Wednesday, November 23, 2016


     It seems almost a sacrilege to liken the love poems of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barret Browning to the errata of Trump, but there it is. So let us count the ways in which this man has both disappointed us and frightened us. And perhaps let us take hope in the new urging of experts to the Clinton camp to demand recounts of Michigan - which still has not been called, and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania - due to intimations of hacking and tampering. Rigged did you say? Hmmmm.  And is there a likelihood that our esteemed future leader might have done something or encouraged it? Well, this is the guy who has stated openly that he always was representing Donald Trump, the guy who always looked at things as a deal, to crush the other guy, to go after any and all who did not appreciate him or let him have his way, and the guy who has refused to relinquish his business dealings and in fact, is continuing to manage them even as he violates the Emoluments Clause which forbids the President to benefit from any foreign profits, to keep it short. So - please, a recount, even though it will wreak havoc for a while, but think if we won! A fearful future would disappear into the ether and a president who communicates erratically via Twitter would also vanish from the history books. The same candidate who has tried to deny his German heritage and called himself a Swede! Why deny unless you believe in certain tainted ideas coming out of that, like when people go "Hail, Trump" along with a Nazi salute. Why not embrace a heritage which could also prove to be positive such as Goethe and Beethoven? Why? Because which do you embrace, Mr. Trump, which?
     So, on with the count. Now you say you are not sure if there is not actually climate changes occurring. Well, guess you gave up on the Chinese inventing this in order to get their way! About time and in fact, the Chinese have awful issues with climate change, many of which they have wreaked upon themselves - and we here in the USA had better get with the program and honor our commitments to working with the climate issues and with other countries.
     What about your own foundation, the supposed charity one that seems to have given the charity mostly to you, paying your bills, legal and otherwise. What's with that and the admission of that that just came out from the Foundation and you dare to talk of the Clinton Foundation? At least you realized what a disaster you would wreak upon yourself and your own financial history if you kept on down the wrong path.
     And how about your leaning towards inviting the military wholesale into the civilian government of the country. The military has always been subject to civilian control but what now when the two are mixed to an unhealthy degree. Planning a military ruled kingdom perhaps? Thinking of King Donald I dreams?  For what else could it be when you behave so strangely, call in the press and berate them for not recognizing your sterling points, for being "not fair" to you, for showing you with  double chin for pity's sake!!!
     You have made promises to the lower economic classes to improve their situations yet here you are hanging out with the fat cats. Here you are looking to kill the regulations that would avoid another meltdown at the banks and in the economy as happened in the Great Recession Here you are threatening to pull out of trade agreements and then, Mr. Trump, where and how will the farmers who backed you, go to sell their wheat and crops if they cannot get it overseas to their markets in Asia? Do you ever think it all through, Mr. Trump? And about those tax cuts....
     As for rigged elections, well, what will happen as voting rights are sent back to Jim Crow times except that this time around we will include perhaps other "undesirables" all the better to insure a Trump et al reign. Will you openly invite your pal, Putin, to walk with you then?
     And what about honesty and transparency or do you think that you can continue your business dealings along with the Presidency? What about Aberdeenshire in Scotland and your war there between your golf course and a wind farm and your continued pressuring them about it, using the prestige now of your future office to influence? What about China, who pays you rent and to whom you owe billions? How will you deal with them? Where is the separation and in that area, you must separate your children from at least one or the other - government or business! And by the way, Jared Kushner is not the miracle worker either that you portray him as, as the final guy who will actually make peace in the Middle East because he is an orthodox Jew. Does not work that way!!This poor guy and the pressure you put on him.
     What about your plans to cut funds and emphasis on fighting campus assaults? Is it because you feel sympathy for the "poor" guys accused of this, because you remember your days of groping and assaults on women, on their bodies and on their minds and value? Truth time, Mr. Trump.
   Finally, Mr. Trump, come out in the open, in a full and recorded session, not in a tweet, or in a closed session but openly and strongly state in no uncertain terms that you disavow and refuse any and all support from the nationalistic white movement, from the neo Nazis and that you will have an impartial bi partisan investigation into Bannon and Sessions and other suspect bigots that you have appointed to your future administration. That you will deny anyone who believes that the United States was and is and should be a  white state, designed and meant only for them and if it takes some bloodshed and violence to make it so - so be it. These are the words and thoughts of Spencer, who backs you to the hilt. Deny him,  Mr. Trump, deny him.
     If some of the words and thoughts in this posting appear to be a bit harsh, well, I, and many others, are frightened nigh unto death at the thought of what your administration could mean, where it could lead. It is not a joke, nor a job for an overgrown 12 year old, one who has never grown up, who has never gotten past the stage of "I'll get you back!" Show us that you have grown up, that you have accepted the rules of society, of the country, realized that you are not out for Donald Trump anymore, but out for the country that you will have vowed to serve. Show us that, Mr. Trump, allay the fears, show us that people can reform. Do the right thing, the many right things - be presidential in the best and highest sense of the word and meaning. Please, for all our sakes.

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