Friday, May 27, 2016


       Let me first assure you that I am not getting paid as a publicist for the city of Pittsburgh nor is there any city official who ever heard of me. It is just me writing, the mother of a son and daughter in law and the grandmother of five delicious kids who happen to live here.
     Pittsburgh is a beautiful city. We first came to know it about 2 1/2 years ago when they moved here. The airport was awful with a weird floor, dark and dreary. But the drive into the city was stunning. I thought for sure we were headed the wrong way as it seemed as if we were driving into the Catskills, hills of different slopes, beautiful trees and the colors were unbelievable in the fall season, vivid yellows, golds, reds and oranges.
     We drove thru a tunnel and came out on a bridge which led to a view of he city all laid out in front of us. Gorgeous. As we drove thru the city towards our destination we passed thru many scenes of renewal and everywhere hills and more hills. Houses had loads of steps in the front or deep slopes in the back. The cityscape went from modern to older slim winding roads and all over were areas of green, huge pieces of land.
     My son's house has 31 steps to the front door but in the back it is flat on the ground. I get dizzy looking out of the window in one of the  attic rooms! And the surroundings? Shenley Park which is huge and itself borders on another park and is near the Oval a magnificent sports complex. The park is their "private" backyard, perfect for practicing pitching and catching without breaking glass inside or outside. The view is Nature, both conquered by man and Nature allowed to be in its natural state.
     Yesterday we took a walk - pant, pant - thru the park, along trails, up and down hills and all the while not too far from the house and the best was when we came across two deer, feeding and not afraid of us at all. They moved a bit when a runner came along but then remained. Roads thru the park were closed off to car traffic and the quiet was beautiful.
     After reaching home again and many were the times on the way back that I thought of sitting on a bench in the solitude and letting someone get a car, park and come and  get me. Those hills were intimidating, especially to one coming from flat Florida!
     The libraries, the Phibbs Conservatory, the cultural attributes - the campus grounds - it is a wonderful and beautiful place. The school they attend is creative and yet demanding, the sports opportunities, especially for the two boys, baseball phenoms who have already have a name for themselves at a young age, wonderful friends and a friendly community. If I were a kid, I might think of starting here but these hills.......
      Of course, the best part of Pittsburgh is the family we come to see, the hugs and kisses, the looks of expectation and the knowledge that of course we can fulfill those expectations and of course - their partners in crime as we combine forces against the middle generation! Love it!
     Oh, and the airport? Stunning! All remade with beautiful huge slabs of blue and grey marble cut on a bias and no clackety clack as we have in PBI. A really nice city. And good kosher pizza too!
     And by the way, they actually stop before a crosswalk and allow people to walk across without fear of their lives. Just like CV - not!

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