Friday, September 9, 2016


     This morning I arose a tad dizzy and found that the world was dizzy along with me. A presidential candidate, albeit a minor one, though a spoiler in a sense, did not know where, or even what, Aleppo is. Shudder - and this wants to lead a country?
     Another presidential candidate, from a major party, so with please G-d no, a chance at election, has taken a most mystifying tact. He praises the leader of a country that is inimical to us all, a leader who is a dictator, one who does away with his opponents, who has hacked into our systems and does an interview on a Russian sponsored station here in America, and repeats all his dangerous idiocies.
     He understands nothing about people, particularly women and states that sexual violence and attacks on women in the armed forces is understandable given conditions, such as mixing the genders. Uh huh, any more get out of jail cards for the violators of societal norms, for the perpetuators of violence on and against women, oh Donald? I would like to know what goes on in that excuse for a mind that he has for when he looks at a woman all he can ostensibly see are sexual and visual topics and remarks, even when talking of his opponent in the race. And what exactly does that have to do with anything as it is what is between a person's ears and what is in his heart that counts, their viewpoints on issues, their plans - and we get nothing on that end from the Donald. And not such a beautiful face either!
     Then there is pandemonium in NYC and what is worse, it contains virulent anti Semitism and vigorous adherents from Black Lives Matter, pro Palestinian forces and worst of all, members of the Neturei Karta sect which I do not even count as Jews, but rather as renegades and proponents of murder for that is what they would have as the outcome should their G-d awful plans ever come to fruition. The point of all this nonsense at the City Council? A plan to have the entire council vote against the BDS movement and support all the similar ones passed by so many state entities and even in NY State. Such hate in perhaps the most Jewish city of all outside Israel! That people would behave this way!
     And the hate and the violence and the anti American actions of these people are echoed all around the country. Nut jobs who kept quiet for a while have felt empowered to run for public office so once again we have David Dukes in a campaign, we have open Nazi and neo Nazi actions and protests and the rest of the world seems to follow along with Nazi salutes and signs at a match in Italy, diplomatic snubbing, rants from supposed proposed partners in peace and yet at the same time we have Israel tending to victims of the Syrian vicious war that has come close to one million victims; we have Israel first at so many international disaster scenes no matter the religious focus of that nation - just to help other humans, and we have Israel as the source of lessons, teaching and advice on how to fight terrorism, how to recover from an attack, how to find the perpetrators, Israel who cooperates in the war against terrorism and who accepts so many police officers from other countries, including America, to share in all that deals with terrorism and terrorists.
     And with all this going on, we have right here in CV, a bit of the same taint, the same smear of garbage and hate, as he who must be obeyed refuses to relinquish his hold on the Village, who censors all who oppose him, never mind the benefit of the Village, who is megalomaniacal in thoughts, who has stated openly that only he can rule the Village as all its needs and necessities are within his head. Seems he has learned from the same school as Trump who also states that he and he alone "I" can run the country. Where is our freedom of the press? What has happened to our radio station, our TV station? They are useless, dead, a mere faint echo of what they were under prior people who refused to give in to orders and pressure. Our vaunted paper has turned into The Rag, entities around the Village - and even outside the Village - are threatened and pressured to deny space for opponents and meanwhile the Village retrogresses and sinks in a morass of neglected infrastructure and misplaced and ignored needs of the future, the near future, as all is ignored by the useless and dangerous UCO leadership, those who follow blindly in the orbit and path of David Israel. I would like to see these people mingle with the Villagers and not only at meetings, but in the very fabric of life, listen to the Villagers, solicit the opinions of all and hear the truth, hear the disgust of the people about and against David Israel and certain henchmen. But this will never happen as dictators or would be dictators, even minor and insignificant ones who overshoot their target, just want to maintain their position and their presumed powers over others.
     It is time for the citizens of the world, the country, the states and the Village to throw out the ruination of us all and go back to sense and sensibility. Go back to the right, the fair, the just, the principles upon which this country was founded. Go to the movies and see Hell or High Water and realize it is not a shoot 'em up but rather a paean to the mid country, to those of our fellow Americans who are suffering in dire poverty, in despair, even as banks and big companies run rampant over us, even as Big Pharma denies us fair costs for medicines that are needed - even to save lives - and for companies that decide that they will not really approve of certain meds that people need because they are too expensive, rather than forcing the drug companies to puncture their balloons in another way. And why is Medicare not allowed to bargain with the companies for the cost of drugs rather than just have to eat it? If they were allowed to do so, the companies would cave, at least to a certain extent but I wish the candidates would tackle this issue and state a plan to fix this. Hello, anyone out there who really cares for the people? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? .......

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