Monday, August 8, 2016


     Just watched my recording of the Olympics Opening Ceremony and was impressed and I wonder why a nation that could do this cannot get itself together. Surely if so many people volunteered to take part in these ceremonies, learn the intricate steps, and mix together with the heavily diversified populations of Brazil, then surely there is nothing that could stop them from overcoming their country's problems. And yet, there they are, all the problems and for an answer as to why we have no further to look than at our own country.
    We too are a mixed population and for proof of that all one had to do was look at the 500+ strong Olympics USA contingent - white, black, Asian, all creeds, colors, national origins and all Americans. Arms slung around each other they danced, cheered and shouted USA, USA. And here, in the country they came  from, what do we shout? Hatred of things different from us, hatred for the other Party, hatred for the principles of America. I cannot figure it out for certainly all this hate goes nowhere and furthers no good cause.
     Yet we refuse to relinquish our diverse feelings if it means that we have to compromise even a tad. We regard each other with suspicion and we forget that we all come from the same country and no matter where our ancestors came from, be they four generations ago or this generation, we are all Americans. If we do not welcome those citizens then we ourselves will create more hatred and more violence. Seems simple, and yet it is not.
     For an example closer to home take a look at the previous Friday's Delegate Assembly. It seems that this is the third DA that has frustrated David Israel for all that he appears to think is most  important is to vote approval for Mary Patrick as an appointed member of the Executive Board. Why that is I have no idea for there is a proper quorum and a proper amount on the Board and why he is so hot and heavy to get this appointment through is beyond me. It is not as if the Board challenges him for almost to a man or woman they are all his echoing puppets so what is with the dire need of a new one?
     In any case, it seems that the quorum at this DA was not by a large number and two delegates walked out. Now anyone who has attended these DAs knows that people are forever walking out. Why? Who knows? Perhaps for the same reason that they walk out of shows or lose their attention span after ten minutes or perhaps when they see that this DA too will be a waste of time with no serious business to take place other than this person vote. Who knows - perhaps the Shadow - but for David Israel to be so paranoid so as to immediately accuse someone of a plot here is beyond dumb, beyond stupid, and is just an example par excellence of the paranoia that has afflicted him for years already. I wonder if these two delegates even knew each other!!
     In any case, it is because of people with that attitude that nothing gets done here. It is because of that attitude that we have no Zika program other than to perhaps organize teams to go find bottle caps with water inside! We have no serious program to get rid of the algae which is killing our waterways and providing nice stagnant waters for the Zika to multiply. We have no serious plan to stop this constant resodding of grass edges where trucks and drivers are veering off the road so think of something else to do! Sod is not for free and neither is the labor. We have no serious programs about anything here other than the constant push for broadband for which UCO has no right to do and that is it, other than to prettify the UCO building and plant expensive trees!
     This is a great place to live, to make friends, to have good times. It actually might function better now with an LCAM though there are now issues with membership of this same individual on committees. Don Foster has shown that he can turn himself around so let us help him complete the turnaround and at least remove any suspicious thoughts from that arena but somehow I doubt that Israel will allow that to happen.
     Where are the plans for new fencing - in a serious manner, an affordable and better choice than the prison like fencing we now have. Where are the plans for techniques to battle the motel associations. It seems so quiet now but these problems are still here and the quiet only benefits UCO as they refuse to do anything, making up excuses or playing catchup with other issues such as the sprinkler law that associations were already taking care of it by themselves. Why does he admit that there are 40 - 50 associations that already have wired up and does that not send a message to him that we do not want or need broadband at this point and we wish to hold off on that expense. Where is the serious work on the post Millennium agreement? Where are the new bylaws or are we going to get a truly big surprise on that one? What about realistic plans for the roads? What about security here? Where are the plans to let the Village know that there is a Village wide problem, that there is a shooter, or something even worse? How are we to know? And when one questions security all we get is oh, not our job. They could not even be bothered by a complaint from a woman at a pool that she had been molested, raped, as she lay there half clothed and did we hear about that from the PBSO? Nope!
     There are things in this Village that must improve. We must bring in the proper spirit, bring in fresh air and chase out the old. One great way would be for David et al to rid us of themselves, tend to themselves, and perhaps see that there is life beyond UCO and computers. Do not be the Lebanon of the Olympics who could not ride on a bus with the Israelis. Do not be the spoilsport of a Saudi Arabian judo athlete who refused to compete against an Israeli. Man up, accept responsibilities, choose the right path and let go of your paranoid and nonsensical and hurtful behavior. Never too late to start over, to make amends and do the right thing. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

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