Wednesday, September 14, 2016


       While it is a privilege to be able to write every day, have the right to express oneself without censor other than one's own, it is sometimes difficult to decide what to write and to face that blank screen, the bane of all writers.
     So what to write of today. I can write of the good friends I will be meeting later today or the excellent PT I will be seeing today as well. Or I can write of the disgust, the ever growing disgust and dissatisfaction of the electorate here, within the Village. There are constant questions now as to why and what is going on. For example - why was the Broadband meeting cancelled? If it meant that David Israel had given up on his useless and anti by laws quest to impose his ideas of broadband upon us, then that would be great. However, and make that a big however, he is not trusted and people are asking just what he is doing now in secret. Is he firming up an illegal contract and/or payments to CSI? Is he planning some other boondoggle or another Big Lie to CYA his own posterior re the roads and their deteriorating conditions? Or perhaps he is planning on how he can impose new and more restrictive by laws that will include his repressive ideas and activities? And what about the proposal for one unit one vote for an owner, limited to one vote no matter how many units one owned? Where is that? The silence is deafening for he knows should that come into reality, he is gone.
     What are the plans for the budget in the special Operations meeting? What pipe dreams of WPRF are going to be expected to be fulfilled at what cost to our own budgets and fees? And what other boondoggles or sudden needs to make up deficits are we going to have to swallow. It does not matter what they are for, for if they have David Israel's approval, then all the little puppets will follow along, nice and tame. This UCO is demagoguery in real life and just symbolic of what Trump will impose on us should ugh! he get in but again not so sure of that victory.
     Pence, his VP candidate, was not so well received in Washington yesterday by other Republican figures.  NYS Attorney General Schneiderman in NY is investigating the Trump Foundation. Oooohhhhh, could it be that it is not such a wonderful and upright entity?!! Oh dear, Donnie, what have you done.
     The founder of LinkedIn is challenging Trump to release his tax records and if he does so by Oct. 19, 5 million dollars will be donated to veterans causes. So, Trump, get those records out and do not think that a little schmooze with Dr. Oz will be the end of the demand for your health history. Goose and gander - again. And what is with the fact that Pence could not get his mouth around the words to condemn Dukes or call him a racist. Want to return to the word deplorable and their presence in the Trump camp? The fact that there are good, but deluded people in that same camp does not erase the nastiness of other supporters. No indeedy.
     So what else could be written about. Oh yes, our lovely advanced world which seems to find that returning to hatred always is a possibility. So for those of you who say it could never happen here, turn your eyes to Washington and read how a room was reserved in the name of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee by a former(?) aide of hers, reserved for The US Campaign to End  the Israeli Occupation on Capitol Hill and promised real live BDS activists as a tempting morsel for the audience. Other Congressmen and women suddenly had their names held in secret after Lee pulled out, blaming it on this aide and how she allegedly did not know a thing about it. Uh huh. Great to have sacrificial lambs to throw under the bus. David knows all about that.
     And what about the Newsweek Middle East editor who oh so wonderfully maintained her neutrality in reporting. Here is a comment from her.

 She has several other lovely statements but what has happened to journalistic neutrality, the writing of the news, the presenting of both sides? Ha!! Wonder if she took bias lessons or how to slant lessons from our own editor here in the Village so will Newsweek Middle East turn into an international The Rag? Wow, interesting thought.
     Well, I found something to write about but wish it was a tad cheerier but one must write what one sees and must present the truth as seen by the writer's eyes. 
     And dear fellow who knows who you are, enough already with the SHADDUP comments and the same to you dear Gracie. I am not moving and am so bored with the same comment from you. And hey, where is that article of yours? Can't think of anything? Want me to give you a few ideas? Just sayin'.  

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