Sunday, September 18, 2016


      I always thought that human beings had an instinct for survival and that is what kept us going thru many a crisis but I am not so sure of that at the present time. Where is that instinct when reportedly there is a growth in the poll numbers for Trump. Folks, we will not survive should the worst happen and we will never be the same again, not the country and not the world - if we should survive!!
     The man has no brakes, no common sense, no instincts for the right and the proper and could care less. Twice now he has solicited the death of his opponent, Hillary Clinton. First he invites gun nuts of the extreme to go after her and yesterday he states that her Secret Service guards should disarm and then see what happens to her!! This man should be arrested for incitement rather than be allowed to continue his ruinous campaign, a campaign that has the possibility of destroying us all. And make no mistake about, especially those of you who support the man for one particular cause or issue and think the rest do not matter. Do not trust this man for when it serves him, he will turn on a dime.
     For example, let us take his trillion dollar tax cut. To one group who dislikes it he says it will not be, it is gone, changed and to another group he then states that it is in place and when he is in office, well there it goes. This is a man who made a fortune using $885 million in tax breaks and do not smirk at this oh so clever tactic for that money comes out of our hides, make no mistake about it. This is the man who refuses to reveal his tax filings and we all know the reason why. This is the same man who consistently has gone belly up in his financial dealings but what does he care since he uses OPM - other people's money - and that is our money in the final bottom line of it all.
     So what we have so far is an alleged criminal, inciting people to take up guns and go kill his opponent and I guess anyone else whom they do not like, and an incompetent so called mogul who would not have lasted out there except for the fact that he had daddy's money to get his started\\, to pick up the pieces and then he found the never ending deep pockets of the government and the suckers of the people who fell for his garbage and fake economics, all the better to trick you, my dear. And now there is a story coming out in the Washington Post that though he swore that he was a straight guy, never shady in his projects, it turns out he was working with guys with connections to the underworld. What gives here?
     This is a man who is a consummate liar! And yet this pot calls others black in their lies. Who is the one who started the rumor of Obama's birth and people, how many of you went along with this Big Lie? You know who you are and you are doing it again when you allow this man to get away with outrageous statements such as that it was Clinton who began that lie and he could care less as he continues along his nasty path. He states that Obama and Clinton founded ISIS and that one really blew my mind.
     I do not get it. I just do not understand how people can support this man. I know that there are people out there who think he will solve all terrorist problems. Well think again. He responds without thinking. For example, we have the horrific bombing now in NYC. Is it terrorism? I think so, but all the info is not in yet and what if it is a nut job who yes, is a terrorist in  his/her own manner, but not the kind that comes to mind. So he shoots his mouth off without knowledge and says oh yes, we have to get tough. Tough how? Tough where? On whom? To whom? And details, Donnie boy, details as you are always short of them. Clinton on the other hand says that while it is awful, she will wait to comment more when there is more information. So who should be president? The one who will push that button in a lightning reaction or the one who will think and plan? Do we need to get into another Iraq situation or can we please try to avoid these costly wars, costly in everything, not the least of which are the lives lost and shattered.
     With a Trump reign we would have skies blackened with soot, coal being allowed, all the better to destroy the atmosphere. We will have Big Pharma free to run rampant over consumers and government alike. We will have the loss of regulations that help the working class, the unions, the very laws which allowed our parents and grandparents to thrive and build lives which allowed and enabled us to succeed. Sick people, poor people, elderly people, well, we can all go out and find the floes for us to die on - that is if all the ice has not melted in both poles!!
     And for an issue close to my heart - will Trump support Israel? I truly do not think so and if one returns to the beginning of this campaign, such as it is, remember that he said he would be "neutral" and when that did not go over so well, rather more like a lead balloon, he changed words and then again. I do not trust him and cannot throw him so all trust bases are off! And for those of you who think that it truly does not matter, for if anything goes wrong such as with oil or whatever, well Trump says we will basically do a smash and grab, go in, knock some heads, take what we want and get out. Yup, just like that. Is the man nuts!!?? Answer that for yourselves as you think just how realistic is that and are we haring off to war again so easily, so quickly when we are still enmeshed in the longest war ever aside from The Hundred Year's War between the French and the English! The same war that began when we ran off into Iraq for no good reason and yes, the same war that he supported with a clear record of that though now he says no, he did not. The liar again.
     We have a crazy governor in Maine who talks of how the immigrants to his state are dirty, take money from the state, ignoring the jobs and contributions of those same people. We have a VP
 candidate who was not ashamed to take the offer after so many much worthier people shied away, said no, thank you to that position. Is that the type of country we want? And make no mistake about it for if you should think that you and yours are immune, are safe in such a crazy country and world, think again, oh please think again.

     There is no way of running away from who we are, who you are. There was a wonderful article in the Times yesterday about just this topic and the words ring in my head. ...."despite all our best efforts, the fact is, we are associated with particular groups, and there is no getting away from it." What group do you belong to? What group are you running away from? Or would you rather be in the group of thinkers who daily wonder at the crassness, the ignorance, the lies, the danger that is Trump? Do you wonder why it is that he is never pressed for details and allowed to get away with his lack of facts, his denial of facts, his hatred of others, his war mongering, his financial blunders, his avoidance of truth about his finances and health? I do and so do others and I wonder if people are preparing for the Apocalypse that will be upon us should the worst happen? Are they assuring their place in that hegemony?
     Think about this while I think about why you who support Trump just do not get it. And yes, there are friends and family amongst you but you are all dangerously benighted, truly so.
     "Standing in a field in Central Europe outside the small town of Zolkiew looking into a pit of water in which 3,500 bodies are buried, including your own family, makes it impossible to get away
from that tribal group connection. And the law has to recognize that. I do not want to be treated as  Sands the Brit, Sands the European, Sands the liberal, Sands the Jew...I just want to be treated as Sands. And we all want that. But actually it's never going to happen. It's never going to happen."
     People, I just do not get it. Which world do we want? The one where once again we denigrate the other, use stereotypes and insults, urge others to pick up their guns and go after them, burn the books and then the people and then have a huge conflagration that will engulf the world and then it will not matter to which group you have been assigned for we will all be gone.
     I just do not get it. Where is that instinct for survival? Is it gone and are we doomed? I am that concerned and worried and frightened what will be for the next four years should he be in office and if there will be a country or world left after he is done. Why do you not see that? I just do not get it.

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