Monday, September 5, 2016


       That is the beginning of a famous statement made by Hillel, a great rabbi and leader of the Jewish people and indeed, all humanity. "If I am not concerned for myself, then who am I" - for I then disregard myself, my value as a person, as a human being, of value in the world - and then there is a corollary, the second part of this statement and piece of philosophy. "And if I am (only) for myself then what am I?" If my cares and concerns extend only as far as what matters to me, for me, all about me - then what am I - and notice the reference of what, as a thing, not any more a human being.
     I think as a child I practically learned this in my crib, its words, the words made into a song that we sang joyfully and danced to the tune and as we grew older we learned it as a statement of philosophy. The third part states "And if not now then when?" It urges us to action and not soon, or later, or when the time is better or I am busy now - but NOW.
     Hillel was not alone in the ancient world in expressing this philosophy. The Roman poet Horace wrote "It is your affair when your neighbor's house is on fire." Yes, if it is next to yours then you could have problems and it is common sense to wet down your house, form a bucket brigade or whatever but - also be concerned for the residents of that house. Are they okay? Where will they go? How can I help?
     I think we have lost much of these sentiments and instructions or philosophy. When we look at these election campaigns the viciousness of them smacks one in the face. Look at the presidential campaign and ask yourself where the issues have gone. Instead of hearing about them, questioning the candidates about them, we are stuck in a vicious rut of nastiness and hate. Immigrants are all sorts of nasty people according to Trump and his putting on a Jewish tallit or prayer shawl given to him in an African American church which adopted the tallit makes no never mind nor does it change his rants of hate. For him to then raise the "Christian" heritage that we must return to - well, the shivers go down my spine for combine that with his other statements that only "I" can keep law and order and after America is safe again we can take a look again at the issues of immigration, and on he rants and the echoes of history, a bloody history, resounds clearly and frighteningly. Well, we have been there before in the world, have we not? Every dictator says the same thing - only I can keep you safe, only after I insure the safety of whatever community it is then .....whatever . It is almost rote by now for these people, the chief of whom now is Trump and the current dictators such as Putin and the ghost of Hussein and Hitler and Mussolini and the dictators of Africa and Asia are cheering him right along.
     And now let us narrow our focus and look closer to home, right here in Century Village and reread what I have written - now and before, numerous times. We have a president who has stated that basically only he can continue to "lead" us in the Village using circular and faulty reasoning by practically stating that since he has been in office for so many years - that is after he played one of his usual tricks and used the dead summer months to overturn term limits after it had already been voted to remain several times - he might as well continue and anyway, only he can save the Village, run it ad infinitum.
     So yes, he has a great deal of experience - and can run the Village - right into the ground! He has the experience of ruination of the physical plant in its many aspects, in the loss of civility and decency, in the encouragement of elitism in that only certain people can be in UCO and be reused and circulated until they are dizzy and vote as such, experience in being unAmerican in his repression of rights and in using his so called patriotic job in the NSA to boast though the doubts of mine are still there - and his sudden dramatic change from saluting normally at the pledge to the ostentatious salute - puh leese! And there is definitely something wrong with a person who is always walking alone - after the assemblies and meetings, sitting all day in the UCO building - even yesterday! One who isolates oneself from the rest of humanity, never coming out to mix with them - well, the rest is understood.
     The fact that more and more of these types of people are finding themselves getting elected, the fact that elections can now be tampered with as easily as the old ones with the vote early and often strategy, the Tammany Halls of the nation, the fact that a demonstration of this was posted on Gary's blog for all to watch and shudder over - and the fact that David Israel did NOT post it though he usually touts all techie technology and advances so to speak - this says a lot and it provides much for us to think about.
     WE can start small, right here in the Village on our quest to improve the world, the Tikkun Olam that is such a factor in the thinking and obligations of the Jewish religion and ethos. We can demand answers, refuse to vote like automatons in the DA, demand new delegates who respond to the association and its wishes, read and think and see and hear the truths as they present themselves and stop engaging in purposeful blindness as we do not want to expose how stupid we were in following him blindly - for those who did. We can run for office and promise honesty and transparency and care for the Village rather than for our own supposed power and position. We can refuse to vote for stooges and come next year we can turf David Israel out of office - in the same powerful way we will refuse to allow Trump into the Oval Office except as a visitor perhaps, if then.
     People, if we do not take power over our own lives, if we do not take care of our own home, if we do not speak the truth, here in the Village or here in the USA, then we have only ourselves to blame. We must look towards the future - now - in all that we do and propose to do. Be proud of ourselves, of our country and do not allow for people to disrespect you and turn to dramatics to supposedly make a point as in the people who refuse to honor our flag and country - and ourselves and the people who fought and are still fighting to defend it and keep us safe. Do not allow those who would repress you, take away your rights to succeed.
     If we think about all this and what we must do then we will be able to take pride in our labors on this Labor Day holiday. There is no holiday for truth and hard work though. And please, those of you - and I and you know who you are - and so do many others - keep your garbage to yourselves!
     Just a note, today is the 44th anniversary of the Munich massacre of the Israeli athletes. 44 years and while not being murdered, they were snubbed at the Olympics and are still the targets of terrorists wherever Israelis go. Not much improvement have we? This is why I state again and again that we must do something, act now. As Hillel stated, "If not now, then when?"

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