Monday, November 21, 2016


     One might say it is as if the blog writer has a plethora of riches, so much to write about, yet is it truly so? Yesterday I wrote about the top down theory of behavior and what we have with Trump and indeed, what might be said we have here in the Village and UCO, though thank the Lord above we seem to have avoided some of the truly crazies, but there David Israel sits at the top - not good. But anyway, every day brings about more horrific news out of the Trump camp, frightening news and I wonder in fear exactly what we have done in this election wherein the LOSER of the popular vote now rules the roost and what a turkey this guy is, a dangerous one at that.
     Mrs. Wilson? When Woodrow Wilson was badgered by the Congress as he tried to get us to join the League of Nations, he had a stroke, understandably so. What happened next was not so understandable. His wife took over his job, refusing entry to the president for then his inability to be president would have been exposed and she ran the government. So hence - Mrs. Wilson and hence the deja vu situation today. While there is no stroke, there is a lack of ability, an unfitness to be president and instead we have an inner council of forbidden by law children of the president elect  who are in reality running the joint. There sit Eric, Donald Jr. Ivanka, and Jared - in on top secret conferences and meetings, in at the business meetings that continue - another ethics and legal violation and the rest of the "advisers"? Wish they were not there but they are and it is time we looked at them and spoke the truth. Denying what is so does not make it so.
 Here is another pretty little story. Trump was in major danger of facing an impeachment if he did not settle the Trump University suit so after all his tantrums shouting that he would never settle - guess what? He did and for a huge sum, something he swore would never happen. Now he is in danger of the next ethics violation - his children and the government and himself and the government and his businesses. One cannot sit on both chairs at the same time so either the business or the presidency. I know what I and many people prefer, but he must choose his path and one path involves major legal issues.
     He must also make up his mind and stop his dithering and his lies. Christie and Giuliani went under the bus. Now is Christie in emergency care? The lobbyists were out and yet here they are again, en masse, in his administration. Draining the swamp? Seems to me that the swamp is getting even murkier by the day. And the supporters. That is the scariest ever. Here is a little tidbit.
     "But now his tone changed as he began to tell the audience of more than 200 people, mostly young men, what they had been waiting to hear. He railed against Jews and, with a smile, quoted Nazi propaganda in the original German. America, he said, belonged to white people, whom he called the “children of the sun,” a race of conquerors and creators who had been marginalized but now, in the era of President-elect Donald J. Trump, were “awakening to their own identity.”
     This is how the alt right on Saturday, in DC, celebrated their present inclusion in the "Moral Majority", and rejoicing that their leader, Bannon, is right there with Trump. And the two sons of Trump keep tweeting and retweeting memes of anti Semitism and the rest of the world - why sleep is so nice!!
     Trump must choose. Is he truly the president of all Americans, no matter their color or ethnicity or how long they and their families have been in America, or is he the president of the white nationalists, racists to their very core, and a friend to no one and  to no principle other than to their hatred? This hatred is growing within the country, having gotten worse after the election as a result of certain people thinking that they now rule the roost. Especially with a president who wishes to establish his realm and reign with raising his family members, his children, to the level of inheritors, princes and princesses of the realm.
     I believe what we have now is a growing blindness and deafness. People who voted for Trump, or who did  not vote at all and lost Hillary the electoral votes, are now beginning to see what they have wrought, are beginning to see that they cannot not see and hear what is there but oh yes, they can try, so they look away from all that is happening, at all the hate that is growing, at the scary voices that are being raised, at the ethical violations of the president to be - they do not wish to hear or see this, so they say it does not affect them and on they go with their lives but one cannot outrun such disaster, not at all and history has shown that to be true.
     Benjamin Franklin said, "Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." The Pastor in Nazi Germany said it as well when he stated the fact that if one ignored it all, when they finally came for him there was nobody left to protest. Hatred grows. It incites more hatred and uncertainty. It leads to dictatorships and death. It certainly leads to the undoing of democracy.
    We must look to the present and the possible futures we have in front of us. Demand that the new president to be live up to the principles and ethics demanded of him by history, by our Constitution, by decency, and by law. No one is above the law and no one can incite such hatred that is now growing in our high schools and middle schools and full blown in our universities. While we have those who protest the wrong that is growing, we also have those who parrot the racism heard in their homes, displayed by our so called leaders and then why not, they say, we can do the same and they do.
     There are all sorts of protests and marches going on and being planned for the future. There is the Women's March in Washington on Saturday Jan. 21 to point out to all that we are watching, all the people, all the Americans who want to see justice prevail, to see Medicaid and Medicare and Social Security  left alone, to see ethics being employed and followed in our government, to make sure that our pols do the right thing, to stand up for women's rights, for LGBTQ people, for children, for respect for all. And we here in the Village will also have a march on that day at the Clubhouse, gathering at 9:30 in Room C and stepping off at 10. We will push your chair, help you walk, or invite you to wait for us until we return to Room C. All are welcome - men and women - all denominations and political leanings for there is no demarcation or human and  civil rights between Republican or Democrat, only between people who care and those who do not. Which are you? More flyers and information will be forthcoming after Thanksgiving.
     Trump had a fit after Alec Baldwin satirized him on SNL, not the first president or public figure to have this done, part and parcel of the democracy with free speech that we live in. Trump had a cow and wants his "equal time", tweeting so - but not so after an election. Alec Baldwin tweeted him back - your job is now to be president and ours to speak. Truer words never have been spoken. Would that they become true.

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