Wednesday, July 20, 2016


      "the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power:"
     That is the definition of the noun politics and its root word is "pol" or people, the source a mix of Middle English, Old French and Latin touched by Greek. Thus it really is a word of the people but unfortunately, the verb politics has become quite tainted by its practitioners. One can see that all over the world, here in the USA and closer to home, right here in Florida, Palm Beach County and good old CVWPB.
     A politician is one who is supposed to remain true to the origin of the word and thus serve the people. Well, what a distance has grown between the definition and the ideal vs. the actual and the practiced. Politicians all over the world are seen as crooked, venial, out for themselves and the charges range from the ridiculous barber of Hollande to the charges of murder raised against many leaders, particularly in Africa and Asia. And yet, these truly evil politicians charged with murder have their enthusiastic followers so the question is why?
     The answer goes back to the bread and circus of Rome. People can be fobbed off and convinced they are better off with the status quo simply by being fed and by being entertained, particularly if the entertainment shows them that there are people lower than them, worse off than them and so the awful situation continues until some brave soul stands up and shows them all the nakedness of the Emperor - but then it starts al over again.
     Here in the USA it used to be that the politician was a fatcat who served his moneyed masters, smoked cigars in a smoked filled backroom somewhere, but inside, he really had a heart of gold and when some poor pitiful situation came to light in his district, his heart burst asunder and he took up the cudgel and made the situation right for that person and life went on. So it was said.
     Well, unfortunately we have seen the situation get worse all over, politics has become a profession for the nasty, for the selfish, for the greedy and for the power hungry. Right and justice and common sense, serving of the people, seeking the best and fairest way - all gone for the most part and we are left with a truly bad situation. So here in Palm Beach County we have commissions who keep voting for development, over development, releasing the builders from fees and taxes (wonder why) so that our taxes increase, Florida and the Feds play game with the Everglades and we are left with green and congested waterways and the corruption and selfishness does not stop at our gates. Nope, not at all.
     Even as we sit and watch the Republican Convention with mouths agape, in awe at the stupidity and the shock of it all, we need to turn our attention to the situation here in CV. Here we have our own fatcat sitting in his own backroom, not smoking but playing with his favorite toy - the computer - and thinking up new ways and manners in which and with which to retain his power and suppress opposition. Truly, he has long lost the ideal of serving the people, if ever it was there in the first place, and we now have a President of our political entity who has made his contempt for the residents quite clear and his grasping of power as his main goal, his wishes being the guiding "light' (spare us) and the rest of the electorate can go to hell.
     Political signs and shows of support both within and without the Village for others were attacked by David Israel. If he could have his own prison here I swear I and many others would be locked up, our mouths sealed, for we speak the truth, the truth that he cannot abide. So we all know about the signs being taken down even not on UCO property. We know of his turning to government entities to try to crush his opponents. We know of his nasty mouth at the DAs and committee meetings. We know of his supposed attempts to use his computer to seek out harm for other people - not sure I really believe that, just a rumor hyped up to scare off his opponents as allegedly people have stated that they were told he can find their bank accounts, charge cards, etc. and he could wreak hell on them. Lovely person, wouldn't you say?!
     So there he sits in his hermit like back room away from the people he is supposed to serve, and now he reaches out again. We have asked too many questions, shone the light on the dark corners of his plans and he cannot have this, no, not at all. So he tells the residents of the Medical Building that they had better not rent out the room there if there is going to be any David Israel bashing!! or else they will feel the consequences. Really!! No joke, folks, we have our own Putin here, our own Fascist Ruler in the making and most of the making is right there. Next thing you know we will all have to submit to body searches and raids on our homes from the Security company, all under his aegis. Nothing will be too extreme, all in the name of maintaining power. Remember, we were threatened with the PBSO and had armed guards brought in to the DA.
     People, we live in America, the greatest country in the world, warts and all and here we are living with a monster who believes that the Constitution of that country stops at the gates of the Village, that we are not entitled to any of the rights inherent in being an American. So no more meetings at the CSI room, for the spy Joy Vestal reported to David Israel, her master, her lord and liege, that there was too much negativity re David Israel so BAM!! went the door. However, the best moment of the meeting was when a Villager reported that she never knew when there were meetings and Joy said well, they are on the blog and in The Reporter. The person responded she does not go on the blog and she does not read the paper! Joy could not believe that, so it was repeated and then someone else added on - and neither does anyone else!! Precious moments indeed!
     So people, we cannot do much about the corruption and veniality of the international world other than making it clear to our elected officials, that we truly wish they would do their jobs. We cannot even do much more here in the country unless we stand up and elect people who are good, who truly wish to serve the people and not build up their financial worth or plan for a job when they leave office. We need to elect people who care for the American values, who take pride in the various races and ethnicities and backgrounds that make up the citizenry of our country, that make it great. It is a Heinz 57 Variety that works when we make it work, when we work at just that, but the current crop of hate mongers, those who use race as a tool of incitement - and  that goes for both sides of the issue - those who shout down Obamacare, those who refuse to take up the appointment of a good man to the Supreme Court because they are going to make a point, oh yes they are!, those who wish to take away the rights of a woman to control her own body, those who want power for the sake of power, whose interests are truly vested only for themselves - these are the people we must turn out of office, who we need to shout down and shut off - nationally, statewide, locally and right here in the Village.
    I know I will get nasty comments, probably from the usual suspects and should they be truly extreme perhaps I will share them on line along with the name of the one who sent it. Or perhaps not as they are truly ugly at times. But in any case, I am an American and I know my rights of free speech and no, David Israel, there is no one to threaten that you will kick them out or if I do not get muzzled. Tough bugs, baby.
     The lies that roll out of his mouth, be it about the Atlantic Broadband or anything else, the contracts signed without our approval - CSI, for example? How and what are they getting paid and who authorized it? Where is that money coming from and do not try to say they are so altruistic that they are doing this pro bono! The contempt that he expresses towards the people. The violation of rules of assembly. It is just exhausting to keep naming them all. So instead.....





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