Tuesday, June 28, 2016


     Just a note, that while the beginning is re abortion and the recent decision, read on for closer to home news and analysis.
     I could not believe my ears and then my eyes. Finally, after all this time we had a step in the right direction. Finally, after all this time perhaps sanity was returning to the world. Finally, after all this time there was a return to the recognition that women had a right to make the decisions over their own bodies and a place to go to when making that decision. Don't get me wrong; there is still a long, long way to go to return to the full and true terms of Roe v, Wade, but perhaps we are seeing the light at the end of a very long and dark tunnel.
     The state of Texas, benighted as it often is, basically wanted to close down all clinics or just about all and make it nigh unto impossible for a woman to get an abortion for any reason. I still cannot believe the gall of men who believe that they can determine that it is okay, the right way, for a woman to carry to term a baby of incest or rape, to carry to term a baby with major defects that preclude life after birth or a semblance of life but rather a pain filled short existence. These same people then refuse to provide for the result of these denied abortions and there we go, setting up hunger, desperation, crime, despair and everything else that they turn their noses up to for they have already done their duty and denied the abortion.
     Abortion is not an easy decision. Ask any woman who had to have one. The pain of it lingers forever, merely even having to contemplate having one is a moment of despair, but there it is. At times it is a must. The thinking of those who would deny that right need to watch an installment of Call the Midwife and see the desperate straits of a woman caught in an unexpected pregnancy and on whose shoulders the burden falls, the impossibility of dealing with it and the hypocrisy of society. Perhaps, we can hope for a better future and forward thinking rather than a return to the back alley abortions and the filth and the deaths and the despair and the increasingly heavy burden on the woman while the man walks away.
     In fact, let us hope that hypocrisy in every sphere of life lessens. The other night I heard a talk about the corruption in Palm Beach County and the stories told will make your hand stand on end. The bending over backwards to the developers who whine and plead poverty even as they live the life of billionaires, with estates and planes and luxury galore. Their fees are excused, some reduced to a $1 - yes, you read that right. So who pays to make up those missing funds when the bills come due for the new roads, schools, libraries, parks, etc.? - WE DO!!!! Higher taxes on us. Feeling sorry for the developers is hypocrisy to the nth degree. These are not small mom and pop business but rather huge companies and they are doing just fine, thank you very much!!
     And into that same category comes the latest Lanny Howe plaint for the Broadband companies, in particular the Atlantic one, the one with whom David Israel is pushing for a contract with us. Now we are to feel sorry for them for the cost of their trench from Miami to WPB? That is the cost of doing a business, of establishing oneself and if we cannot get a shorter term contract than 10 years in order to protect ourselves, then quite frankly I am not interested in feeling sorry for them and taking a ten year contract which will put us on the back end of a bad deal and then what will all those of the Israel camp say when the new buyers supposedly whine that our system is just so backwards!! Can't blame it on us then, can you? But oh golly gee, what will happen to the resale values? Do not like hearing your own words thrown back at you? Too bad.
     Do not feel sorry for businesses. They take care of themselves, particularly big business. There is plenty of money in their parent company and if they could not afford this "trench" they would not undertake and it is not being done solely in a sacrificial manner just for us. There are many cities and developments between Miami and WPBCV and they will make their money's worth without us having to take their bills upon our shoulders. What we have here again is another pathetic shill posting again for David Israel. Never take his words on their surface meaning for their true meaning and the truth of his proposals are there if one just thinks a bit about it. The holes then open up, the sinkhole develops and if we were to go through with it we would find ourselves right in there, even as we find delays, problems, excess costs and no funds for infrastructure and how about planning for the new influx of blue green algae in Florida. Perhaps we should invest funds in checking that out and how to defend it from gaining a foothold here in the Village. Our yucky green algae is bad enough!!!
     That is the problem with hypocrisy. One sees only out of twisted eyes and warped thinking. One thinks selfishly. And one forgets to think and think hard, to take ten steps ahead and see where it all goes and then think again. But this administration of UCO does not do that. And we are left holding the bag. Not again, folks, not again.
     The only "positive" thing I can find here is that at least there is consistency. David Israel, Ed Black and Bob Marshall were so concerned about the financial issues, the costs to the M&M Paving CO. under the terms of their contract with us, that they ever so kindly allowed them to use improper machinery, inferior materials and workers who did not do so well, did they, but at least the CEO and the CFO slept soundly in their beds, ever so thankful that they had found so many simpatico people who understood that big business needed sympathetic ears and hearts and pockets. So what we got so generously in exchange was                    such an inferior job that it began to devolve almost as soon as it was laid down and even the paint sank so quickly into the ground that by the next day it had already begun to fade and disappear but the friends of big business had so happily done their jobs. Thank you, David Israel. Thank you, Ed Black and thank you, Bob Marshall. Surely you will ever be the stalwarts of the rights of big business over the little guys,  true American heroes.

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