Tuesday, July 26, 2016


     We are always complaining about the kids today and yet, just look around at the behavior of adults who supposedly know better and then answer the title question.
     We have Trump and company who behave in a most awful behavior, rife with racist, misogynistic and plain old nasty comments and then we have the adults of the DNC who evidently have not yet learned a lesson from all the hacking of government websites. They just went ahead and wrote stuff to each other in their emails and there ya' go - hacked by Russians and over to Trump the went. So Debbie Wasserman Shultz has to resign, throw herself on the sword to save her party and campaign 2016.
     I am constantly reminding my grandchildren and other young people that we were lucky for when we goofed up as kids we knew that time would erase much but today, nothing doing, for it seems all gets recorded for posterity or should I use the word in perpetuity? It is difficult to outrun a stupid piece of behavior today and then there go the adults putting down opinions and plans they were better off keeping quiet or simply exchange verbal remarks or use burner phones or whatever!
     And for sure, Hillary Clinton did not need more comments about emails! But we need to look past all this tempest in a teapot for if one thought that politicians have no opinions, if you thought that all is done perfectly, then we need to sit down. People are people. They commit errors some more important than others, they have favorites and so it has been since time immemorial. That does not make it right, but I can reassure you that should the emails of Sanders be hacked there would be issues too.
     But what we have now is a bunch of non thinking supposed adults who are thinking with I do not know what but certainly not their brains. The DNC needs to present a core of unity to the public, to the American voters. It needs to insure that whatever quarrels there are internally are solved internally and understand that the main goal is to prevent the tragedy that would be a Trump victory. Believe it or not, we need to elect Clinton for various reasons, not the least of which is that she is a woman and it is time, far past time, that the United States of America have a woman as head of government. From England to India to Pakistan to Israel and more, Women have headed the government but not here. It is time we send a message to both the older and the younger generation that we have succeeded, that we have fought the battles and the war and there is an end in sight, an end that will not allow an Ailes or a Cosby to inflict themselves on others.
     It is time that we put the end dot on the issue of women's reproductive rights, on their free choice about any decision in their life. Clinton is a women who has worked hard for women whether they know that or appreciate that or not. Their health, their rights, their economic viability, legal equality - all have been part and parcel of her political and career paths. She has the experience and the desire to improve the economic situation for all Americans and without ripping apart the democratic and capitalistic systems we have, just to readjust them.
     The Sanders people have to get off their high horse and stop chanting. Not to vote for Hillary is a vote for Trump and how will they like the reeducation camps of Trump once he and his Russian buddy get in power? And what is the big surprise anyway with the DNC not particularly in his favor - he is not even a registered Democrat!! Loyalty is repaid is it not, if it is deserved.
     Hillary Clinton may not be the most charismatic personality out there but I do believe she cares about people. I do not agree with her 100% or indeed anywhere within shouting distance of that number but I do believe that she is the best choice we have now. She has the experience. She knows how to be tough and how to deal with international personalities. She has both the domestic and foreign affairs experience. We have much to lose should we lose and much to gain with her election.
     So adults, learn to shut the fingers down on emails. Learn to be very careful with what is said. Speak carefully for somewhere out there Big Brother IS listening! And all of us, think very carefully of the choices and the alternatives. The USA can go down a very wrong path should she lose. It just cannot be! Read the past few blogs and understand what is wrong with Trump and then read this one again and then understand my points.
and best line of the night - "Bernie or bust people - you are being ridiculous." Time to get real.

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