Thursday, July 21, 2016


     I dare not believe what I see, read and hear, yet what else can I do? It is frightening, horrifyingly so. What, you ask? Listen up and then tell me what can we do, what must we do to stop this trend in its tracks.
     Signs, aerial signs, that read " Hillary for Prison". Souvenirs that mock body parts of Hillary Clinton. A speaker ludicrously linking her with Lucifer - and the speaker ran in the primaries too! A public and raucous call for Hillary Clinton's execution, firing squad, hanging, electric chair - he is not particular! From a rumored VP candidate. And the roars of approval that greeted these statements and items. The necessity of escorting the wife of Ted Cruz off the floor due to fears for her safety as her husband refused to endorse Trump - and good  for him. I am not a Cruz fan but he stood up like a man and did not sell his soul as many other Republicans are doing in the name of the Party. Shudder!!!!
     The violent hatred that pervades this convention, the misogynistic and racial statements that are being bruited about, the barely tamped down violence and its raging potential for an horrific outcome - what is this? What is going on here? Does this represent the true feelings and emotions of the electorate of the USA? If so, where are we headed and the thoughts of that heading are not appetizing in the least. Do these delegates truly represent the average person, the average registered Republican, the path of the future of America?
     I can just see us five months after a Trump victory and the civil rights of the Constitution have already begin to fade under trumped - oops, no pun intended - up calls for added security and we go down the same awful path of Third World banana republics and even supposed allies. Just look at what Erdogan has done in Turkey now, over 50,000 people arrested and/or dismissed, thousands dead, purged after the coup, and now Turkey is in a three month state of emergency and I believe that three months will extend ad infinitum. Dictators do not give up power; they seek it, they crave it and I believe that Trump falls into that category with his irregular behavior just one characteristic trait of the worst dictators of history. And just look at the rise of the far right parties in European countries - be they eastern Europe or western. Scary thoughts as the shadows and the reek of WWII era rises to the top.
     And unfortunately he has followers throughout the country, people who have fallen for him, who see a future for themselves in his world, in his country and that includes our own governor, Scott, and what a waste he is in office, nothing positive coming out of his term in office at all.
     And do not think that this stops at the state level. Palm Beach commissioners and pols seem to be arrested and charged on a routine basis. Their relationships with developers stinks to the high heavens and the few voices there calling out the truth are few and far between.
     And then of course, we have our own homegrown would be dictator who seems to be adding to his demented grabs at power on a daily basis. His exaggerated sense of who he is, is ruinous to and for us. Within the Village he has long made it policy to repress free speech, repress freedom of assembly, disregard the truth, the rules and laws of our administration, and he has turned UCO into a joke , a shell of what it was to be - an organization that negotiated FIVE items for the Village and serve as a place of advice and knowledge about those five areas for those who needed it. That is all and yet today, we have a UCO that rules the roost, that picks and chooses what it will take responsibility for and what it will ignore. Motel associations serve the purpose of UCO so it is allowed. Advice to struggling associations does not serve its purpose so it does not help unless shamed into it and then only for a moment. Outside agencies are used to cudgel the opposition - though it does not work - and we even had armed guards foisted upon us and paid for with OUR money!! We have the scaly arms of UCO and its head, David Israel, reaching outside the Village and doing power grabs out there as well. The followers of David Israel are often those filled with the same venom and violence that is seen in the convention and their mouths are as foul as are our present day canals and lakes!!
     Now we have a David Israel who had gone a thousand steps farther in his quest to deny rights. He has reached out to the owner of the medical building and threatened him and the tenants within if they allowed a meeting inside their quarters and certainly that meeting was to have no mention of David Israel or at least anything negative about him. Now I ask, can there be any other type of mention about him?! But in any case, where does he come off trying to control and censor the speech within a meeting NOT even inside a UCO facility and remember, still within the USA. Now there are to be no future meetings allowed at all in that building. As far as I am concerned, that place is anathema and while I have used CSI before and will continue to do so should a need arise, I will not enter the building nor patronize the drugstore within nor any doctor within. I am sorry for any innocent that suffers but a line has to be drawn and people need to stand up to reason and for their rights.
     But there is worse to come. Our right to speak to anyone we wish, the right to call people in to the Village was utterly and totally violated yesterday as two people were not allowed in, their place of business called and threatened should they enter into the Village and speak at the meeting answering questions re self wiring for WI Fi for associations. See, David Israel is running scared, there are people who have had enough of him and his ugly behavior, so his behavior and actions grow ever uglier, ever more anti American values, ever more reminiscent of the worst dictators of history, those who too were afflicted with megalomania and paranoia.
     Well, David Israel, here is a message from a well known group with a well known theme. Put it in your pipe and smoke it, ponder about it.
     "We will, we will, rock you!!!!!!!

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