Wednesday, August 10, 2016


     Do you remember yourself ever opening your mouth and the wrong thing coming out, the wrong words, a misstated sentiment? Wish you could take it back? Well, that is one aspect of foot in mouth disease and it is extremely difficult to undo. What is worse is when in the effort to undo the harm, the second foot goes in and the situation worsens.
     Trump seems to be the example par excellence of this syndrome or disease. Every time he strays off the reader, every time he does not parrot the words given to him by his writers, every time he tries to ad lib or shucks, just try to be one of the good ol' boys - well, there goes that darn foot. The sad thing though is that this man is running for President of the USA and think of the harm just one stupid or dangerously dumb statement can create, the waves of aftereffects.
     The latest contretemps is an example of that dangerous ripple effect, the waves hitting the shores overseas. In talking abut Clinton and the Supreme Court, Trump warned those who want to avoid any gun control that Clinton is a danger to them and their rights. Should she win and appoint her choices for Supreme Court, well, there goes the whole thing, according to Trump, never mind the facts that intervene.
     First of all, there is only one vacancy on the Court and no one appears eager to resign so as to open another vacancy. Second of all, what an exaggeration and misuse of language and crowd riling techniques. For example, I am a supporter of the Second Amendment. I believe that non criminal, non mentally ill, non terrorist people, non felons have the right to own a gun after proper investigation. Those who sell guns illegally need to be prosecuted and punished to the full extent of the law and if that extent needs to be stronger, than by all means. However, it does not mean that I support assault rifles or any weapons in that category. Does that mean that I am a danger to "Second Amendment People' as Trump claims? I certainly hope not, for that would make me into a split personality!
     But his dumb and dangerous statement about a possible solution to the problem as he sees it is just about the worst and even in thinking about this I wonder if this can be considered criminal as it actually encourages some nutjob out there to take a rifle and go a'huntin' for Trump's opponent. I cannot even write that name in this same sentence for it truly is an encouragement of someone out there to do something terrible. He says, and I quote: "Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment....By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks...."Though the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know." Is this another case of Henry II and Thomas a' Becket?
     This is not a presidential candidate in any way shape manner or form. This man can not be trusted to deal with the other leaders of the world, many of whom are just as nasty and careless in their language, ready to turn on a dime and this guy, this Trump, who takes the statement of "shooting from the hip" to an extreme is shudder, shudder, not the guy we need at the helm! G-d forbid! And that most ridiculous statement that oh,, he will change once in office, yes candidates often change to a degree in office but they do not shed their entire skins and this supposed change, would that be before or after he involves us in WWIII!
     Who could we trust here in his administration? Who would remain in this administration other than his kids and suckups who have no other home? The flood out the door will be swift and thick and the American people will be left behind to suffer the consequences. Quite like the people of CVWPB are as we suffer under the twisted and corrupt and inefficient administration headed by David Israel. Meetings held or cancelled on whims, officers who appear to be never there and have nothing to say when they are - so what the hell do they do all day when they are there, eat the snacks that our money buys for them? Decisions that are made outside the legal bounds of our by laws, neglect of the infrastructure and a serious and dangerous lack of future prep and planning, and on and on we go. Zika? Algae? Hey, never mind about that for after all, no one is pregnant here and the wind will come along and blast apart those mats of algae and anyway, they are "grass cuttings"! Well, by the way, all that the past few days of winds and torrential rains have done with these mats is push them around the lake, increasing their territory and so exactly how does that benefit us? Try asking that question at a DA. And speaking of that, where is the DA video already? Working on its editing perhaps?
     The situation is not good anywhere one looks. The political lit comes flooding into the mailbox, each one a contradiction of the opponent's statements. Who to vote for? It is indeed a problem. How does one know where to place one's trust? Gerry and I read it all, took notes on what they said at DA meetings when they came and who came - who values our bloc of votes. I certainly hope that we all do not develop a case of foot in mouth disease and say the wrong thing here in all these elections and that believe it or not, we need to look ahead to another March when another presidential vote is in order. That is if the winner of the current presidential election is the right one and not the wrong one who will blast us somewhere off into who knows what territory and then here, CV, will not matter one whit.
     Voting is a great responsibility and so is being a candidate. Would that we could match the two sides in an ideal situation.

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