Monday, July 25, 2016


     A few days ago I was talking about the candidates and I said that Trump reminded me of the Manchurian Candidate. For those who do not remember, he was the snake in the grass, the brainwashed prisoner of war that the North Koreans I believe sent to eventually assassinate a VIP. I said he is like a person under the control of someone and certainly his behavior and his statements are suspect.'s news certainly did the trick on that. We find out that the DNC's emails were hacked and by whom?  The Russians!!! And who benefitted from that? Why none other than Trump!!! Anybody smell something fishy here?Guess it is okay to use Assange's WikiLeaks when the shoe is on the other foot! And the big deal? Apparently the DNC Chairman was opposed to Sanders stating that he was never a Democrat so the backing should be hesitant or held off. So what is wrong with that?
     What was wrong is the reaction of WikiLeaks to its critics as WikiLeaks then brought in a whole bunch of allegations against Jews in the Democratic Party and then realized what they had done and took them off several hours later. So the Russians broke in, the Russians helped release them and there was a clear streak in there of anti Semitism and of course we would never suspect the Russians of being anti Semitic would we now?
And this is the tweet that Michael Flynn who had been under consideration as a running mate to Trump had to say to the DNC."Not anymore, Jews. Not anymore." 'Nuff said?
     And our Manchurian Candidate? Where was he in all this? I guess all his advisers who worked for so many Russian companies and allies, who secured money for Trump for his Trump businesses all made sure he kept his mouth shut. And let us not forget his attitude towards defending our NATO allies of the three Baltic Republics should Russian troops invade as they did in Crimea - unless they paid up every last penny. Lovely friend to have isn't he?
     Russia and Putin seemed to have developed a beautiful love affair with Trump and who knows but that they will be asked to roll in wherever they wish should the horror happen and Trump get elected to office. Where will they be invited? Only the Shadow knows - and Trump the Manchurian Candidate and Putin and the little Russian gnomes who have worked so nicely with Trump. This man is not to be trusted. Who knows what is going on under all that gelled hair? Perhaps the fumes have corroded his mind beyond all hope of repair, but he certainly should not recuperate in the Oval Office! This is the man, Putin, who caused a 10 year old in the Ukraine in Donetsk to write: "I want a candy, to have a shower, to listen to my CDs and see some happiness in my mother's eyes, but those men don't want it and don't understand it. These militants will never understand what we have experienced, losing everything. They have thrown away my happiness, my childhood, my hopes and broken our dreams and our souls." And this is the person that Trump admires, the person who invades a country on his whim, his selfish desire to add to his empire? We cannot have that! Never!
     "L'etat cest moi" said Louis XIV.  I am the state. This is what every dictator has said throughout history, from the ancient kings to those of the past few centuries. Their swelled heads controlled their deeds and thoughts and we, the people, suffered. Send this Manchurian Candidate back to his reality shows. He has reached his glass ceiling, the Peter Principle has come into play and he needs to be sent home with his Russian babushka caring for him, but certainly he does not belong in the White House, not him and not Putin either!!
     Hey, Gracie, look at this - a gift for you - no mention of you know who though he certainly belongs here within the roles of dictators and violators of civil rights.

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