer over the fence last nite and pitched as well! I was also informed that for his bar mitzvah - three years in the future, he would love a special bat that sells for $200, but if I thought it was too much that would be okay too. He is like sugar! For that kid I would get multiple bats!
     Of course, since it was our last day there yesterday, we went for a walk in the forest primeval. Be assured that this specific walk cost my son his part in the will!!!  OMG!!! the first part was nice, a semi civilized walk on a wide path, lots of ups and downs but we saw another deer, saw little creeks, all sorts of trees and just enjoyed walking and talking and then I said that it was time to return so sonny boy decided that we would use this little side path as a short cut. Famous last words!! It turned into a tiny footpath, barely able to be trod upon what with the mud and gunk and this aging Nature child only wanted to lay down and quit. By the time we found our way out with two kids scouting ahead and me asking desperately of a jogger! Was she nuts or what! if there was an end to this and I was  assured of that fact, the heavens opened - a perfect end. And actually it was as we all found our way back to the car, laughing and teasing and trust me, I got my share of that!
     Unfortunately the joys of family visits does not quite cover up the goings on in the world, the presidential campaign and a big oy on that, nor the machinations going on again here in the Village. The filthy language is back and I will copy and paste the latest love note sent to me and then perhaps some of you out there will understand why I keep writing, why I do this. No, I am not a masochist and no, I do not enjoy reading filth directed at me, but I do know that I have a  responsibility to rid our UCO of people like this, people whose actions are condoned by those in official seats of power. Perhaps what I should do is read these aloud in the DA this coming Friday and then see the reactions of those under suspicion. If it gets worse I will be forced to return to the PBSO and cause them to take the next step but what a scandal for us here and for those who get enmeshed through their actions and statements - hate mail, hate crimes, hate language - sexual, religious, gender - dangerous areas to tread.
     Anyway, see you on the morrow.

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