Thursday, August 4, 2016


     This is turning out to be one of the most horrific political campaigns ever. The voices of hate, the vitriolic yelling of slogans at so many of the Trump rallies, the virulent and poisonous anti Semitism that is pushing its way to the fore, the enmity between adherents of both candidates and it just goes on. Is this the USA or is this a third world country first learning how to live in and with democracy. Is this a country of all or is this a once united country that has taken political opposition to the fore with loyalty to the party rather than to the country. Communist, Fascist or whatever, the world has lived through that already and is this what we want in our country, for our country.
     People must look deep within themselves and look at their candidates and choose carefully. Yes, both are not perfect, but there is a difference between one candidate who comes with the baggage earned in her various roles within our government, where enemies and stories are rampant and the other candidate who just seems to be totally and mentally off balance. To pick an argument with  a Gold Star family, to babble statements that make no sense and then deny ever making them when they are there as clear as daylight, to have to engage in myriad personal suits against him be it his fake Trump University or his real estate dealings or his tawdry reality shows - what is there to choose. And where are his taxes?
     What is most frightening to me is the fact that the hatred of the presidential campaign seems to have found companionship in the veins of hatred of others. A group of BLM goes to the West Bank and calls the Israelis the same as ISIS. A black Oberlin professor, a college noted this year for its horrific attitude towards Jewish students and their support of the BDS movement, states "that the Islamic State was funded by the C.I.A. and the Mossad organization, the Israeli intelligence service, and that Mossad was behind the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris." And there is more but enough printing of words of hate, of vicious lies.
     Even more sad is the fact that African Americans are buying into this hate and forgetting who was marching right there with them in Selma, who filled the buses during the time of the Freedom Riders and who was buried in the swamps. They forget the Jewish attorneys who fought fiercely for them and for civil rights in the courtrooms of the nation.
     And in the rest of the nation we have people such as David Duke or some weird guy running for governor out west who rants with poison drooling out of his mouth that the Jews control all the media and the rant goes on and on, nothing new, just the same old hate over and over again. And this hate leads to more hate and relations that were moving along, now have come to an abrupt end and perhaps even a backwards movement and the question is not only why but who has instigated this and cui bono - who benefits? And ladies and gentlemen, who benefits as far as I can see is the Trump movement. They have brought back words of hate and viciousness into the campaign. They have poked and prodded until people explode. The Trump campaign appeals to the lowest of the low far too much and those who do not like him yet are still going to vote for him need to think again- Party or country? Make a choice.
     When members of his own party back away from him, when supporters of the Republican party move away from him, when his own VP running mate differs with him and breaks away on an important issue, then where are we going with this? The Republicans needs to stand up en masse and disavow this man and all he stands for. Every woman in this country needs to oppose him and his backwards views of women. If a woman is assaulted or harassed at work she should leave? Seek another job? Really, we are back to that again? Women are to be denied their own rights to their own bodies? Are we in the 21st century or have we returned to the worst of the past?
    The man is a demagogue, openly stated by now in newspapers and other media. The man is a danger to our democracy and heaven forbid he should win! There will be a mass movement out of this country. Check how many of his supporters are people of his own ilk who are dictatorial in their own lives and hey, we got one right here in the Village, a man who shows the same disrespect to his own electorate, the residents of the Village and who speaks in a denigrating manner of and about Jews, forgetting that he himself is one, like it or not! Like seeks out like and it is a pity that we still have some good people blinded to the evils that his reign would bring about.
     Veins of hate lead to streams of hate and the blood flows, figuratively and literally. A dim future is in the wings with Trump. We need to fight against this and if one thinks that there will be much to work with in a Clinton administration then fine, get out there and in there and volunteer, do something, but allow democracy to continue here in the USA. Allow decency to be the order of the day and not the threat of law and order and the egomaniacal statements that "only I can do it!"
     People, it is up to us. I have done a bit, working the streets for voter registration. Now how about the rest of you. Think how important this is. Register. Vote. Think. Work to make things better and work to rid us of these awful veins of hate.

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