Wednesday, September 7, 2016


     Remember that game, especially when we went for rides in the car, before cell phones or video systems in cars. It was when people talked to each other, when siblings fought for the window seat in the back seat of the car and when things seemed a whole lot rosier.
     Today we often see things that we pretend we do not and we allow life to go on even when we should perhaps stop and think for at least a moment. So what does my little eye see today? Let me take stock.
     I spy...ah, yes, a beach in the middle of the road in front of my building and running down the middle of the road between the two Andovers. It was a bigger beach right after the big rains over the weekend but what it is, is all the sand from the disintegrating roads washed to the middle by the rushing waters. But not to worry, folks, for David Israel  reassures us that things are not dire, we have years to go on these roads. Not quite sure how, when they began their "new" life already five years behind the eightball, but perhaps there are still miracles in the world of today. In any case, what my eye does not spy is a massive reserve build up for the replacement of these roads - even after the report from Federated who showed the lacks and faults of these roads and the true disasters they are.
     I spy the next disaster as we approach the end of the Millennium Agreement and have done NOTHING about it. We have no attorney versed in these matters, we have do nothings in UCO who sit on their thumbs and rotate, speaking of oh yes, they are well aware, etc. but their actions, or rather inactions, speak louder than their words. Just as we do not see actions on new by laws. David Israel is hot to trot on this one for he feels he will be able to enshrine his repressive laws and attitudes in new by laws and as such has not publicized anything about this, waited for a certain person to arrive in the Village to head this effort and has not publicized anything. No town hall, no suggestions allowed or even solicited. Nope, we are all expected to sit on our thumbs, be good little boys and girls and obey he who must be obeyed.
     I spy a Village deteriorating as we speak. I spy a Village where it seems nothing gets done unless there is a whole lot of shouting and finger pointing and then finally there is some action, too little too late. Why is that? Is it because the head honcho sits there in isolation in his office all day and half the night? Doing what, I might ask. Looking for ways into our computer files? So he boasts
anyway so why not take him at his word?
     We have an entity here called WPRF that believes that life in the Village revolves around the Clubhouse so therefore all things go there first- unnecessary murals, costly at that, lake business there takes a priority to the neglect of most other waterways in the Village, shows get cut and now do not really start until December and even with a whimper rather than a bang. There used to be shows almost every night but now, uh uh. In this instance perhaps we are also somewhat at fault as there is a big mystery in my mind why people do not attend more shows. Many of these shows are the same ones that run in theaters all over South Florida - and for more money too - so why not buy and take advantage, I do. Going to shows here and outside the Village is one of the great perks of living here but what can we say when it appears that aside from one or two people, no one from the honchos of UCO are ever there at a show and certainly never David Israel. Great role model and when he speaks in committee meetings about how to get more people to shows, I could vomit at the hypocrisy that emerges from his mouth.
     I spy lots of things that are wrong here but I also spy lots of things that are right and why I love to live here - so sorry, Gracie, not going anywhere.
     And there are lots of things to look at in the outside world. First thing, yesterday my eyes spied a shirt which read - America The Land of the Free - and I wondered if that still applied to us here in the Village, so for five bucks I got a shirt where maybe I will add that corollary - aside from CV - and then wear it to the DA. Might make a point or two. LOL.
     More seriously in this game of I Spy, while awaiting my turn in the MRI machine - not a pleasant experience as I held on to that emergency bulb for dear life and sang songs to myself to keep my sanity! - the TV screen so graciously presented us with vignettes of the campaign. Out of my mouth, involuntarily, came the statement "He is such as idiot!" and the agreeing smiles and smirks came alive throughout the waiting room. How can one take seriously a man who throws his hands out and says that what he wants he gets. That is one of the first lessons we teach our kids, that is not the way of the world and they need to deal with it. It is called maturity. How do we take seriously a man who deals with his opponent by attacking her looks because she is female? Well, Donald old boy, yours aren't anything to write home about yourself, so why not stick to the issues, something we have had little enough from you. So the man is a joke - but not such a joke since he is now the Republican candidate for President of the United States and shame on the RNC that they allowed this and are funding him.
     I Spy lousy business elsewhere in the world. Here is a sample as we get closer to the anniversary of 9/11. Still the same idiocies. It never ends, does it? There is a speaker going to lecture some "progressive" organizations, but how progressive are they? Here is his topic - exposing the neocons and their Zionist partners-in-crime who had the means, motive, and opportunity to pull off this game-changing event.” This is about 9/11.
       When does this stop? Tell me, please.
      I Spy the hatred still roiling the world, seemingly for an eternity. I see women still being held in thrall to others and the women of Saudi Arabia are now running a campaign on Facebook and Twitter for their freedom. The women of a city freed from ISIS held a burqa burning campfire. And women here in the USA, women in responsible positions, are still being harassed by their ugly bosses, ugly in soul, who are ruled by those damned little heads of theirs. For how long and when do we lose this backward attitude that the guy in college who sleeps around is a man on campus but the women involved are sluts? When? When do we stop blaming the victims for the actions of their violators?
       I Spy the wars all over the globe. I see Europe split again into separate countries, something I always expected actually. I see clans and tribalism take over and ruin countries. I see viciousness in wild and violent attacks on those who differ from anyone else and even religion takes its share of this hatred and violence. I Spy all this and wonder when we can all do I Spy and see the beauty of the world, the good side of humanity and when it will be difficult to espy the selfish leader for finally, we will have the true public servant in office.
      I Spy the beauty of friendship and love here in the Village and wonder why more cannot take part in this? I wonder why and will continue to do so even as I wage a war for it. Perhaps we should all have a game of I Spy and rather than chase Pokemon characters around, we can chase down vignettes of good and share it with others. It's an idea.

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