Friday, August 12, 2016


     So yesterday it seems the world woke up to the asinine and telling statement of Trump that two of the original founders of ISIS, you know, that organization of Islamic extremists that wants to kill us all, are Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton. Wow! The depth of the understanding of history!
     So what? Am I nuts? What depth of understanding? This man is nuts, emphatically so, but also crazy smart. He makes an outrageous statement and keeps himself in the news cycle, gets shown to have people applauding - applauding! - his statements and all the talking heads discussing what he said. He knows that his technique is time and history tested - a Big Lie told often enough, repeated often enough, becomes the new truth.
     What is even worse is when people who should know better, people who are actually part of the federal government, people like Peter King, a Congressman from NYS I believe, states that oh, Trump has made his point but is using hyperbole, a bit of exaggeration. Truly? When the man himself denied that, turned down the opening that an interviewer offered him and stated that no, he meant it literally - founders of ISIS.
     Okay, so we now have someone who is definitely mentally unbalanced running for office for the position of the highest office in the land and perhaps even in the world and I seriously wonder what we would find if we did a PET scan of his brain! Don't you? And to think that there are still thinking people out there who can actually contemplate pulling the lever for this guy?
     And what are people doing instead? Instead of demanding that the RNC stop this farce, truly pull back and away from this man in a united front, rather than the piecemeal manner in which it is happening, suddenly decide that they need to check the possible "conspiracy" going on between Clinton and her aide and the Clinton Foundation. Well, let me clue some people in. When people work together it is often found that they join the same organizations. It is nice to go someplace with someone one knows. It gives a shared bond and okay, maybe even a good way in which to curry brownie points, but so what. If the organization does good for others, so what? What is funny is that often the underling at work becomes so involved in this new interest that he/she actually assumes a higher position of authority within this group and ends up giving the work boss orders in this situation! It is quite funny when that happens.
     Let us all return to reality and let us all realize that at a supposedly mature age we are to at least have learned how to distinguish between reality and fantasy, to have a good set of reins on idol worship, on the desire to be  a groupie. Folks, this is not a man to lead us or anything else. This is a man who believes what he says or has convinced himself of it and in any case, who cares, for he is getting publicity and gullible followers, and those who say they will hold their noses and vote for him! Truly, is this the way to speak of a man to lead us during these perilous times? Talk of a man who lies! He promises to do better for the working man but will he really, this man who bought all his stuff for his hotels from overseas? No made in the USA union label for him! Oh no! And bringing back jobs? That would be great but these jobs also need to be realistic ones for yes, while we need to bring back manufacturing to the USA, it will be not the old way but a new way. Automatic procedures are in place so not so many workers will be there. But we still need tool and die workers, a great skill job, operators of specialized machinery and many other workable positions but it will require serious study as to what is needed and possible and what is wishful thinking about a time that will never return unless we have some kind of apocalyptic cataclysm! And here come my zombies!!
     Look, I am no Obama fan. I think he has not been a good President for us. I think that under his administration we have become a country of splintered society, a society where a new term is now in use POC (person of color) and that makes it okay to start screaming all sorts of junk, to insist that it is okay to exclude white people within certain spheres but not the opposite way around? We have turned back to hatred and fear and I, for the life of me, do not understand that, not when there was such a mixing of society, of workers, of friends, of colleagues. But when there is a weak person at the helm that is what happens - domestically and overseas as well. However, at least he is sane, cares for people and knows the right and wrong of some topics.
     However, be that as it may, for our next President we need one who knows which end is up. One who has shown determination and skill in weaving through the shoals of life, one who has the stick to it ness that we need, the knowledge of how to do that, the experience in real life and professional life, who has weathered disasters, personal and work related and who does not give up. That, I believe, is Hillary and she will show a good strong face to our allies and to our opponents and it is about time that we elect a woman as our leader. So many other countries have already done so, past and present, and what the heck is the matter with us. Here we still have the daily scandals of men still objectifying women and the tawdry and shameful sex scandals that result. Time to go for those who know how to keep all zipped and tucked and to deal with those who do not, as she has unfortunately had to show in her own life - and let us get on with being the country we can and should be - the strong and resolute leader of the free world, the defender of liberty and justice, the speaker of truth, the country of honesty and care - and common sense.
     Okay, Gracie, here it is for you - and that is exactly what we need here in CV as well - and hey, might as well throw in the country and the state as well. But that is for another day and another blog. But remember - Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

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