Monday, September 12, 2016


     I have spoken with several non Americans and read the opinion of others and almost to a tee they are all concerned about the campaign and what it means for America and for the world. For the first thing, they are amazed at the fact that a man such as Trump can actually run for President of the United States. They are shocked! This man has no depths, no experience and claims to care for the underserved yet how can he? He never was of them but always of the rich and privileged. He speaks in hateful terms and language of those who are different, be they disabled or of differing ethnic and religious backgrounds - that is, different from those that he professes.
     They wonder at the fuss made at the fact that Hillary Clinton is running for the same office and she is a woman, So what, they ask me. So many countries have had women at the helm, even in some Moslem countries so it is about time they say that America woke up and joined the modern world.
     Our neighbors on this planet of ours also does not understand this crazy fuss with health, especially when one candidate has released records yet the one who has not, Trump, is doing all the yelling about them and in any case they want to know what is the fuss about pneumonia. One gets medicine and gets better and as I stated yesterday, the fact that she toiled on while in its throes only goes to her stamina and determination. I was told that their leaders can go off and have surgery and so what? They can continue governing and ruling or whatever while they recuperate and one bad cold does not eliminate one from a job or position. As an aside, I have had pneumonia myself, several times and one takes the meds and rests from a day or so to a week, and gets on with life. Neither is one cut off from the world while recuperating and getting over it. Again, a mountain out of a molehill.
     Interestingly enough, I came across an African proverb which goes like this: "If you want to go faster, go alone. If you want to go farther, go together." Sounds remarkably similar to the sentiment of the Clinton campaign which states "stronger together". That is the spirit that Clinton puts forth, exactly the opposite of the divisive campaign words of Trump.
     And of course, despite all the hateful words and statements of Trump, when Clinton makes a statement about deplorable supporters of Trump, wow. What a storm. So what? I do not care about percentages, but it is true that so many of those who support Trump are those who are either demagogues in their own minds or fiefdoms, or support the whole political reality of dictators, or are racists, misogynists, anti Semites and neo Nazis, the alt rights, people of the ilk of David Duke, so why the screaming. And yes, of course there are good (misguided, in my opinion) people who are Trump supporters for one reason or another and that is exactly what I have found to be the truth. His supporters have one issue with which they agree with Trump and overlook all the rest of his garbage. These are friends and family members and they are not deplorable at all - we just do not talk politics! However, the rest of the screamers and the media are ignoring the rest of her speech.
     She explains the other basket of people who feel left out or worried and these are the people she worries about, feels for but the media only paid attention to the first basket and ignored the second just as Matt Lauer ignored the ridiculous Trump statements and refused to press him for answers on serious issues even as he pushed Clinton. Now the Donald wants to have no moderators at the debates lest they come down on him so as to insure a fair debate. And people still support him? What will he do in real life, tell the prime minister of some country to go away or bring his health records, or perhaps cozy up to Putin, an enemy and a liar par excellence!
     Here are some profound words, yet simple words, which might help put things in perspective and force one to think through about one's choice in this or any election, be it here in the Village or in Macedonia or Canada or Israel or America. They are not mine, but words I borrow from a writer, words which made a deep impression on me in their simplicity and in their deeper meaning.
      "We are our memory. We are what we remember. And what others remember about us.....Even more than that....we are our lapses of memory. We are what we forget, what in defense we blot out of our memory, chase from our consciousness..."
     Pull your memories together. Think of situations of the world and of politics, of events in the life of the planet and in the future choices which will have to be made. Can you truly imagine some people in a leadership role with such serious and life changing matters? I know that the image of Trump as a future President sends chills of fear down my spine (just as the image of David Israel continuing in office does or some of the Commissioners of the County, or some other politicians) so gather ye rosebuds while ye may and think and remember and sift those memories lest it be too late for us all. Let us send a message to the world that we have not gone nuts, that we have not all partaken of that Kool-Aid nor smoked something we should not.
     When will people finally come to their senses? Clinton has released detailed information on her views on major issues, on proposals and plans and Trump? Nada!! Clinton has released tax information and forms. And Trump? Nada!!! Clinton has released health information while Trump? Nada - that is other than a ridiculous one page or paragraph letter after a five minute oral conversation with a doctor. Truly!! Trump now declares he has donated millions to charity mostly through his Donald Trump Foundation - but no proof and that Foundation is filled by OPM - other people's money so where is his personal giving? Nowhere to be found. Clinton's? Out there in the open. So why, when Hillary is generally forthcoming and detailed, running a campaign as it should be run, why oh why is Trump excused from all this? Goose and gander. Remember? Her major sin appears to me to be the decision to keep her pneumonia quiet as she continued her campaign with determination but a body needs some rest so there it is. No harm, no big deal and in fact, I find it admirable as it speaks to her strength to continue on, to soldier on in what she feels is her duty. Refreshing.

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