Sunday, August 7, 2016


     Weird title, right? But not really when one understands it. Pain is an entity unto itself. It robs one of a clear head and at best, remains an insistent ache in the background. I wonder how many decisions that were made during moments of pain were twisted and/or skewed because of that pain. How much anger was misdirected and the consequences of that misdirection?
     But pain also brings certain things into focus. It forces one to concentrate on one topic and one topic only - at a time - and think carefully about one's opinions and words. It also reminds one that there are people out there with pain, with debilitating pain and we forget about them too often, say tsk, tsk and move on. We must remember that temporary pain is one thing and permanent pain another.
     We also need to give each individual's pain validation and not feed them with stories of "Oh, I know someone..." that does not help; in fact, it makes the present pain sufferer feel unworthy or a baby or that something is wrong with themselves for feeling that pain. Instead of that, all the victim wants is to be validated, acknowledged in his/her pain and that it is alright to have that pain.
     It is the same thing in all other areas. People are not necessarily made to feel better when another's tale of a similar situation is related to them. It is kind of like the difference between an original formula medicine and the generic which looks the same and is supposed to do the same thing, yet there is a chemical difference within it and that can lead to not so good results. We must accept those results as real and move on from there.
     What about pain that is inflicted upon one from the outside? What of mental pain as opposed to physical pain? Unless that pain comes from a feeling that is legitimate and proper, then that outside pain is wrong, morally so. If one has a child or sibling or friend who has gotten enmeshed in something then that mental anguish is proper, but if one is threatened with harm to those loved ones unless something is done or said, or physical harm is applied to a person to force that action, then that is wrong too. But if there are extenuating circumstances.....then what? You see, nothing is as clear as we first thought is it? We do not understand a common topic of life and yet we babble on about it and its use and meaning.
     And we do that about many things, the meaning of which we truly do not know. Leaders unfortunately think they can lead on all topics because they are in a leadership position but that is not so, for they must open the door to experts. When that is not done, when self pride induces them to go down another track then pain is a result, mental pain, moral pain, financial pain. When one stays in office too long past the sell by date, there is no more freshness, no more innovation and instead what we have is a dull maintain the status quo situation and a painful future as one contemplates the results of us stagnating. And that gives much pain, if not physical then morally, financially, emotionally and reality wise.
     When some people are so stupid - sorry, there is no other word for it - as to think that one can elect one person and then think that that same person will change, will improve, will make saner decisions - all against what he stands for now - puhlease! Remember the show I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change!? Well, it is one thing when it is on a stage Off Broadway someplace, but not when the stage is a world wide one affecting billions of people. One must judge one as he/she is AT THE MOMENT - and not what we hope they will evolve into. Wishful thinking does not make it so.
     The current election is a painful one. It has torn back the covers over many ugly feelings, has exposed many people in their hateful moments and statements, and reopened the divisive lines of American society. No, we were never this kumbaya country; we always had pros and cons and people eager to speak up, but this hatred for one another, this pain that we are causing and inflicting on others - this has to stop.
     Pain. Thank G-d mine is ebbing, each day, a bit better than the day before but the pain of the country is another topic altogether. We must all think carefully and choose wisely. We must read past the lies, the "untruths" and the temporary adjustments and see clearly what has been laid out with deeds and statements prior to this election campaign. We must understand that some Republicans wish to hold a years long filibuster of sorts, preventing any Democratic ideas and bills from getting through and what will we have at the end? NO judges.  A non functioning Supreme Court. No budget for the federal government so no checks, no programs, no pay for our soldiers so who will defend us and why? All for hubris, all for the desire to inflict a pain of sorts on others so as to prove a point, the proving of which will destroy us. So think carefully now in August Primary time and very carefully in November. Who will be the best for us, for the country? Who will truly serve we, the people, and who, on the other hand will inflict pain, a pain such as we never have had before.

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