Thursday, June 2, 2016


     Me and Thomas Friedman. Miracles can still happen. Few and far between are the times that I agree with a Thomas Friedman op-ed piece, yet yesterday was one of those times. Title: Politicians and the Lies That Matter. Hmmm, politicians lie? I'm shocked!! But seriously, this is a serious matter. Especially now.
     This morning the story of the deliberate lies involved in the Iran nuclear deal are coming to the fore, the excision of a video section and who knows what else is missing. The lies to the press. The co-opting of the press. And guess Netanyahu was correct in his objections but you will never hear anyone admit that, not after the bashing they gave him over this whole deal.
    Anyway, Friedman wrote about Trump and Clinton and their lies. Yes, it is a very sad situation when all major candidates and I will include Sanders as well, are not precisely known for their honesty and truthfulness. Sanders lies by omission as well- at least till now - as he does not state exactly just how he is going to work those numbers that show his plans are nigh unto impossible. He lies about their possibility in reality.Heaven forbid he should get the nomination, China will truly own us lock, stock and barrel and call in the loans and have done with us. But in order to find the better candidate, Friedman parses their lies. Sad situation is it not?
     Basically, Trump lies about most everything and the more that comes out the less I like him or rather the more I despise him and fear him for if that man were to become President, woe upon us. No one could trust him. What shenanigans would he pull - another fake University, more lawsuits - up to 3,500 already, and who could ever believe him - not us and not the world so how could he possibly lead us - unless it is straight to perdition!
      Clinton's lies, Friedman feels, are more about personal issues rather than about policy. Her statements are attached to reality and while it would be ever so much better if we had a candidate who was not so controversial about certain statements, Friedman feels that these pale in comparison to the lies of the other two. Those are policy lies, political lies, while Clinton's are about personal issues, judgmental issues, that do not affect national policy.
     Some of this is splitting hairs, but people, I have been saying this for quite some time already. I hate lies and I do not respect liars but like it or not, I think avoiding the truth is part and parcel of being a politician. Sad, but true. Some do it more and some less, but few and far between are those who do not lie at all and I am not referring to white lies or lies of national policy or security that must be told. People who turn to lies as a basic implement or tool in their lives have a character flaw - and have we not seen that here in the Village with the roads, with the crazy rules that grow like Topsy, and the truth that always outs. Even the lies about the Rag are so blatant now that it takes a true set of blinders on to avoid it. This issue was the pits.  64 pages, 31 of advertising, and of the pages that were not there was an enormous amount of repetitive and previously printed items, stories and articles that are useless and of no importance to the reader - the stated purpose and mission of the Rag . But lie they continue!
     Anyway, back to the topic. I have stated before that our candidates are not ideal. Clinton has her issues as do the others, but I believe the other two have far more serious issues, be it of common sense, experience or background of life and activities and/or accomplishments or lack thereof. We are in the midst of a tense time and sheer slogans will not do it for us. We need a person with experience, a person who has been hammered and forged by life and who has come out pretty good. Trump or Sanders as President - BRRR - a shiver goes down my spine as it should yours.
     Think about it, with an open mind. Carpet bombing? Open financials and outgo with no or little income? A character reformed by life into a strong and proud woman with determination to forge ahead? A liar and hot air specialist whose lies are unfolding before our eyes? None ideal, but the best of the choices is clear - unless someone writes in the dogcatcher! Tom and I. Who'd a thunk!!

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