Monday, September 26, 2016


     Reading numerous and voluminous articles yesterday and this morning, listening to podcasts and Internet news, has left me shuddering at the garbage that is being spewed, at the level to which we have fallen and the dangerous ideas that are actually coming into or are actually already in vogue.
     This all connects to the fact that this debate tonight will be one of the most watched ever. I think more than people opening themselves up to changing minds, I think it is that we are watching to see, to hope, that the one we oppose will trip over the words from  their own mouths and will display poor behavior. Now I must confess, I believe that will be forthcoming from Trump for he is a consummate liar and blusters and shouts his way through debates but here he is one on one and must constantly be on his toes and I do not believe that he will be able to do so. That is, unless his four days of intense prep work which he denies but his preppers have spoken about takes effect and he actually listens to them and their directions.
     This fear that he will mess up is why he kept threatening not to show up, or pushed excuses stating that the moderators do not like him or they are Democrats - when the "accused" is actually a Republican, registered at that, or how he threatened to bring in one of Bill Clinton's women, forgetting that he himself was a consummate cheater on his matrimonial vows and the list goes on. He will get his rah - rah group but that will be those who are eagerly awaiting his denigration of minorities, of women, of immigrants to be spoken on national and worldwide TV. The rest of us who are awaiting details about his grandiose plans will not hear those details because they are simply not there.
     This kind of campaign that he has been running has been echoed in other campaigns, particularly with those who support him and his base ideas. The hate and virulence in this national campaign is awful and embarrasses the country in the eyes of the world and like it or not, whether it be Trump or Johnson who state America First themes - we cannot go down that path. It is neither right nor possible.
     While we wait and watch it behooves us to find similarity to this nonsense right here within our own Village. Debates usually define who knows what, who has answers, who desires the best for the village and that is why David Israel has fought having debates during his terms in office - his too many terms in office at that. In these events, in these face to face meetings, even in the limited Forum presentations he gets shown up in his lies, in his twisting of fact, just as does his admired Trump. To not face opponents in debate is the sign of a moral coward and an incompetent individual who is afraid to be shown up. I am hoping that during the next election when the seat of president of UCO will be up for debate that he will find at least a bit of manhood and stand up there and debate his opponent but I truly doubt that will ever happen. His character is simply lacking.
     And just as Trump has his supporters of shall we say lesser values, so does David Israel. Here is a direct quote from a comment that Peter Cruise wrote on David's blog and one that clearly shows not only his opinion, his lack of true democratic character, but also that of David as this is what his supporters do. This is the same person who posts with ridiculous names thinking I do not know who he is and here is his latest comment to me yesterday - and this is exactly how he typed and sent it in. "You silly hags are reason no one goes to Delegate meetings. Add to that Gross-slob and senile demented Moron Solomon. What a crap you all are." I kid you not and this is the level of what he sends in or worse which is why I do not allow his postings to be public This is for educational purposes only.
    In any case here is more of what he wrote, this time on David's blog. "One way around a continuing lack of participation might be to suspend DA meetings for three or four months in the summer--with the bylaw change allowing the Officers and or Executive Committee to act on business during that time. At least with 8 or 9 months during the season, a few more delegates might show up.

As for controlling the meeting outbursts, I see only a PBSO deputy presence required to assure orderly conduct. If the meetings calm down a bit, a few more people might show up."

     Yup, the words of a dictator, a hater of democracy, of one who wishes to shut down even the poor imitation of democracy we have here, who wishes to give it all over to his lord and Master, David Israel, and his henchmen and women. Again, the advocacy of force , of its use, of its intimidation even though the PBSO themselves said uh uh to that notion, but some people never learn, particularly Fascists. So read and weep as you see what we have going on in this Village and in the country.
     So yes, we will continue to argue and dissent and even agree on those rare occasions, but stop we will not. The essence of democracy is to speak up and I would not even deny Trump his right to speak for that is part of the Constitution - something that David Israel has deliberately "forgotten" and banned from the Village. I guess should the worst happen and Trump get in, when he establishes his national police force who will come to arrest all dissenters, all people with connection to immigrants - the majority of our country - I guess, David Israel will send his police force around too - right before he gets thrown out for being an immigrant too! You see, what goes around comes around and no one is immune in a world of hate, a world of "others' fighting "others", a world of violence and a world without hope.
     Why do people not show up at the delegate assembly. Well, first of all it is the summer and many are away. Second of all, there is a listlessness, a despair at the thought of any fair play, of any true system of voting, and some are afraid to speak up lest they get yelled at, called names, and demeaned in any way possible by the 'eminent' chair who never acts properly as a chair.
And they do not show up because of people such as PLCRUISE who demean others, who boo and hiss like children at a school assembly and like people with no class. Shoe fits and all that!
     We all need to grow up, both in the country and in the Village, and realize that it is our future and that of the following generations so if you care not for yourself saying that we will not be around for that future, think again, as longevity expands and our children certainly will. Do we want a world of hate, a world where the possible president of a country denigrates women, minorities and anyone who does not follow him and his ways, or do we want civility? Why can we not all follow the example of Bush and Obama in their beautiful relationship seen displayed at the opening of the new museum in Washington. Certainly these two families represent differing viewpoints, yet they behave beautifully, not just in public, but evidently have a private relationship as well.
     This would require to have people grow up, even in their third act and this is impossible for some. Would that at least they would keep their hate and their Fascist views away from the rest of us.

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