Tuesday, August 9, 2016


     The disease of our country is dysfunction. We cannot seem to function properly anymore, our ideals compromised, our priorities misaligned, and our methodology of democracy and country forsaken. Instead we have a culture of rot, of focus on what's in it for me thinking and a refusal to hear other people, listen to other ideas and a consistent emphasis on Party with a capital P rather than with a small one. As a result of that we have developed a generation of cynics, a generation which demands immediate action rather than on using proper channels. We have even reached the "high point" of nominating a presumptive party candidate whose fellow party members have denounced him in ever growing amounts.
     We have a country that is under siege, from within and without. We have those who demand that theirs is the only way and therefore it must go their way. We have those from the outside who say that America is the Big Satan and must go down. And yet, our esteemed leaders refuse to state the obvious and in fact, deny it. We are told by our President that ISIS is not Islamic. Well, then, Mr. Barak Obama, what the hell is it other than that? It is a hateful, murderous political and terrorist group which by now has reached the level of a country for make no mistake about it, it has established a "caliphate" already between all the area it holds now in the Syria-Iraq border areas and within, into each country. They control everything within these areas and how it is run - cruelly, corruptly and by Islamic law! Their goal is to destroy the rest of us, to establish a worldwide Caliphate, to take us down and what do we gain by denying this? They themselves say so.
     And no, this is not to say that we blame all Moslems or that we should ban all Moslems any more than we should ban any religion, but we must be aware and alert and vet carefully - all people - for terrorists come in all shapes and colors! And we must be realistic. Their punishments are vile and cruel. The punishment of crucifixion  is one that is within their storeroom of approved punishments especially for the unbeliever. It has a bad attitude towards those who are not Moslems or indeed even those Moslems who are not of their sect so dhimmitude, or second class citizenship for the unbeliever and nasty stuff for the rest. Those Moslems who live in the land of apostasy are just as bad as the unbelievers.
     All that I have written is not PC and there will be many who will wish to crucify me! but the truth is not what we wish, but what is, in reality. And that reality is that we have turned into a dysfunctional country with a man running for the position of President of all of us Americans, a leader in the free world, and yet, his economic plans will benefit the wealthy so, so much for the 1% losing some of  its ill gotten gains, we are to turn back to coal and free for all energy fields and have Keystone again - and for what? Oh, we must remember that according to these people there is no climate change, no warming, no more flooding than average - and how do they know it? Why simply because they say so!
     We have a national security system that is anything but. We are told that we will have to get used to it, living in this tension filled atmosphere, not sure of our safety within an arena or stadium or theater. Our malls are soft targets so hey, here's one for on line shopping! This is all singular to a malfunctioning society, a dysfunctional one, one that refuses to recognize the truth.
     In denying that truth we allow false and old with age canards to revive once more. There is the nasty blood libel once more, the Jews control all the money once more, the need to root out all Jewish connection to the land of Israel, the nastiness that is allowed to stand unchallenged as for example when the Lebanese delegation to the Olympics refused to allow the Israeli one on board, or when the Saudi judoka refused to take a chance on having to fight an Israeli and so she forfeited. And the IOC? What did they do? NOTHING. They could barely force themselves to acknowledge the memories of those athletes killed in the 1972 Olympics because they were Jews, because they were Israelis.
     Malfunctioning, dysfunctional societies are many within the world today. They range from large countries to small, from huge entities to the smaller more local ones. Look at our state governments and think back to how much corruption is uncovered there, how much Party politics there is and how little gets done for the people of the state and then track this rot all the way down to the smallest entities and wow, look, there it is - CVWPB - but that is for another day. Just know that the rot that has affected our country is alive and well here within our home and we must be aware and do something, stand up to it, fight against it, here in CV and in fact in the rest of our governmental entities. Vote for those who still have some honesty and courage and not for the same old same old! And in a choice that is not so good - go for the better one. That is what we can do for a start.
     Truth is the way to go. Righteousness is the path to walk. Honesty is the trait to value. Loyalty to the people is key.

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