Monday, September 12, 2016


       This has got to be the strangest presidential campaign ever, at least in my memory. One candidate refuses to discuss issues - probably because he really does not have any formulated plans, only blustery words and vague promises. This candidate uses the Big Lie technique and the media just fall down dead at his feet, refusing to pin him down on his statements or ask him what all any of his wild statements have to do with the issues that perplex America. The same demands he makes of the other candidate seem to pass him by and yet no one tackles him on them.
     Trump rants about the Clinton Foundation. What about his shady ties with China and its biggest bank, or Trump University and pardon me if I use university in that name as it is the furthest thing from being one, issues jingoistic statements about Clinton's income or money and refuses to say one word or publish any of his tax statements. What's that all about?
     And of course we have the "health" issue. Over and over again he makes snide remarks based on nothing but hot air and nastiness re Clinton's health. Perhaps she cannot bench press the same as him though I must say that Trump is not exactly a prime example of a man's greater bodily strength, but she certainly is an example of the strength of women in facing any health issue. Friday she was diagnosed with pneumonia, not an esoteric infection yet she maintained her schedule and stood at the Memorial ceremony on Sunday in the heat before giving out. That is the sign of a determined and strong minded person. She could outlast the stubbornness of Putin or the insanity of North Korea's ostensible leader.
     There is a ridiculous hysteria about this pneumonia issue. It is a big whoop in the long run and her concussion from three years ago is over and I beg anyone to prove to me that Trump has not had a continuous series of concussions and that is why he is the way he is!! Seriously, Kennedy had Addison's disease and functioned just fine. Johnson had his gall bladder removed and proudly showed his stitches around. Lincoln also functioned just fine despite his health issues and would that we had a president such as he was once more. FDR? "Nuff said on that! Pneumonia is an eminently curable infection or illness and I assume Clinton will receive the best care possible.
     So perhaps we can return to the issues or address them for the first time with seriousness and detail from the Trump campaign. Perhaps we can agree to discuss all these extraneous issues for one time with both sides opening health records, financial records and what not. Oops, Clinton has already done that so what is Trump hiding behind his bombastic oratory about Clinton and what his "amazing" presidency will do for us.
     Just read an article concerning the probable panic of the market should G-d forbid Trump win, No, No, NO! In any case, it is not a pretty picture that is painted and all you deluded Trump supporters out there had better watch your investments for it seems that money seems to gravitate one way when dealing with Trump and that is it goes into his pockets and out of those who invested with him. Do not invest with him in the form of a vote. Do not do silly things like vote for ignoramuses who do not know where Aleppo is or even what it is as a gesture of protest for that protest will badly backfire on all of us.
     And while we are thinking in terms of the big world out there, turn your thoughts to the little one in here, behind our gates. Our ostensible leader is just as bad what with financial shenanigans, secret plots to impose his projects on us, secret contracts - what the hell is up with CSI (not the health service company) and broadband, what is the truth about our budget raise, what is going to be done to prepare for the enormous expense of road repair, when is UCO going to open up to all, when will we replace the editors of The Rag and return the paper to its proper role and level, and just what the hell does he do all day in the office. Even yesterday he was in there all day - uploading three committee reports does not take all day and can be done from home as well, so why does he hide in there. Something wrong there folks, seriously. First step, look to your associations and clean out the trash that has accumulated there, replace those delegates who are stuck in a rut and that rut is not the one that is healthy for the association or Village, step up to the plate before the damage is done and look at the candidates in the next two elections and let us get some fresh air in. People are tired of this UCO and do not even bother to attend the DA and it is not just because it is the summer. This has gone on for four months already.The people are here; it is just that what with the zombie delegates, the automatons that vote as they are commanded, the independent thinkers just do not bother to come with the thought of what's the use ringing in their heads.
     Let us make a change. Yesterday was a day where so many spoke of the unity of the nation after 9/11 as differences were put aside and we came together in support of our country. They spoke of the desire for peace, for blessing so what about it, David? Up for peace talks? Ready to open UCO? Ready to practice the civil rights that all Americans have by virtue of being American and living in this country? Ready to do the right thing? (And by the way, for those reading the Messenger, my name was used in error under a letter to the editor comment as I neither wrote it nor sent it.)
     Folks, where are we going as a country and where are we going as a Village, as a community? Ask yourself those questions and think hard. Hear that clock ticking and for Pete's sake, Gracie, stop sending those ridiculous and repetitive remarks and by the way, the only one calling names is you, dearie. Making a statement is not a name calling issue. Would you perhaps like to compose an article and post it, but only if you leave out the silliness and stop hiding behind Anonymous as does your other compatriot though his vitriol is disgusting to say the least. Oh well, the refuge of the know nothings and the vicious- anonymity that is truly not.

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