Wednesday, June 29, 2016


      Some people just love to talk in jargon, use the techie talk of their field, or supposed area of expertise. However, all this does is demonstrate arrogance and lack of care for the "outsider" for all this techie talk does nothing to explain the issue and just, in fact, obfuscates the whole thing. Many were the educators I met along the way who delighted in using techie talk on the parents and then one had to explain it in words whose meanings and import were clear. Nothing was gained and much was lost in this ridiculous exercise. And the same thing here in the Village.
     The Broadband committee, morphed from the WI Fi committee, does not like to hear the term techie. In fact, it roused one of them to such a level of "fit" that he turned to me, eyes bulging, spit flying, and called me a piece of ---- for using that term. Okay, if you think that the term techie is a foul piece of language, then fine by me, but I do love my live in techie so perhaps the problem is all yours.
     In any case, here is the problem. This committee, composed mainly of Israel lackeys, is pushing this fiber optics contract. Full figures have never been given, just a few here or there. Comparison charts with Comcast's proposal? Nope, none of that either. Full disclosure of anything? Nope again, the usual SOP of doing things in this UCO.
     So just a bit of techie talk. Are we talking about Ipv4 and/or Ipv6. I have both and their speed is comparable to what was mentioned in The Rag, and even better, so sorry, no improvement there. Comcast has proven itself, improved itself, made a good bid or proposal presentation and how has Atlantic proven itself?  And by the way, contrary to David's repeated lie, there is no rogue element of Comcast running around here. Anyway, Atlantic promises to dig a ditch. They promise to bring it here on time. They promise. So what happens to this famous ditch when road construction interferes and in three years we are left with  nothing due to delays. You have heard of delays, have you not? What happens to this famous ditch when new road construction goes oops!!! and the ditch is dug up, tearing the fiber optics and then where are we again. How long do we wait while this construction goes on and we all know about the delays that go on, do we not?
     So what happens to the speed, what happens to our reception and usage when others siphon off this fiber optic great trench along the way? Will the speed slow down? Will it break down? Will  stops along the way get precedence before us as they are first geographically, never mind our contract and the promises it makes? Has anyone thought of this? And by the way, how are the units to be approached. More ditches?
     It is close to three years before the Comcast contract is over. Then David Israel wants to sign a ten year contract with Atlantic. So in thirteen years, we will be using the technology of today! Wow!!! I am so under impressed. Has anyone spoken of a clause that demands constant upkeep, maintenance and modernization? Has anyone thought about what such a long term contract means in such a quick changing and developing world. In the labs of these companies there are already new ideas being laid out. There are kids around the country who have new ideas and here we are proposing a thirteen year halt for us. Wow, that will so impress all the new buyers who seem so demanding of this technology, or so we are told by David Israel and company. Meanwhile I have spoken to real estate people and they say there are far more questions of other concerns than that.
     And by the way, from whence does UCO derive its authority to make this decision for us. Internet is NOT included anywhere that I can see. It is not a utility, but rather a choice of an information stream made on the part of an individual, co owners and associations according to the wishes of the members. I have been told that I live in a horse and buggy age because I do not want Internet. Uh huh! So what am I using? So then when puddin'head understands that, I am told that I am greedy and selfish because I do have Internet access and a good one at that, top of the line with Comcast in a very good package - and others do not! Well, that is their choice is it not and it is not my right to tell them what to do, so my association is mixed with people who have it, a level of it or who do not even possess a computer and have no interest in it at all. And that is fair and that is right. And by the way, our Hulu and Roku and streaming are doing just fine too.      
     And by the way, since when is it good financial procedure for the little guy to worry about the big guy and his expenses. Seems a bit backwards to me. If Atlantic is doing so poorly then let their parent company chip in or let them sell bonds or go to a bank for a loan - not ask the residents of CV to pay for it!
     Leave well enough alone and give up trying to force people into doing what they do not want to do. Go fix problems that are there and far more immediate. What, you ask? Okay, so we already have the green gunk variety of algae and we have been shouting about this to the Heavens until finally , with glacial slowness, WPRF and UCO began to do something. Too little too late and now we have the cousin coming along with worse health issues and gee, blue/green algae could be so pretty so maybe we should just ignore it as we do everything else outside of David Israel's limited interests?
     We have the millennium Agreement which is fast approaching the end and what have we done? NOTHING. And what are we planning to do? NOTHING. And do not tell me that we are looking for an attorney. Give me a month and I will find a good one, a good firm and again, do not tell me that an attorney is coming to Advisory and she will wave a magic wand and solve it all. First of all, I do not know if she is an attorney or worked adjacent to or for an attorney and even if she is, what kind is she? Is she knowledgeable in condo law, in the type of law we need in order to get a better deal this time around or are we going to engage in more Kurt Weiss threats and manner of doing business and screw us again?
     What are we planning to do to fix the massive deficit in our reserve funds? What are we doing to plan for the fixing of the roads, a need fast approaching necessity again! What are we doing to plan for our deteriorating infrastructure, irrigation system, broken associations, motel buildings, crooked real estate people and landlords! yes, landlords of the Village who are here for profit only and could care less about it as a home, our home and one would be surprised at who some of these landlords are.
     We need a Town Hall meeting chaired by one OTHER than David Israel or member of his Cabinet and Officers. We need a neutral party, one who will allow all to speak and a time limit of five minutes to speak rather than three and a fair application of the time limit to ALL, not just one side. We need an open exchange of ideas and questions. We need honest answers. We need proposals to help and not pie in the sky wishes and desires. We need a prioritization of our needs and goals and we need it badly and quickly and meanwhile what we get is nothing of the sort.
     Hey, I have an idea. You know that David Israel seemed to have an allergy to signs in the Village during election campaign and then suddenly turned a blind eye when it came to the banner hanging off Dover for months on end. Perhaps because he is friendly with the President there? Or the painting firm? Who knows, blindness can be picky I guess, but there is such a plethora of signs outside the Village now, so much "eye pollution" as dear David calls it, that since he needs to get out at least every once in a while, let him take on the public service duty of cleaning up and removing these signs so he can get a bit of fresh air a the same time. It's a thought!!
    In any case, we want answers to our questions. We want shut of this ridiculous Broadband demand. We want a UCO that is both responsive and proactive and by the way, UCO, where is your duty to the Village to find out what is going on with the golf course and take the temperature of the residents and act accordingly. Is it because you are afraid of angering some politicians? Is it because you could care less about the Village except as how it plays into your needs and desires? Tell us, oh David, do tell us and solve the mystery of your behavior. We are waiting with bated breath. And so tired of waiting.

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