Sunday, May 29, 2016


     It's summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime...." Remember the song and the happy thoughts that came along with it? Well, unfortunately, for us here in the Village, it is not such a good time. Yesterday, the NY Times wrote about the growing threat of domestic fascism, here and all over the world. I have written about that and I have written about the growing threat of fascistic tendencies here, right here in our Village. The repression, the Big Lie, the intensity of attacks on people, the blocking of access to media and I can go on, but here we are again. It is summertime, dead time in the Village, and the perfect time for David Israel to start his manipulations and machinations all over again.
     Once again we find his favorite line - " don't let the small minority" stop it all. Really? Was it a small minority who turned down the funding of this ridiculous Wi Fi quest of his? Was it a small minority that showed its displeasure with him during the election despite all the tricks and twists that were used to rid the voting delegates who were pro Phyllis? Is it a small minority that is so disgusted with this man who boasts oh so humbly of our funding of a trip to Washington for the vets but who cannot find it within himself, within his bloody cold stone of a heart to do anything in the Village for Memorial Day nor even allow public notification of a celebration and memorial going on in the Clubhouse at 12 on Monday, open to all. Such are the tactics of a true dyed in the wool fascist. Such is the man we have here. And such is the man who will be ever so offended that he is called a fascist. You know, the shoe and all, the actions and all.....
     In any case, here we are at Wi Fi again. Never mind that he tries to flim-flam all with a bunch of statistics. If my live in techie were not fast asleep I would have him come down and refute all these nonsensical and unnecessary figures and give you the data on our statistics - how fast we UPLOAD and download, how much speed we have here, how many gigabytes and megabits and all else. You see, this is his technique, trying to drown out the questions with numbers, but it does not work.
     Too many of us have all the Wi Fi we need and want, be it thru our building or thru our own choice of network, Comcast or Universe or whatever. We even have many who do not choose to have it at all and that is their right. What is not anyone's right is to foist it on a Village which already has Wi Fi . I repeat - already has it. This is yet another one of his huge and costly boondoggles that cost us so much and have now left us in a huge hole for finances. Read the Treasurer's report and see how much of a hole we are in. See how much more we need to be paying to fill in this hole and if we do not, the hammer will fall in a year or two when the roads are totally impassable and they must be done and the money, show me the money!!!!
      And yet on they babble, David and lackeys, blind as a bat to the truth. On they babble over Har Tru courts for the tennis courts - a half million dollar undertaking! Yup, you read it right. And why? The same plaint - the people are coming and they want courts and they want Wi Fi and they want this and that. Well, this is not a hotel or resort from a chain with deep pockets. This is a home, a HOME, where people might have varying pocket depths, but are not bottomless. This is a home where people realize that planting pretty flowers but allowing for scummy waters will simply not do.
     If we go thru with all these plans, these unthinking ridiculous catastrophic plans our additional costs will be over the top, thru the roof and that is before WPRF gets thru with their dream requests. Oh,, and do not forget to read all about the Levys in the Rag. Makes me throw up. And of course, for amusement, read the rag and just count the stories and pages of advertising. Sickening. Oh but do not forget to read up on yet another story of Lanny's life, definitely of interest and a necessity for the villager to know.
      Not done yet. The coup d'état of the article. Think of creative funding. Huh! Been there done that and that is why we are here now. There is no creative funding for millions of dollars. Grants? There are some but no one is waiting for CV to come along. They are highly contested and just like lottery tickets - mostly there for others and not for you.
     So do not allow a small man to fool you into funding his unnecessary plans. Do not allow a small man to take our money once again. Do not allow this man to send us into a hole that we will never dig our way out of and the next president will have a hell of a problem - and that is our problem, not just for a nebulous UCO.
     Techie talk - there are many that can do that and better than David. Put on your thinking hats and realize what we are up against as far as financial needs and planning. We do not need to put in place a redundant system. They go bananas over a few ruts in the grass, something that will happen again and again with our drivers who should not be driving and who cannot see, but the roads - nope, just let them erode more and devolve more. Sand and pebbles are nice too, huh?
     Open minds and thoughts and put this man's nefarious plans where they belong - in the trash.

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