Sunday, September 25, 2016


     Vox Populi Vox Dei - the voice of the people is the voice of G-d. So says David Israel. So says the man who evidently is confusing himself with the Lord. Kinda' like Trump does. But let me examine what this statement means. First used in a radical Whig booklet around 1710, what does it mean for us in the modern world. Historically speaking it truly does not bode well for anyone, not the people and not civilization.
     So the voices of the Romans called for bread and circus, for the death of the losing gladiator and for the Christians and Jews thrown into the arena. Was that the voice of G-d? I certainly hope not. Was that the voice of G-d calling when the Crusaders ripped thru Europe slaughtering local populations, especially Jews?
     Or perhaps that was the voice of G-d heard in the roar of the crowd when they shouted Heil Hitler or cheered Il Duce. Or maybe we need to go to the opposite side of the coin and was that the voice of G-d heard in the Communist rallies when they cheered for their leader or was that the voice of people forced to go to the rallies or else and if you deny that, I have a few people you can talk to.
     So where was the voice of G-d when the Hutus chased down the Tutsis in Rwanda or when the tribes of Sudan and Somalia are killing each other or when Boko Haram slaughters whole villages. Are their people howling with blood lust the voice of G-d or better yet, is that the voice of G-d one hears when Palestinian terrorists chase after people with knives or blow up buses and buildings? And is that the voice of G-d one heard when the people call for terror to bring down the buildings of America and other countries.
     Just where does the voice of the 'people" end and the voice of G-d begin or is it simply the voice of hubris, the voice of the twisted leader who has gained the support of some pathetic souls who then shout for him, much to the detriment of others and looking more closely, is the voice of those calling for Trump the voice of G-d? What blasphemy. So are you then saying that those who support Trump who believe in his racism, in his hatred of the other, in his nastiness - should he win -ugh! - is that the voice of G-d or perhaps we need to look at the ones who are fooled by one issue or so - are they the voice of G-d and so help me, even as I vote for Clinton, is that the voice of G-d we hear in the votes of the people who support her? And by the way, when two groups of opposing people shout for victory or in bloodlust or in war - where is the voice of G-d there?
     So what else do we find in your words of wisdom. You are frustrated at the lack of quorum at four consecutive DAs. Well, think a bit on that and hear the voice of the people - without G-d shouting in your ear. The delegates who are supposed to vote have found frustration in the poor system we have where you say you do not want the committees to rule but you differ with that in your behavior and it is the deed which counts, not the words. The system we have is outmoded, irrelevant and useless. It is undemocratic and results in abuses of power by supposedly elected officials and leaves the others, their voices - and who knows - the voice of G-d - out in the cold.
     Why come to a meeting where one's voice will not count, when the decisions have either been made already in committees replete with recycled individuals or even in secret closed door meetings. Why go to meetings where the hypocrisy reigns, where suddenly UCO is the watchdog of our money, saving us from WPRF excesses - the same committee and the very same people who thought it wonderful to approve that wasteful and unnecessary mural in the indoor pool area and in the lobby - where no one even sees it. The same WPRF that refuses to pay for capital improvements. The same WPRF that fixes and fixes yet we still need the same fix. So why should we trust the UCO as is? We do not and that is why delegates do not come, why delegates walk out in disgust, why David Israel and crew must go. Even your own VP, Cornish, rails against the bypassing of the Bids committee so why do delegates not come - think. And by the way, why is Mary Patrick Benton's name up there on the list of Executive Board when for four months there has been no vote? More of your "independent " moves? How and why should people care for the DA when it is just about useless in real life.
     And when the voice is heard from the DA which actually they are doing now by not showing up, but when the vocal voice is heard against Wi Fi or Broadband, you go right ahead and keep on truckin' so why attend. What is the use?
     You say in your column that one must hoard power like a miser and spend it, use it as one sees fit - and you follow your own prescription but in your hoardings you have stolen the power from the residents. The cure - resign, move, go away, contemplate your navel elsewhere other than UCO all day, go talk to people, get a life.
     Your hypocrisy shines thru your entire article. You say that dissent is democratic and yet how do you treat dissent. You curse the dissenters, you threaten them and try to demean and embarrass them in the DAs. You hate them. You bar them from UCO and would bar them from being delegates but cannot as of yet, though you seem to be able to resurrect zombie delegates as needed. You say that dissenters should not interfere with their "trivia and pointless criticisms" but who the hell are you to decide what is pointless and what not and who should speak and what one should say. Dissent is exactly that and one cannot have it all - supposedly asking for participation - in whatever form it takes - but then criticizing it or threatening to bring in armed forces to shut it down. You are, Mr. Israel, a coward, a moral coward, a petty dictator who unfortunately is ruining the lives of thousands.
     That is not the voice of G-d you hear, David Israel, but the voice of and in  your own mind, the voice that tells you that you are a legend - in your own mind. So dissent will take the place and the route however it is so chosen. Want more participation? Open up UCO to all, cut out the crap you pull, stop the lies and the secrecy, stop the nastiness, follow the rules and stop trying to get away with everything! The voice of the people? Really, if we took a popular one person one vote here - the voice of G-d will have spoken - and out you go. But, I guess your god comes when you wish, quite an amenable god - or a false one at that.
     Why not skip an issue or two and then perhaps more people might read the Rag rather than ignoring it as is done now and voice of the people? Where are the proposed by law changes? Why are they not published in the Rag or is it that you aim only to those who get your emails or who read your blog. Tsk, tsk. The voice of the people demands information, the free flow of it so do not hoard your power like a miser - spend it and perhaps you might even feel better.

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