Sunday, August 14, 2016


      Things are looking up a tad as people begin to think and see the truth through the wool over their eyes. At least a tad anyway. Republicans are seeing the truth re Trump and wondering just how the hell do they get out of this mess but don't look to me. I haven't got  a clue unless they can find some loophole somewhere. I think the best thing to do is just renounce him once and for all and concentrate on other strategies. Meanwhile, we can wonder about where their brains were when they foisted him upon us and we can also wonder where the brains of the electorate were, at least those who voted for him in the  primaries. Did they not realize that this man would not change his behavior nor actions nor statements and he is now the bull in the china shop they cannot get out of there. If people would only think thru the consequences, the long range consequences of their behavior, their choices and their words, what a better place the world would be.
     So now the only thing left is to publicly and permanently disavow this man as the Republican candidate for president and concentrate on other strategies. Disavow his hate, his lies, his dishonesty and where are those tax return anyway? Now there is talk that the RNC will concentrate on getting the other candidates for the remainder of the positions open into office but then again, I ask what will we then have? Will they have learned a lesson from their do nothing recent Congress or will we have the same paralytic strategy in place, with loyalty to the Party rather than to the people and the Nation? Many of those elected under the Tea Party banner are at risk of losing their seats - and no loss as far as I am concerned.
     So let us jump to the DNC and the latest - the major hack of the accounts and information on Democratic members of Congress, releasing emails, addresses and phone numbers and the filth that is coming through to their contact points. Who did it? Is it a new black hat hacker or the Russians and if so, at the behest of whom? The State apparatus of Putin or the urging of Trump or the natural carryover of loss of boundaries once the first hack took place. And let this be a lesson to us, especially to those who deem themselves techies and can see no wrong in constantly adding to the Net coverage. There are troubles with it and often the low tech way is the more secure. A simple burner phone defeats all the fancy stuff and ain't that a kick in the teeth and meanwhile we are all becoming paranoid about our information and scams and ripoffs so maybe we all need to take a step back and reevaluate and do some research and thinking.
     So some good news. How about those Olympians, Phelps, Ledecky, Biles and the rest of the gymnastic team and all the rest who have done a marvelous job over there in not such good circumstances. Green water, huh? What is that all about and I hope those swimmers and divers do not come home with some weird disease from unclean water. And how about the nastiness of some such as the Egyptian judoka who would not shake the hand of his victorious opponent, Or Sassoon, from Israel.  I thought these Games were supposed to represent bonhomme, good will and new friendships but then again if that was all they represented then we would never have these doping scandals would we?
     Aha! Here is a good one. Read The Black Widow from Daniel Silva. This book is a great read and you will not want to put it down and then will be unhappy when it is finished as it was that good. He has definitely firmed up some opinions in this latest book in  his series and it is quite scary considering that he wrote all of it before the attacks in Paris and Brussels and it is like an echo of history and what is more frightening are the other attacks and plans found in the book. Will they too come true? Dear Lord, I hope not. Read the book.
     And hey, here is a good one. Hope I do no harm here, giving praise to someone and hoping that David Israel will not take this amiss and screw the guy. Friday Gerry went to UCO to complain of an issue we were having with some debris and huge mirrors that were thrown down by the trash site of another association and what could be done about it. Well, Waste pro came along on their regular schedule and did a yeoman's job on most of the items - moving dumpsters and picking lots of heavy stuff up by hand but the mirrors - uh uh. Hazardous. They must be broken up into pieces but how to do that safely? Anyway, I gave them ice cold bottles of water for their great job and thanked them. Perhaps we should all do that more often. it is hot and heavy work.
      Saturday morning a knock on the door and there is Don Foster, our new official CAM and he tells me of the results of his investigation as to who actually dumped the stuff and what will happen. I look forward to the mirrors going bye bye and I appreciate Don's prompt attention. I also asked about the algae and was told that they are being more proactive and hopefully there is progress, with some canals and areas cleaner. I know my lake is still full of the stuff but maybe they are dying? Hopefully. Anyway, I appreciate the effort, the attention and the civility of the exchange. Now if we could only reform the rest of UCO.......
     So where does the world go from here? I have no clue. Will we wise up and make better choices? Will people come to their senses? Will people have the moral strength and courage to do what must be done? I truly hope so and here I am fulfilling the needs of one of us who wants me to write about her more often so shout out to Gracie for today. As for the rest of us, let us think, pray, think again and all pull together for a better Village, state, country and world. Big task. Is it possible? I certainly hope so. What is the alternative?

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