Friday, September 16, 2016


     Well, it seems that my love for my old flip phone is well deserved though sadly it is no longer with me as grandchildren and husband pushed me to a smartphone which seems to be not so smart for people lately. One Senator in Washington is thinking ruefully about his, another person, an anchor I believe, went home and deleted his emails aside from some personal ones, and one Senator says he was ahead of his times as he never sent emails!
     People mistakenly feel that what they say is sacred in its privacy. I, on the other hand, have always felt that people could always be listening so I always include a caveat to the initial brigade of the government that I was just joking or my conversation partner was joking. There are too many things we say that can be purposefully misinterpreted and so I feel better be safe than sorry.
     So what is the answer to all this hacking and exposure. Even the stiff Colin Powell has been hacked and revealed as not so stiff and stoic, not immune to the nippy little comments that we all make and you know what, he is entitled to do so. Not my favorite military person, he is still entitled to his privacy - as we all are. we all get burner phones, a whole stock of them, to have private conversations? Can get pretty costly and heavy to lug around a whole number for the day's events and conversations!
     Truthfully, I do not think there is an answer unless perhaps we all revert to flip phones! But then again, some of us have grown attached in an addict's way to the smartphones - that is provided they do not blow up in one's face or set fire to one's seat! Perhaps we need to learn to talk to each other again rather than email and snap chat and Twitter and all the other options out there and can you just imagine all the kids who seem to have lost the art and the urge of conversations? Whooo! Think most of my grandchildren will be bewildered at that! LOL.
     For one, I think we all need to be careful in what we say and text and if there is anything a bit shady or open to misinterpretation then take care of it at that moment by saying just kidding or it is only a phrase. For example, when one says one could kill someone - say only joking in case that person actually is found in a state of rigor mortis!! Or be prepared to defend your statements or perhaps better yet, we can all accept that we are human and allow each other our space and that we all have made some snarky comments so we are all excused for being human. It is when the wrong people make these snarky remarks, such as candidates for office, that we run into problems but then again - candidates are human too and under great pressure, so again, not such an easy solve, is it?
     All of this new technology and ever growing category of it is problematic. Look at NYC which thought it was the cat's meow (to borrow from another era) when it installed the free Internet kiosks. Instead, they have created a monster, what with people just about moving in to these kiosks and surrounding sidewalks with chairs and sofas and tents and pursuing loud music 24/7, watching pornography and just about ruining the lives of residents, people passing by and businesses. Need to think again, huh!
     Do we need more encryption? The government howls about that one for it makes it difficult for them and how are they going to catch the bad guys and the terrorists who, by the way, have already figured out what to do and are using burner phones, switching phones so we have no real idea where the dude actually is, using good old face to face meetings and messengers and other quaint ideas and methodologies.
     We also need to get off this urge, this inner burning need of some to impose their idea of what is best for them on the unwilling and perhaps the wiser ones. For example, we absolutely, definitely, 100% do not need a huge one stop shopping version of broadband here with our free choice of who we wish to use for our phones and Internet provider  taken away from us. Why is someone - you know who - (DI for a hint) so hot on this, going against the bylaws where the only thing we have together is cable. Period!! Why are we suddenly to acquiesce and agree to have this Atlantic company do it all and uh huh, what will DI get for his helpful attitude towards them? Perhaps access to the whole shootin' shebang, some backdoor entry into the accounts of all, perhaps giving the poor man something to do besides contemplating his navel when he sits all day in UCO. He has already spent lots and lots of money fixing it up, inside and out, never mind our roads and post Millennium needs and new contracts and broken chiller in the Clubhouse and the algae and the irrigation system, "etc. etc., and so forth". Why have there been secret meetings and deals with CSI and what has happened that CSI has been ignoring David and we have had meetings cancelled last minute so what is happening and why are the residents being kept in the dark and why does David think he can impose this on us and we are to sit there and rotate?!!! I do not think so!!!
     I, for one, am satisfied with my services. I have a great package with Comcast, a separate landline with AT&T in case of hurricanes and power outages, the associations who have wired up for Wi Fi do not want a change with a new broadband initiative that would impose upon them, there are snowbirds who are not interested in this, older people who do not use the Internet nor plan to and cannot afford a computer anyway, and the list runs long.
    There are two sides and perhaps more to every venture. We need to think about all possibilities, think forward, be creative in our thoughts. For example, we poured bad water into our waterways and grew stagnant and algae overrun by not thinking ahead, by not doing a bit more research and thinking, thinking!!! WPRF did not redo the Clubhouse cooling system from the get go after the hurricane destruction and as a result what we have is a constantly not working right system and now we really need a new system and who do you think is going to pay for that? A little thinking ahead would have been better and cheaper if done at the onset, don't ya" think!
     And hey, all make mistakes and I have been told that I wrote that piece but I never sent it to the editor nor gave permission for it to be used as such nor does it have the same approach, but still, I apologize  for the accusation. Done and over.
     In any case, we all need to think and plan and work to stop this nonsense of the Broadband. Too much technology ain't such a good thing and in fact sometimes is very suspicious and even dangerous. We need none of that and we are just fine with what we have and with waiting to see what happens in the near future what with all the changes and discoveries, some good and some not so good. Wait and think and plan and think again. What are all the possibilities, what are the advantages as juxtaposed with the disadvantages? Think and think again!! We simply do not get that thinking part right at UCO.
     And as far as the country is concerned, we need one to lead us who knows how to think and plan and who knows how not to shoot from the hip. Trump is a danger in that way as what is on his mind is out his mouth, without thought and care, without a realization as to consequences. That might work with a toddler but not so good with a President of the United States. Oh yes, he certainly could shake things up, but do you really want to be in that shaker? Think, think.
     By the way, fool, one cannot impose one's views on anyone when they read a blog. First of all, no one forces them to read it and second of all, reading is that and nothing else. If I can change an opinion or open a mind then fine and if not, nice to have readers. But imposition? Please read the dictionary on that and think again - exactly as I ask for in the blog.

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