Tuesday, September 6, 2016


     Secrets are things that happen, statements that are made, pieces of information that are hidden for one reason or another. Almost since the beginning of time there have been secrets, mild, silly, childish ones that can cause much harm and serious adult ones that can lead to crisis conditions. A secret once confided in another is guaranteed to be a secret no longer at some time and yet people have never fully internalized this fact, particularly as they practically burst with their secret and feel a visceral need to tell someone, anyone!
     Secrets seem to play a big role in this campaign. Hillary Clinton is accused of all sorts of dastardly deeds by not keeping secrets or of being careless with them. The fact is that these "secrets" for the most part were not actually classified as secret at that time and even years later only a relative few have been reclassified, a bit like the barn door and the horse. Either it is or it isn't at the time of its birth or not. One cannot go back and change those proverbial horses in midstream so as to better suit the new times.
     In addition, these supposed secrets would have not been so secret if posted or sent thru the State Dept. server as that was doubly hacked by both Russian and Chinese entities - so secrets? What secrets?
     New secrets? Okay.... the Clinton Foundation accepted donations from the Saudis. They then used these donations to fund research and aid projects all over the world. Not the first time that not so good people have donated money to good causes. Perhaps it goes a long way to assuage their guilt but for whatever reason, the money was there to be used for good purposes. Would I rather that all monies collected all over the world originated with "clean" sources? 100% - but in reality.....does not work that way.
     Now the great shouter, Trump, who has maligned Hillary Clinton over this, has been found to have personally made millions of dollars via deals in Saudi Arabia. Hmmmmm. Here we go with pots and kettles again. Not seeing the donation to charities much here either. Perhaps that is yet another secret that Trump wishes to hold onto along with his taxes or rather non payment of taxes as he weaseled out of them due to ridiculous loopholes in the real estate laws of taxation or the secrets of his health standing or his charitable donations or his true plans for the country should he G-d forbid, shudder, shudder, achieve election.
     And yet just as his Saudi deal was exposed along with other statements he has made or allies he works with or his heroes he admires and plans to emulate, there are no secrets any longer - not for him and neither for anyone else.
     The other day I read of a device, quite expensive, in the hundreds of thousands but well within a government's reach or even a very wealthy individual, that will capture any and all cell phones. You know, I have said from years ago that we were all being listened to and knowing that words can often be misinterpreted upon presentation techniques, I am careful about what I say and should there be any possibility of use against me, I always say - "FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA and any other initial organization - just joking!" Paranoid? Maybe? But who knows who is listening. There is a guy amongst us right here who tells people he can crack anyone's computer, life story, cards and activities so who knows? Better safe than sorry I say.
     So secrets become no longer a secret and the harm ensues. Projects that harmed fellow Americans, be it the poor soldiers subjected to the radiation in the deserts of Nevada or Arizona, wherever they were, to the awful playing loose and carelessly with lives, black and white with experiments with untreated syphilis, or acid trips or anything else the government did in the 'good old days" - all are secrets no longer. Monies spent on pet 'pork' projects hidden in the small print of thousand page documents and bills are discovered and people scram to cover their anatomies. And it does not change as one gets to the smaller localities and political entities.
     States and cities, towns and villages, big business - all have their secrets and believe me so does Century Village in West Palm. How monies and funds have been moved, trifled with, misspent and misused - all tried and have come to the fore, sometimes sooner and sometimes later. Elections that were shady, to say the least, repression of rights, plans for future nefarious deeds, the hiding of information and the covering over of the truth, of the carelessness with our home - all come out. The truth will out. I repeat, the truth will out.
     So we continue to battle these secrets be it a planned $20,000 for a mural or the lack of activity over algae in the water and by the way, all those sites that are tested in the reports are all in the Clubhouse lake. Well, hate to break it to ya' the majority of the residents do not live around that lake! How about testing all the locations in a better sampling and then let us see and read the truth of the numbers reporting on the chemicals and minerals in the water. How about reporting it openly and not keeping secrets any longer. How about doing things in a timely and righteous manner rather than waiting till enough people have shouted about it to the skies and it cannot be hidden any longer.
     And how about one of the biggest secrets of all. What is the true new fee or raise that we will have to pay in next year's payments. WE get a confused and technical report from O'Brien with a semi mumbling tone with technical terms and we still do not know - what is the amount, what does that include, does that include the monies we need to amass for the reserves for the roads and how will those reserves be segregated and safeguarded against other uses, what about the raise that WPRF will cause and demand in its infinite wish list using our monies and what about the monies and plans for the post Millennium when hopefully we can unscrew some of those screws that the Levys shot within us - such as the cars being provided to him and his wife along with such other lovely perks.
     Secrets. They are generally ugly - unless they are for surprise parties for someone or for a great gift or visit or something else along these benign lines. Otherwise - not good, not for anyone other than for the one planning to benefit from it at the cost to many others. Secrets. They do come out, sooner or later and it seems that time does not heal all wounds and the scars these secrets leave are far from healed. Secrets - a bad deal all around.
     So, from another posting - ist das worklich so? Is this really so? And if so, why must it be so? Why can we not demand transparency and honesty, truth and true public service? That appears to be the biggest secret of all.
     PS - Want confirmation of the loss of the secrecy culture? Go read today's papers about the "relentless grinding" away at the secrecy of Apple and the new phone for this year. Secrets? Better not depend on them.

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