Tuesday, August 30, 2016


      Bet you all remember taking a trip or walk with your three or four year old and getting wiped out by all the "why" questions. It was a trip indeed and usually was successfully stopped at some point with an ice cream cone or a trip into a store or a promise to go to the park. But the why questions remain, even for adults.
     For example, why do people lie and think they can get away with it? Especially in these times, with everyone putting themselves all over social media, tweeting away, and all those hackers, black and white hat, there is no way that the lie will remain unexposed. And yet, lie they do. Russia is back to its old tricks of disinformation, be it here or in Sweden where they went psycho with their barrage of lies or wherever, all the better to sow discord and distrust, cheaper than sending in troops, though they have done that.
     Russia has taken one step further this time around and made pals with Trump, the presidential candidate out of "Where the Wild Things Are"! His friendship and admiration of Putin is clear and in the open, as is his admiration for other nefarious figures and dictators in history and now his daughter goes on vacation with the reputed girlfriend of Putin, a Chines American actress!! Puh-leese!!!
     Poor Huma Abedin. She stuck by her man when he proved to be sick what with his sexting and inordinate pride in his junk (cannot say whether that pride is deserved or not as never looked at the pictures!) but here we go again. The man is truly ill and needs help. He evidently cannot help himself and sexted more pictures even as his little son was sleeping beside him. Now she is leaving him though actually he has been the one to leave her truly. But what the hell is Trump tooting about here for it has nothing to do with the Clinton campaign unless it can be shown that Weiner wrote some state secrets on his junk! Seriously, what is all this desperate grasping about?
     Elsewhere in the world, ooohhhh let us look at city wide broadband initiatives and what did I say? I said we had to wait, wait until the dust settles, until we see what is going on, but some cities, with the best intentions, broadbanded up and now they are being asked to shut it down by the Federal government. Yup. The big guys. So can you imagine if we sign this huge contract - which is not legal anyway according to the by laws - and then have the feds come in to shut it down. Huh!! Just about as bad as the mistake -or on purpose - thing that David almost committed us too - the awful DSL contract for Wi Fi here in the Village. Thanks to the "malcontents" or the smart ones, the honest ones, the thinking ones, we averted that catastrophe but we could not stop the rolling stone of the roadways and we are now left with a huge heaping disaster that gets worse by the minute and more expensive to resolve by the second and no money nor plan to get those reserves unless we all now bite the bullet and pay in huge amounts to raise the funds. That is because the lies were flying around UCO and the Village and the truth was obscured despite our shouting from the rooftops, but once again, the truth is outed and here we are. Stuck once again in the muck and again we have David Israel to thank for it.
     We have a UCO and a WPRF that are stuck in the wrong tracks, concerned with flowers and signs, making an oh so pretty attempt at curb appeal but allowing the rot beneath to fester and continue. We fund fairy tale wishes and dreams and forget the realities, the everyday needs that must be taken care of. So people - WAKE UP!
     We have a paper that is now a rag and an advertising circular. We have retread people in office, changing hats. Take a look at the lists of committees and the chairs and see the lack of variety and it gets even worse when one sees the list of members. For the most part - all retreads so what the hell is the purpose of it all. There are no dissenting voices, no thinking out of the David Israel box, no joy in  Mudville at all.
     And when one turns to the world to escape our woes, well, no luck there. Polish mobs burnt Jews in effigy the other day and called for the death of Jews. Governments in Europe, the EU itself, takes part in BDS actions and blood libel - blood libel!!! is raised again. Are we back in the Dark Ages? Possibly yes, as the Jews and Israelis are now being blamed for diseases that sweep thru nations. And yet, who is there the firstest with the mostest on a disaster scene with their hospital and doctors and rescue people - the Israelis - and who is helping the civilians caught in the Syrian mess - the Israelis as they are brought into the hospitals of Israel for medical aid and surgery and anything they need - but does the world talk of this? Nope.
     The good news, some universities here in America are finally standing up for free speech and stopping the ridiculous coddling of "poor" students who cannot tolerate a word of something that bothers them. First Amendment is important as well as the Second! And state after state votes against the BDS movement and divests itself of them! Great turnabout is it not?
     So why is still an eternal question and perhaps it is good that it is so for else how are we to examine the details of life and find the answers as to why and if it is the little ones that make sure we stay on the right path then so be it. Perhaps that is what we all need - a hope for the future and an answer to  our questions. And by the way, you idiot who keeps threatening me with "Bakerizing", I have no objection to spending a few minutes chatting to a PBSO official, but then make room on your schedule as they investigate the organized hate campaign of current residents and UCO members and officials. I guess if the hoosegow on a hate crime does not frighten you, then by all means go ahead with your moronic threats, but remember - the file that is there is always ready to go. Moron!
     So here is what the obscene PC writes back and one can see the level to which this man has fallen. He is not normal. I quote: "You are such a stupid woman. (Insert by me - Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi, shall I go on?) The sheriff is not interested in anything you have in your moronic file.(Insert by me: This is a record of all the nasty, sexist, anti Semitic postings that have been sent to me by a certain group of obscene individuals, all adding up to a concerted and directed and condoned hate campaign. Tsk, tsk.) You are the one who will be carried away soon. SO SHUT the F*CK UP!!! (Capitals are copied as were sent to me).
    Lovely, ain't it. People, this is what you support when you allow the status quo to continue. Think about it.

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