Wednesday, August 17, 2016


     So have we reached the high point yet of idiocy in this campaign. Once again the FBI stirs up the dust in an area that has been covered and it releases emails to Congress and now the Republicans who screamed to the heavens about a release of oh such important items, now these same people are thinking about releasing the same emails and this after they have been reclassified and  not unclassified as most were during that time. So which is it? Either they are secret or they are not and you cannot have it both ways.And this at the same time that it seems the vaunted NSA has been hacked itself. Oooh, maybe we should send David back to them - for keeps, as he is the self proclaimed savior of the country after 9/11 so perhaps he can do it again, huh?
     The hypocrisy of this whole campaign and our era are truly nauseating but I must say that Trump plans now to come out in the open. No more allowing others to try to contain him and his mouth and ideas. Nope, he has recalibrated and reorganized and placed new people at the head of his campaign and these new people are those who have encouraged him to run as a nationalist, as an outsider, all along. So the truth now openly hits the fan, does it not. And now is the time for Americans to truly look inside their head and heart and ask themselves if they are truly ready to support a nationalist with all the dirty laundry and bad tastes that it brings with it.
     As far as I am concerned this man is a walking disaster and he needs to be put in his place. And if he calls others names then he has to take those that apply to him. Influenced politics? Let us see. He owed $30 million in taxes to the state of New Jersey yet under his good ol' boy Chris Christie, the state decided that oh, $5 million would be enough. Really and truly? Wonder if we could all work out such advantageous deals should any of us find ourselves in a tax mess! But then again, our friends for the most part lack such connections, correct? So enough of this kettle and pot business and get down to the nitty gritty. Argue the issues and let the truth come out. Trump is a potential dictator, a potential violator of our Constitution for he lacks any knowledge and all respect for it and will ride roughshod over it.
     Follow his ideas to their end of the line conclusions and see what happens. I just spoke to a lovely kid the other day who was born in another country and there are now some visa issues, never mind that he came here legally and has grown up here since he was an infant - so what, would he have been barred as an -shudder - immigrant? I mean where does this all end? And if we go down the line do we check the national heritage of those who displease the government and then several generations down from their ancestors immigrating to this country, they are told that uh uh, now they qualify as immigrants and out they go! See, it is just silly, yet dangerous. And what, will the last one out shut the lights too?
     I am not a fan of free reign and no rules. But neither am I a fan of Fascism. Liars? Yes, politicians often lie, probably part of the job description but can we not at least demand a basic honesty, a holding of the interest of the electorate at heart, statements made with sanity in mind and speech, support and respect of world leaders and a lack of hatred of "others"? This whole election is getting quite frightening and I wish, frankly, that it would get back on track. At least then I could get back to our own situation and I could ask more questions like - why is the venue of the Finance Committee meeting being changed to a smaller one? Is it due to a lack of A/C still and if so, why not cancel it as the Broadband was? It does happen, does it not?Will it even be posted or will it be another of David Israel's selective publications, where hiding the truth is prominent and first in importance. Yesterday there was no main Clubhouse because of a lack of A/C. Was it the chillers again? And if so, when are we finally going to fix this situation that has not been correct since the rebuilding of the Clubhouse after the hurricanes - and after a major delay in doing even that!! Can we not do anything correctly the first time round and stop playing around with our funds? Who keeps making these faulty decisions and bad picks of contractors? We all know the truth there so let us look forward to another election and some better transparency and in the meanwhile go to today's meeting and ask hard questions and demand answers. Do not let yourselves, ourselves, be walked over and on. Our Village, our funds, our lives. Tick. Tock.
    And of course, a shoutout to.......

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