Thursday, September 8, 2016


   There are times when comments can be avoided, not necessary, for the words speak for themselves. Today I am going to present some words from various sources that speak for themselves and of course these are on topics that concern me, about which I have written before.
     "Bauer is professor emeritus of history and Holocaust studies at the Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and serves as an academic adviser to Yad Vashem. Born in Prague in 1926, he moved to Israel with his family in 1939. He received the Israel Prize in 1998.
........quoted Bauer, 90, as saying the BDS Movement does not want “a better Israel, they want no Israel at all.” 
     “Now of course, they love Jews. Especially dead Jews. The ones who died in the Holocaust, they’re marvelous, they were terrific. Live Jews is something else,” he was quoted as saying.
Bauer unequivocally equated anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism, describing the former as an empty slogan. “They want to destroy the Jewish state; they want to destroy it because it’s a Jewish state. That means you are an anti-Semite.”

"When Mr. Lauer asked if Mr. Trump actually believed he knew more about the Islamic State than American generals, the candidate replied: “The generals have been reduced to rubble.” When Mr. Lauer brought up Mr. Trump’s admiration for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, noting that Mr. Putin had invaded Ukraine and was suspected of hacking Democratic emails, Mr. Trump refused to say a negative word about him..."

"Chris Wallace, the Fox News anchor who will handle the third presidential debate, drew criticism this week when he said, “I don’t view my role as truth-squading.”

    Okay, my turn. First, I must state that it is a good thing that Lauer is not a moderator of any official debate as he did a truly lousy job of this pre debate meeting on the Intrepid. Second, what does Chris Wallace think IS his job other than to seek out the truth during the debate to the best of his ability and within the confines of the rules?
Second, what is with this bromance of Trump and Putin? 'Nuff said on that! Clear as daylight.

     How much more garbage are we going to get from the mouths of anti Semites and yes, also as clear as day, anti Israel or anti Zionism is  anti Semitism. The behavior of the Dutch PM in purposefully snubbing Netanyahu by taking his hand away, refusing to shake hands with him on a receiving line is shameful and I congratulate the Israeli PM for his grace and in the telling look on his face, the contempt he had for this coward and anti Semite. And while we are on this topic what is with the lack of diplomacy and tact lately among the diplomatic corps?

     And here is a lovely little tidbit. Brian Eno refuses to allow the Batsheva Dance Company from Israel to use any of his music in their performances. Truly? Perhaps he would prefer a Wagner opus instead? As far as I am concerned his music should be banned and let us see and hear his squawks at that point? As for me and mine - none of his music will ever be heard again in our homes. Period.

     In addition, yesterday I read a huge article in the NY Times reporting on workshops at a college for freshmen teaching them about "microaggression" and how to recognize and avoid it. Love it when people make up these things and then take themselves so seriously. It used to be that college was an eye opening experience where a student's mind would be opened and filled with the knowledge of the word, would learn to think outside the box of his/her prior bubble, and yes, at times would hear words or sequences of words or read passages or hear speakers talk on uncomfortable topics for that was college. Today we need to watch for microaggression. Example? Do not ask an Asian student to help you with math or even say a word about another race or creed or whatever in your own car with yourself alone or with friends of similar thought. Be aware of target words, of safe zones and it goes on and on. Bottom line - we say nothing of any value and we are selective in what is called microaggression with reference to various groups. For example, I read about towards African Americans, Asians, Native Americans but did not read about Jews or Moslems. Interesting.

     This world is a weird and confusing place lately. It seems as if truth is ignored and lies that are blared with insults galore are treasured. Nonsense is spoken of no value, such as discussing who looks "presidential" from Trump who obviously never has looked into the mirror when he rants on. The issues - forget it. Unity? Nope.

     And isn't that lack of unity and the shameful use of hate so wrong and so much more hurtful at this time of year, so close to 9/11 when hatred blew up, literally, in our faces and thousands were killed, vaporized. The best words on that topic come from a child of 14 who never knew her dad, having been killed before she was born. Read her words and hear them in your hearts and souls. No further comment is necessary.
"I've always been aware of the world," she says. "The world should be a place where it's okay to be who you are, and to love whom you love and believe what you believe. Underneath, what we're made up of is the same."


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