Monday, September 19, 2016


     Every time one thinks that perhaps we are due for a period of silence, or at least less noise, there it goes again. Again. Again. So what's happened over the weekend to generate this almost despairing sense of again and again.
     It had been quiet in Israel for a while, people hoping that maybe the spate of stabbings and car rammings were over and done with, proving to have been both deadly and useless for it changed nothing except for ruining the lives of the victims and even the perpetrators and their families - not that I am exactly sympathetic to the terrorists nor to their families for surely there had to be a hint and perhaps there was encouragement within the family home or mosque.
     The most recent attack was an attack from behind, stabbing a young female Border Policewoman near Herod's Gate, doing her job along with her partner, a male in his 40's. Suddenly they were down and she never recovered consciousness after a wound to her neck and is on  a respirator at present. Not a good omen. And the perpetrator? Unnamed at present but quite likely comes from a family from a village known to spawn terrorists and murderers or from a family elsewhere that has had members of its clan perpetrating murder and terror.
     So what does Israel do? It continues on with life. The restaurants are full, the streets are full, the tourists and visitors are coming for the Jewish holidays and life continues. Yes, there is worry and yes, the cell phones go off with heartbreaking rings when it is a larger attack, but yes, life goes on, just with a bit more care and watchfulness. We are there to stay in the homeland and the rest of the world needs to take heart and lessons from this.
     And here in America what is happening again? More bombs and what I have been warning about  - a soft target attack in the Mall in Minneapolis. Seven dead, including a child of 15. Why? Because again, we have forgotten that soft targets are exactly that and more care must be taken. In Israel it is second nature now to enter a mall or shopping pedestrian area or a restaurant and open a bag, show what is making the bulge in the jacket pocket and answer a question or two if necessary. It is done quickly and efficiently. That is the way one stays safe and that is what we need to do here, but do it efficiently and properly and not build up lines such as were had right after 9/11. I can recall standing on a looooonnnnngggg line at the Union Station with the eighth graders and we must and can improve on that.
     But again we have bombs and that is even more serious for there are multiples of deaths and woundings with one event. Shrapnel in the form of metal and ball bearings wreak havoc on the nearby and not so nearby people and we must be more aware, more alert, to packages left around. Life of ease and acceptance of things in innocence must stop. Alert. Aware. Always. For it will happen again, the Mall attack and the bombings and the shootings and it already has when in New Jersey they discovered five more devices in a train station.
    And yet again we have more threats against us. An imam, preaching at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem screams to his audience of enthusiastic "prayers" that the end goal is to destroy Washington and Moscow, to fight until the sounds of Allah are heard from the White House and the kremlin. And hey, Donnie, which one threatens or upsets you the most?
     And yet again we have more lies and stupidity from the Republican National Committee in the form of Reince Priebus - gee, wonder if he comes from a background of immigrants! See how easy it is to start something?! But is the man serious when he practically threatened the ends of careers of other Republicans if they do not support Trump? Are these people to sell their souls? And yet again he continues with the Big Lie and repeats the stupidity that Clinton began the moronic birther issue - and yet, there are again still clueless people who will blindly quote this idiot - or worse, not such an idiot but a careful planner.
     Again and again and again. Would that there are good things that happen on a national basis that could be repeated. All we can hope for now is that the Somali community in Minneapolis think of a way to stop their young men from joining terrorists. They owe it to themselves, to their families, and to the country that took them in and allowed them to build new lives here away from the war and the starvation and death and Shabab that rampaged through their country.
     And more locally, we owe it to ourselves to stop this again phenomenon by getting rid of the dead wood in UCO and the dangerous head of UCO who continues to take us down the road to bankruptcy and ruin. It is the road to physical decrepitude as well, as we can see with our own eyes how the infrastructure has been deteriorating and people, replacing one palm or two is not the answer. The answer is to stop the again phenomenon as in again the AC system is broken in the Clubhouse or again there is an irrigation pump broken or again the roads are devolving in a more hurried rate or again and again and again and if you think that we are going to get away with anything, we are not. The fees that we will be asked to pay will be greater than we have been paying and if they are not -well, then we are fooling ourselves again and letting David Israel say see, I am watching out for you by keeping fee raises to a minimum, but people, again, all that will do is put us further behind the eight ball in amassing the funds we need to correct it all. It will not give us the preparation for post Millennium work. It will leave us in an even graver situation and for that, AGAIN - thank David Israel and if you go for his Big Lies technique then go, elect him again, but then look in the mirror when we collapse and ask yourselves who is at fault for this state of affairs. The man in the mirror!

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