So this morning I sit here after an hour or so on the computer and do not seem to be inspired by anything. More arguments re Trump and his obnoxious behavior with the Khans. More stupidity when he argues - actually argues - that Russia and his buddy Putin have never invaded Crimea, never stolen it at a cost of so much ruin and death from its rightful country the Ukraine.More information coming forth how he avoided the draft five times and used bone spurs as one excuse. Nice to know my bone spurs will keep me out of an army!
Syria is both imploding and exploding and my feelings are mixed. As long as they are busy with each other, they will leave Israel alone, yes, but one day.... And in the meanwhile, there is so much death, so much horror, and aid is nigh on to impossible to get through. Ironically, it is only on the border with Israel that aid has been flowing continuously with private aid from citizens of Israel - Jewish citizens - and now officially with governmental aid, Israeli hospitals have been taking in the wounded and those needing medical help and my cousin's hospital, Ziv, in Tsefat, has been quite busy even as they continue to address the needs of Israeli citizens of the Galilee. Yet the world is quiet on this aspect of life in Syria.
Hospitals are routinely bombed by one side or the other and yet where is the world on this? When Terrorists used hospitals in Gaza to use as ammunition dumps, as stages for attacks, as shooting galleries and missile launchers and the Israelis were finally left with no alternative, after leaflets and "roof knocking" they would take the place down - and the world would scream. Fair? Ha! But such is life is it not?
The wrack and ruin, the havoc of war seem to have overflowed into every byway of the world and yet, every so often there is a reminder that there is decency amongst people. Anyone watching the video of people forming a human chain and saving a woman in a floating car caught in a torrent of water will know that there is yet goodness and empathy and courage amongst us. So why do we not see this more often? My theory is that there are many more of these type of events but they are subsumed in the overwhelming tide of awfulness.
I wonder at the mothers who willingly send their children off to not war, but terrorism, and ululate with joy at their demise as they take innocents along with them. I wonder at the viciousness that must exist in their lives, in their daily surroundings, in the preaching of their imams and political leaders. I wonder as a mother how they could do that as the instinct of every mother is to keep the children in safety, preferably wrapping them in cotton and keeping them in their rooms and safe from harm. Would that it were so easy to do!
I wonder when we all went off the track and allowed selfishness to rule the roost. I wonder when it became the done thing for public servants to once again go wholeheartedly into corruption and overshadow those good workers who ran our government and ultimately the country. But then I wonder at the rumor that I have heard that David Israel has allegedly made a private deal with the people who own the CSI medical building here in the Village. It gave him basic control over all who enter, shutting down meeting rooms and having shall we call it first right of refusal? In turn he has agreed to help these owners fill the echoing empty chambers and find neighbors for the CSI company (a good company) and the drugstore. A rumor and yet I wonder at the kernel of truth within it, the control over the building as I witnessed what happened there with a meeting and I wonder at the rest of the rumor. With no or little transparency in this administration it is difficult to know what is the truth, is it not? And one wonders at the other benefits to one that might be forthcoming.
And I wonder when the "grass cuttings" that are overwhelming my lake will be taken up and away. I wonder when the truth will come out about the contract with the CSI company (lots of people using that name, huh?) "helping" the Village - read David Israel - find the proper broadband company - something that is not even allowed for UCO to negotiate under the current agreements! But then again, why would we be surprised by this when this man and his cohorts, especially the 'lovely" Joy Vestal, she of the Rag, that deteriorated piece of trash and utter uselessness here for the Villagers, a massive disloyalty to its purpose, to the residents - speak of the Village in such denigrating terms and words and if you wish to read the whole article of that, then please go to Gary's blog, My Village Blogger, and read it and weep.
I wonder when people just gave up or became blind or apathetic or uncaring or whatever term you wish to use and simply let control of their lives slip into the hands of others, usually those with nefarious thoughts and deeds afoot. I wonder how long they will allow this to continue and I wonder at the rise of old canards that truly never died but were at least kept subsurface - about Jews, about other races, about those different from oneself. I wonder why people willingly chose to go down those paths again, setting back years of progress and I wonder at the various backlashes it has caused and how deep the damage is and will continue to be, for no one is exempt here, for all have a share in the blame.
Think I need to do some favorite things today. Need to read a good book, take a walk through an airconditioned mall with Gerry and hey, maybe stop by Godiva as chocolate always helps, does it not? Call a grandchild or two or nine, listen to the little adventures of the little one and the baseball events from the super athlete, hear about the new Harry Potter book from my reader and the adventures of one who is in Alaska, shepherding a developmentally delayed person around the state along with other counselors and people. It is good to know that there are still good people out there, that there is still love and innocence. Need to talk with some friends, laugh about things, get indignant about others and just enjoy ourselves.
First though the business of a pre op appointment and maybe that is another thing that is weighing on my mind. With G-d's grace and blessing all will be okay and all will go well. Think it is too early to eat a piece of chocolate?
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