Thursday, May 26, 2016


     This election season is the worst ever. The negativity, the fear lest someone get into office, the loss of principles in the name of the party and some of the most ridiculous thinking ever. One of the key idiocies is the statement "anyone but Hillary" and I wonder why and what.
     Does that mean that if the head of the American Nazi party ran against Clinton that he would be a better choice or perhaps we should pick a football star or any other ridiculous choice. The inanity of it is amazing. The fact that the opponent is Trump makes no never mind.
     Trump admires Putin, a most detestable man, a dictator, an abuser of human rights, a threat to world peace and this is who Trump admires?!
     He is a man of the people, he states and he will help the common man. Really? How can a billionaire be a man of the people? Bloomberg is one but he gave loads to charity, still does, and  was a success as he worked his way up and did not waste an inheritance in many bankrupt projects. How many projects went bankrupt with Trump and this cannot be allowed to happen in a president. What should he bankrupt - the whole American economy? Better we say you're fired now, before he can perpetrate any harm on us.
     Does a man who insults women belong in that national office? Does a man who discusses the size of his genitalia belong in national office? Does a man who continues to blame the wife for the misdeeds of her husband a good match for the Oval Office? Is a man with no practical and detailed plans to back up his statements a match for the needs of the country and for that matter, that is the same problem with Sanders - no details, no practicalities.
      I can go on and on, but the point is not that none of the candidates are ideal, but that there is one who is better than the others. So yesterday the State Department said that Clinton was at fault for her private email server. Of course what the papers leave out is the fact that other Secretarys of State did the same thing. It was an accepted practice and it is harder to break into a  private server than it is to the governmental servers. That has been seen over and over again as governmental departments were hacked, brutally and massively. And for what - for items that were not classified at the time, many of which were public knowledge and a case of hindsight which was faulty anyway. Is this whole thing and its timing a mountain out of the molehill? I believe so. Think about it.
     And while you have the thinking cap on, think about what is going on in the Village. Our chillers, for the umpteenth time, are broken, need total replacement and if not - then I, for one, will not attend any shows in the theater or indeed, have anything to do with the clubhouse and in fact, we can demand our fees back as the building will be unusable. And paying for it? Thousands and thousands even as the Tennis Club demands a fancy and expensive court. No can do. And what about the pool repairs that still need to be done at the guest pool - yes, again and still - and Somerset and whatever else pops up. And do not forget the roads, the perennial roads. Even Howie O' Brien, our Treasurer, said that it will bite us at some time, no matter what we use and how we amass funds and reserve funds for projects.
     At some point the piper must be paid, the bills paid and the truth told. The fact is that we have not been prioritizing properly for years, have been overspending on projects for years and still refuse to face the fact and still have to deal with costly projects that should have been dead in their tracks already such as the Broadband, but nope, on he goes with it. Just spend money we do not have on projects we do not need nor want. Keep allowing for slow seepage of funds that pile up - software for the gates that does not work, security contracts that were the "best" ever - yet failed so we had to pay more for another one, and the list can go on and on.
     Just as the federal government and any level of government need to have process and procedure, prioritizing, and realpolitik, just as they need to choose and choose carefully and think about how to get and raise sufficient funds in a timely manner - so do we here at CV and unfortunately this has not been done, certainly not in the past 6 and a half years. And a good part of the wrong thinking and spending is that we are NOT a resort community. Yes, we have amenities, but we are not luxury nor do we have millionaires knocking down the door to buy here and give us money. We have no right to tell people they have to move if we have priced them out of the true reality of living here. If we had planned better, if we had learned to say no to WPRF and their fancy plans for Levy's property, then perhaps this would never have become an issue.
     Then of course we have the wonderful plaint of Joy Vestal who ignores the fact that she has hired a paid advertising person for The Rag, that we support many companies who do paid work for us. Nope, she has a problem with the fact that some of the club leaders have a fee for their club. Really? This is what bothers her? If the people involved want to pay for whatever it is, then what is it our business to say no. This is indeed one of the perks of the Village - the low price of these clubs. And why does it bother her if these leaders get paid? It is not as if we never pay anyone, and these are private people who are choosing to pay. In addition, WPRF gets a cut anyway! But as usual, Joy is on the wrong side of an issue.
     Country and Village, county and state - we all need a lot of work so this election season think carefully, choose wisely, with head and brain and not careless " so there" kind of thinking. Careless thinking leads to problems down the line, and many times no so far down the line either.

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