Friday, September 23, 2016


     Well, we did it, dude, one more year and we hit the 50th anniversary. Wow! I can remember when we were two stupid kids getting married without a penny between us, still in school, and remembering all the times we spoke of what it would be like to be married for so long. And yet, here we are, 49 years later as of Saturday, tomorrow, and G-d willing, still going strong.
     Through all the clichés of thick and thin, good and bad, happy and sad, through the tears and the laughter- we did it all and still walk thru the world holding hands - of course that is one way to keep me on my feet at this point, but what the hey!! (LOL). Hold hands we do.
     I can remember times when we thought the sky was falling and right on top of our heads, when we bought the house, not one penny left and then it needed emergency repair. I remember our newborn beautiful baby with the salon hairdo who was so sick and yet we came thru it all with a wonderful kid, followed by two more great kids who have made us so proud and who have given us our next generation of babies (though I think the oldest ones would remind us they are no longer babies). And yet thru each and every crisis we managed to split the moments of hope and despair and kept ourselves upright.
     You became a wonderful son to my parents - though was it truly necessary that they back you every time over me!!!! As a father  you are still loved and cherished and as a Saba, a grandfather, you are adored. And our in - law children have become our children. As a husband - well, as long as you remembered that I am always right - you were great! Sorry - had to get that in there.
     You are my best friend and vice versa as we walk through our next act of life. Together, G-d willing, we will share the books, the movies, the kids, and the love, and it goes without saying that of course, we will share the doctors as well. They already know we are the tandem pair who share the room, the info and the love.
     Ge, may we share many, many more years together. May we continue to laugh and even cry just a tad, just so we can emphasize the laughter. I thank you for urging me on in my professional life, standing beside me through it all and I hope you feel the same (you better!!) as I urged you on as well. Together we have made a beautiful life.
     Love ya' and now two questions: So what are we doing for the fiftieth and so when are we getting back to my Hawaii???

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