Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Remember that saying from Mad Magazine? It was a satirical magazine which skewered the balloons of society of the time and that tradition is now carried on by The Onion, but in any case, the answer to that question is yes - worry. In fact this is indeed the time to worry, particularly if you value justice, democracy, free speech, a safe society and the true dream of America.     I have written of the anti Semitism of the Trump camp, the horrid things that they have spewed from their awful mouths and minds, even to the one which mused that "perhaps Jews are not real people, but false like the Golem.." How often have we heard that statement just before the Jews were slaughtered, and in Nazi Germany they were burned and drowned and tortured and buried alive, worked to death, men ,women and children, even babies.
     Now we have Jeff Sessions, a most bigoted man who could not attain a Federal judgeship due to his statements and now he is going to be the Attorney General of the United States?! If that does not send a shiver down your spine then I know not how you think. Do not think that because Jared Kushner is there in the Trump court that he or you is immune. The Court Jew goes down with every one else.
     Half a century ago, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote, “Let us yield no inch to bigotry, let us make no compromise with callousness.” People, this is as true now as it was then and serves as a wakeup call and think not that you are immune because you are not Jewish or Moslem, or a minority or just plain different because your orientation is other than the norm as is defined by them or any other person who is different and even those in the lead are in danger for there is no loyalty here, certainly not from the leader to the hired help.
     If you noticed the papers held by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, one of Donald Trump's potential picks for Department of Homeland Security you might have seen that the topics on the papers were  "according to a report from The Topeka Capital-Journal, reveal plans to question "high-risk" immigrants over support for Sharia law and the U.S. Constitution. A bullet point says "Bar the Entry of Potential Terrorists."
The Topeka-Journal also noted that the document calls for an update and reintroduction of the National Security Entry-Exit Registration system, originally implemented after 9/11. It mentioned "extreme vetting questions" for "high-risk aliens" as well." Are you trembling yet? Or are you still thinking you are immune? Think again.
     Vivian Leigh, the actress said that "the best thing to do with the past and the future is to ignore them, otherwise  there's never an enjoyable present". I strongly disagree and so do most historians. The past is part of the present and there is no future if we ignore the past and write off the present.
     Thomas Jefferson said that "I find the harder I work, the luckier I get. " We need to work hard. We need to keep an eye on this future administration or else we will lose all that we value. Quickly and right before our eyes. The man who would be president has met business partners and while supposed to be setting up a new administration has the time to speak to the president of Argentina asking him to fix some deal up for him, using his new position to be as incentive!!!! This is the man going to be our leader? This is the man who is supposed to lead us into the future and he will - but what future and at what cost?
     The popular vote, meaning more of the Americans who voted, voted not for Trump but for Clinton and only because of an antiquated system, one which gives rural areas and states more votes than they should have, more bang for the buck, do we have this Trump in position. Sadly so and I would be the most grateful if I were proven to be wrong but I hardly doubt it. My antennae are up, as an American, as a woman, as a social liberal, as a Jew.
     Someone out there prove to me that all his shenanigans, all his neo Nazi supporters and the alt right creeps, all the bigots who have been named as probable and definite members of his administration, all the ridiculous tweets sent out early in the morning from a man who acts like a big overgrown baby, who does not inspire admiration nor emulation other than by those who need to be directed by such a man and such a philosophy - prove to me that there is more than this to him, that he will grow quickly into his position and why one should think so. He picks fights with anyone who speaks freely from Alec Baldwin to the Hamilton cast, needs to get back, to take revenge, This is sickening. This is shameful.
     This has amazed the world and not in a good way only strengthening the other dictators and demagogues like Duterte and Putin and Erdogan and Assad and on and on. This man who cannot separate his business from that of the country, who needs his children to hold his hand and tell him what to do - against Federal law, this man who is a fraud in his dealings with Trump University, who owes billions to China and other foreign entities - how will he administer this country. This country is NOT, most emphatically not a business. It is a country of people with needs and hopes and dreams. This man must man up, grow up, walk down the righteous path and put aside those with hateful plans and views. This man must abide by the law, even if his businesses must be sacrificed. That is his duty to the people. If only he would do it.

      So yesterday he had a meeting with the media, the various news figures, anchors and executives and read them the riot act. Next is the NY Times which has been following him and criticizing and so now they are in for it. Not very American or constitutional is it? Not speaking very well for our president to be. And The National Holocaust Museum says they are worried after seeing this and everything else that has been going on. They refer to the video which showed

The swamp gets murkier and the hopes of it getting drained are rapidly drowning.
     What? Me worry? Oh yeah!!

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