Tuesday, August 16, 2016


     Greetings from the Windy City. Got here late last nite thanks to our wonderful aviation system and then had work to do to earn my keep! Wash. Dishes. Straightening out. Trying hard to remember who did that for me....oh, that's right, it was ME!! But seriously, I am happy to do what I can for my daughter who is a single mom and has it all on her shoulders.
     Anyhow, our flight from PBI was delayed over an hour - what a surprise - and we did not make up time in flight. In fact, we made lovely circles in the sky when we reached Chicago airspace and then finally when we landed not sure where we were as it took a half hour to find a gate! There were people on the plane who had connections to make and we practically threw my seatmate out the door so she could run and then guess what - they shut the door in her face! Night at the airport. That sucks. Aside from all those poor unconnected fliers, the flight was pretty good as we had a little two year old boy otherwise known as Superman to keep us safe, so adorable, and my seatmates were interesting people, part and parcel of the working world of women today - always on the go with pictures of kids being sent all the time.
     Kinda' glad I am out of the working world at this point and flying just to see kids and grandkids and not work burdens. And the world continues to deteriorate as we speak and fly. Panic at JFK sent hordes all over, out on the tarmac, under tables, running and shouting and guess what? It was a false alarm. Yup! Nothing actually happened other than someone having a large stupid mouth and everyone reacting to the circumstances of the world. Lucky there was no collateral damage.
     So what is the matter with us all? The matter is that we have not tapped our best and our brightest to run the whole shebang and instead we have become the laughing stock of the world. Now others besides me are questioning whether Trump has Alzheimer's, early onset or not. Not only does he refuse to release his taxes, but he also refuses to release his health condition from his doctors and that is not funny. One thing to have a crook accused of stealing $6 million from a Jupiter country club but to have a demented one as well, well......so the question is why does he refuse to release this info. As President he would have to, especially his health, so what is the problem other than something stinks here, reeks to the heavens.
     It is time we realize that we need to analyze the situation as it is and not as we wish it to be. We are not in the situation where we have a great choice to make. Names are thrown left and right. Liar. Crook. And yet, if we have to go to the best of the set then again, there is no choice here. Trump and Trump University. Trump and his 3500 lawsuits against him as individual and businessman. Trump as the man who is constantly going broke in so many of his endeavors. Trump who was lucky he had Daddy's cushion of money. Trump who did not have to make his way from an adverse childhood. Trump, whose campaign manager had millions from Ukrainian sources and where is the discussion on this? And we discuss whether Clinton knew that someone was going to a meeting? Or that someone wished to give some knowledge of  events in a foreign country? Or that some emails were hacked or not as they were on an unhacked server? Welcome to the club!
     I think we have to look at the candidates and evaluate. Who seems to be sane? Who has had the experience? Who is open to people, certainly at this point? Who appears to be losing percentages of supporters by the day? Who has the support of leaders all over the world and who frightens them with erratic behavior and remarks? Even my driver in Chicago last nite initiated a spirited discussion on the matter ( we have hired him before). And here is a guy one might think would be a Trump guy and yet he was Hillary all the way and had major historical points to back up his opinion.
     A necessity of thinking before any election is of great importance. There are so many choices locally and one must think and think again before filling in that arrow connection. Who has been honest? Who has done better by us, for us? Who has the interest of CV at heart? Who has an open office and door policy to constituents and who does not? Think. Research. Vote.
     And by the way, interesting story came to my ears. A well known figure in CV, a member of UCO and an official in his association has decided that Home Depot is suspicious and he is not satisfied with their credentials and refuses to allow them to do work in a unit there. Truly, is this the roof debacle all over again when a certain roofer was forced upon scared associations after the hurricanes and then roofs came off. I will never forget the sight of the roof of a Dover building hanging over the side.
     Why is this allowed? How does a person think he can get away with this. This person has initiated other sneaky maneuvers such as money shenanigans when it came to the roofing bill payments, leaving us essentially busted and thank the Lord above we had Dorothy to get our collective nuts out of the fire.
     So when elections come around again here in CV, think carefully. Elect your delegates carefully. Control the misuse of power by a president of a building. Think again and be honest with yourself. Elections nationally, statewide, locally and CV - all the same theories and principles. Truly.
     And another shoutout to my avid fan. HI!!!

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