Wednesday, August 31, 2016


     Breathe easy. folks. Never mind the fact that two states' electoral lists have been hacked by Russian sources, officials feel. Never mind the fact that this is the worst, least issue related campaign ever! So why should we  breathe easy and ignore all that? Simple. Michele Bachman reassures us that Donald Trump has been handpicked by G-d to serve as our leader. Well, if I believed that do I have a bone to pick with the Lord!
     I truly do not know what is the matter with people that they insist on bringing religion and belief into elections and politics. Yes, bring in humanity and humane practices, issues and whatever. Practice civility. Run on the issues but I sincerely doubt that the good Lord has bothered Himself re this election. If He did, He might be laughing rather than making choices!
     But then again, Trump is already preparing to protest his loss of the election by claiming that the election is rigged already. Yes, there seem to have been some attempts to play around with the election lists of voters and their information, but it also appears to be coming from his team, including his buddy Putin. I never would have thought that a national election could be rigged, other than on Scandal, but evidently the wonderful world of computers and hacking allows for a foot in the doorway. It also allows for rigging thru what should be antiquated practices, such as the shenanigans going on in North Carolina which would sorely limit the African American vote - today, in 2016! in North Carolina! Does Dixie rise again? And what a joke on history when the party that was the champion of the former slaves now has stepped completely over the line the other way. And people, if one group of "others" is barred from voting, do not think that others are immune from that possibility. Not in this crazy election already interfered with by a foreign power.
     So it just hit me that with this huge national election being messed with, though there are paper ballots and a trail to insure the proper recording and  counting of votes and with enough officials to shake a stick at, if this could be hacked and rigged in so many different ways, then why not ours, right here in CV. Yup. We have long maintained that our elections here are tainted, what with flooding the voting with delegates straight from their coffins, by eliminating delegates who oppose the incumbent, by having people who have no business being in the ballot and voting room being there - all morning long! So one can see that it is not so impossible as some try to make it out to be.
    So what to do in both elections and indeed in all elections today in  a world such as ours - be extra careful, take extra steps, double and triple check, perhaps use air gap computers for lists so as to prevent hacking access, set up better firewalls, perhaps pay hackers to try to break in and then remedy the holes they found - and keep up with this all the time - and keep people away who should have no access to this information or polling places or collection points or anywhere else there might be shenanigans.
    However, I am not optimistic at the outcomes of all this effort as some people are evil and unfair and unwilling to play fair and do the right thing. There is too much desire for power, for control and it is unfortunate indeed that so many of those running for office lately have fascistic and dictatorial tendencies and desires. We see that right here in our own CV and if you shake your head - well, want an article from me being judiciously critical of David Israel policies and/or actions to bring to the Rag and get it published? Ha!! Better you should champion that proverbial snowball in hell. Or try to get on a committee if you are part of the opposition or even just a free thinker, one who can challenge set ideas and policies, one who sees a better way. Aside from a token voice in the Wilderness, the members are the retreads of Israel's society and clique.
     We now have another choice to make in November, nationally and state and county wide. We need to think carefully, to choose carefully, to make sure we have a sane and capable person achieve the office and we need to do the same thing here in March for our own election. How many more times are we going to allow a damaged individual to run our home, run it into the ground actually?! How much longer do we allow a bad leader to use fear and manipulation to remain in office? How much longer do we allow the financial and physical ruination of our home?
     I cannot give you the answers to these questions. I can only point out the truths that too many ignore, that are too often trod upon and buried in the ground under heaps of lies. I can only do this and so can the others who are bold enough to stand up for the people, for the truth, for transparency and sanity, those who are willing and able to withstand the filth and abuse that comes their way. We do this so that you, the people, the residents of CV, have the opportunity to lift the blindfold, toss out the gag and see and speak the truth. Tick. Tock. The clock keeps ticking for us, here, locally and nationally. Our future is in our hands. Please do not follow the losers of history down that sad and dangerous trail of submission to one who promises to fix all with his/her unique powers. History tells us it is a lie -  over and over again - and all we need do is look at reality, read the papers, listen to the news - but not here in the Village unless you receive and read The Messenger and the blogs- our blogs, the truthful blogs. Why? Because the dictator has struck at our press, our radio and TV, our assembly points and even reached out to the outside of the Village in order to maintain his dictatorship and ruination of our home.
     Voting is a privilege and a right. Do not waste it.
     Addendum. Just read two articles which deeply disturb me for what they mean and signify. One concerns the governor LePage who is wacky as all. He gives out racially charged comments, makes ridiculous statements and is symbolic of what is wrong in our system and what has gone wrong so terribly lately.
     The other issue has to do with patriotism. There is a football player who refuses to stand up for the national anthem played before the game starts as is the done deal before any athletic event. Why this is so, that the anthem is played is not important. It is tradition at this point and one that does not harm anyone and not to stand for the anthem is disrespectful indeed. America is the best country to live in and the least welcoming to crazy and harmful people, though it is not as simple as all that lately. If this dude does not want to stand, to respect his countrymen then let him go play handball or Chinese handball or whatever it is that will not necessitate the playing of the anthem but until he does, no more football for him. What a message we are sending to our younger generation when we disrespect the flag, the country and its citizens and all the sacrifices that have gone into play for this country and our freedoms.
     What have we come to?

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