Tuesday, September 27, 2016


     What a day and then what an evening. First we were shocked at the supermarket shooting in Houston. Randall's is an upscale store, a pleasure to shop in and a store which we used to patronize when our son lived in Houston. Now to hear that there was a shooting by a ersatz Nazi and people were severely hurt brings a bit of a shock  to the system. I am used to, sadly so, knowing the places in Israel as we have been there often enough and the bombings and the Towers in NY are also places known to me personally, but still, one hopes that we would be free of this but nothing doing. We seem to be gathering a backlog of terrorist attacks and warped people who decide that they too must shoot up a mall or a group of people.
     This shoot 'em up philosophy is exacerbated by the hatred and viciousness of this campaign and that was clearly seen in the debate last night. I ask those of you who were or are unbelievably still voting for Trump - how can you accept this man as your President, as OUR President, as the representative of the USA. This man snorted and sniffled his way through the debate, made many of his twisty faces, showed the bully that he is with his shouting over Clinton's voice and his interrupting constantly while she was speaking. He romped over Lester Holt when told by him that his answers, so to speak, were either too long, or did not answer the question and had to be reminded several times that it was Clinton's time to speak, not his.
     While truths were there in the debate, so were untruths or half truths and the winner? Trump by far. That is the winner on the wrong side - that of the lies. Check the ratings by Politifact, an entity which rates the statements of the candidates. Pants on Fire - and the winner? Trump! Surprised? Not me. He did state that the global warming and climate issue was made up by China - "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive."
     And I could go thru a whole bunch of stuff and quite frankly, his implied threat that he had a dastardly secret to hold over the Clinton family did not go over well. What is he going to do? List the infidelities of Bill? Well, so what? Hillary had no part in that other than the offended against wife and her decision for whatever reason to stick with the marriage. How about we go thru Trump's infidelities as he cheated on his wives and quite frankly, I do not care about the bedroom antics here, only whether the candidate is presidential material and Trump is scarily not so, emphatically not so.
      Can you just see him negotiating with a  foreign leader and he starts snorting and sniffling - hey, where are those health records? - and making faces that twist his whole appearance or perhaps his "temperament" of which he boasted, just pushed him to push that button. His temper, his constant raging over law and order, a catchphrase which has allowed numerous dictators throughout history, especially modern history, to impose their law and order take on the citizens of their countries. Were he to be president I can just see us all being forced to submit to stop and frisk at the whim of one of his special police or have to show papers or have to contend with a curfew or censorship of the press or reeducation camps and there I go!
     I could go on and on but read for yourself. Pick up any paper, read online and see for yourself. Agent for change? Possibly, but what change? All for the worse what with no details, no answers but blustery words. Open acknowledgement that by not paying taxes or by taking advantage of people and not paying them or buying up distressed real estate he was being smart! Smart? That is a president to be? I think not and by the way, his "small" loan from his father was $9 million dollars. Uh huh. Wish my parents had had that amount to lend to me! And that crack about his country club in Palm Beach as the be all and end all of a "wonderful" racial openness? Puh-leeze!
     This is a man who is dishonest, extreme with his lies, who is not a team player, who will keep his business in his kids' hands rather than in a blind trust so talk about conflict of interest! This is a man who has no feeling for anyone else, who hates women, who has no answers, who raves and rants - sound and fury which all signify nothing but trouble were he to be elected. And as for the rest of the world - go read all the predictions about what will happen should he win. Check what happened yesterday in anticipation of the debate.
     I cannot believe one word he says, one statement about who he supports or what he believes or what he will do. Trying to gild the lily by saying he would accept Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? Huh! Heard that before from many presidents so not impressed. Show me the money!! Show me the health!! Show me a person who knows to prepare and be ready, not a shoot from the hip nonsense and falsehood spewing person and then perhaps I can listen but Clinton said it all with two things. "Listen to what you just heard" as the audience laughed and "Whew!" after he finished a rant blaming her for just about everything that ever happened.
     Clinton was presidential in behavior, in research, in telling probes and in strength of answering to his bullying by ignoring it or by doing a proper jab which got him ranting and raving even more. Perhaps he needed to be under a doctor's care what with his sniffling? Gee, is it pneumonia!? Or is it simply another declasse part of the whole Trump gestalt? Who do you want up there at the Presidential podium talking to Putin? His buddy, Donald, or the true President, Hillary Clinton?

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