Friday, August 5, 2016


     Paul Ryan made a big slip yesterday, a big ooops! He sent out an SOS to Republican Party supporters, to fundraisers, that the Republicans are in dire need of money. Why? So that they can be reelected or newly elected, what ever the situation, or else - and here is the kicker - they might be handing President Hillary Clinton a blank check. Yup, you read that right.
     But how is it to be read in its deeper meaning. Was this a slip of the tongue? Was this a true statement of what the bigshots of the Republicans think will happen? And what are they going to subject the people of the United States to should Clinton indeed win the election and the Republicans win the Houses. Will we have, are they promising, another stalemate where it does not matter what the issue is, what matters only is that the Democrats never get a bill passed, certainly not without a Republican spoiler contained within it.
     So this is what it has come down to. Once again the people will be screwed royal and nothing will happen. We will come down to past last minute budget bills, no progress on or in any meaningful way with any bills to be passed and just simply have another do nothing Congress.
     I do not vote party lines but rather the person line. What does that person say and more important, what has that person done or promised to support? Is that person going to be  a Republican party zombie, following the orders of those at the top, ruining things again for us out there, or will that person be independent and vote conscience, interests of his/her electorate? It takes courage, but for Pete's sake we must have some public servants who have that bit of courage, who know they must represent the government that Lincoln spoke of - "of the people, for the people, by the people". And he was a Republican!
     The Republicans must get back to the roots that nourished them and not to the sour leaves that have grown on that tree. Will they do it? Can they do it? And can the Democrats in both Houses of Congress see what it is that is happening and reach out and connect, and finally do their jobs?
     There are too many secret deals in government. There are too many backroom discussions and plans. There is too little support and defense of the people. And that nasty type of government winds its way down to the smaller fold as well. For example, what was or is the whole backroom deal between David Israel and the owners of the CSI building? Is it true that the owners have ceded control of the building to David Israel, that he will determining what or who is allowed within its sacrosanct halls and in return received a deal from David Israel that he will fill up those empty rooms, that he will get some cash flow going again for the owners? And what does he get? Well.. it will be another arena closed off to any opposition, again in violation of every rule and right of a person and is there more besides? And what about the deal? Does it allow the future renters to call in people at the gate? Will that mean the end of whatever security we do have? And for what? Money? Power? Is it not enough already?
     Now all this is rumors, allegedly true, but once again, let us demand that David come out in public and explain his behavior re this building. Why did he demand control over the people who rent and meet in it? Where and why did he attain this power? Does he have a monetary interest in this as well? Any and all must be answered in a public forum.
     This is the man who admitted publicly in a meeting that at least 40 to 50 associations have wired up but here he is, trying to blackmail Comcast into shutting off that avenue and why? So he can get his broadband, something we already have and something that is so iffy, what with none of the infrastructure there - only a demand that we pay extra fees or higher fees to cover the expenses of the company. Truly.
     Talk about stalling the government. That is exactly what the DA should do, vote no on most requests except for what we truly need - to clear and clean the waterways, to investigate what is going on with Fairways and the golf course and how UCO is going to insure our rights, to keep up with the infrastructure and irrigation. And finally, in March get rid of this man who is a spoiler in every sense of the word. A man who is so paranoid that he is afraid that there are 200 million people out there reading my blog, that he boasts of the readership he has but sorry, dear, I could do the same thing - I have the same map with its shades of green which are always changing with the results of the week, and I too have all these various foreign countries reading the blog - how they find it is another story, one that confounds me, but read it they do so quit the empty boasts. There are people who know the truth and is that what you have been doing in your little batcave, adding figures for the years of your blog? Wanna' do mine - I am too busy to waste time on that but evidently you have plenty to waste as you never come out and play with others, do you?
     Just as it is time to clear the air in the ranks of politicians within Washington and state capitals, it is time to clear the air here in the Village as well. The old UCO is rank with disuse, with misuse and needs a freshener, new voices, inclusiveness and honesty. We will never get that with David Israel there - he even lies about his age, for heaven's sake! If that is not the peak of all hubris I don't know what is! Tick tock, tick tock.

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