Thursday, November 17, 2016


     It appears to be that despite all the various requests and pleadings to the American people to work together that it will not be possible, not now, in any case. Hillary pleads at the Children's Defense Fund to  “believe in our country, fight for our values and never give up.” This despite the emotional moments where she acknowledged that at times this past week she has felt like curling up and never moving out of the house again. And yet she encourages us to keep up the struggle and never forget the children, a concern she has had since the beginning of her professional career as a lawyer.
      Speaker after speaker, public figures, one after the other speak up at the horrors going on in the new Daily Horror Show. Trump exercises his assumed royal powers in his attempt to become King Donald I what with the royal appointees kept unsure - are they in or are they out - and for sure - just check with the heir apparent, Jared Kushner, he who will be cleared in to participate in top secret briefings with no nepotism evidently since he is a son in law and not a blood relative. Humph!!
     And yet His Royal Majesty, The Orange Man, keeps repeating and tweeting that his transition is going just fine. Uh huh. Wonder what not fine would mean? And for the piece de resistance, we have his appointment of Bannon as his adviser, as his political ally, as a key figure in his new government. This is the same guy about whom much is written.
"Jonathan Greenblatt, chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League, said via Twitter on Sunday night that the ADL opposes Bannon’s appointment to a senior White House role because “he & his alt-right are so hostile to core American values.”
Endorsing Greenblatt’s message, NAACP president Cornell William Brooks tweeted overnight: “Racism has been routinized; anti-Semitism normalized; xenophobia deexceptionalized; & misogyny mainstreamed.”
     And in addition we have other wonderful words about the situation."His victory has been celebrated by European far-right groups, including Marine Le Pen of France’s National Front party, who wrote that Trump’s election set the American people “free.” Geert Wilders, a Dutch anti-Islam campaigner, called the Trump victory a “revolution” to be repeated in his own homeland."

     Even Greg Popovich,the head coach for the Spurs has gotten into the fray with this comment. "Well, I think [Bannon’s appointment] is very troublesome to many of us. As I said, it would be great if [Trump] made some statements to all of the groups he disparaged, to bring us all together, and to allay fears, because there are a lot of fearful people, and for good reason. But rather than doing that, he inflamed it even more with that appointment. It’s kind of ironic.
“I wonder sometimes if [Trump] made all those statements, he certainly whipped up the fear mongering and emotion in that base, but it’s going to be ironic because now a lot of the things he told them he’s going to do he’s already started to walk back a little bit. It’s sort of like, did he use them all to get elected, and thus winning again? He’s pretty good at that. You can’t believe anything that comes out of his mouth. It changes day to day, depending on the situation and what he needs at the moment.”
     And finally we have 169 Congressmen signing a petition or letter to Trump re Bannon - “Mr. Bannon’s appointment sends the wrong message to people who have engaged in those types of activities, indicating that they will not only be tolerated, but endorsed by your Administration,” the letter reads, referring to recent attacks targeting religious and ethnic minorities. “Millions of Americans have expressed fear and concern about how they will be treated by the Trump Administration, and your appointment of Mr. Bannon only exacerbates and validates their concerns.”
     And this is not the end. We have the same lobbyists against whom he railed now being appointed to his administration and oh yes, the ban on lobbyists? Not a problem. Just resign and then all is forgiven so exactly whom is The Donald fooling? Himself? Perhaps, but I believe he is a person with nefarious motives and I do not trust the fate of our democracy to his hands. We have the Mexican government gearing up to protect Mexican immigrants, legal and not, from the harms aimed at them by King Donald and his henchmen. What? Are we gearing up for a new Mexican - American War? Why is this man aggravating the world and acting as if there will be no consequences. Thinking of the cheap gas prices? Well, OPEC has now come up with a plan to cut production so watch those prices skyrocket. So much for working with allies!
     Our allies simply cannot trust us anymore so I wonder what will happen if G-d forbid WE need to call upon them - so will they answer? Why would they when they hear the daily rant out his mouth about how we need to pull out of agreements and entanglements, need to go it alone and on and on. So will we stand alone? Yes and no for NO country in the world can stand alone any more. The global connections are too powerful. Our farmers need to export their wheat and we need to import our fruit as we continue to chew up our agricultural lands for more and more houses and unnecessary business parks. That butterfly on the other side of the world grows ever more powerful wings and the storm it starts on the other side of the world is far more powerful and impactive than we had ever predicted or expected. Like it or not - "we are the world" and isolationism does not work. Been there done that. 
    And things locally are not much better. Here we are gearing up for a new election in the Village and we have the same old garbage again - the attempts of the local Tweed gang CV version as David Israel appoints his lackeys to the committee so as to insure the continuation of his harmful regime and the man just does not learn or never learned how to be a decent human. Yesterday our paths crossed entering and leaving the Clubhouse. I behaved as taught to me from childhood that I should always do the right thing, so I nodded to him and said "Good Morning". I got a troll face in response and a muttered brief comment which was unclear due to the mutterings, so I asked, "What?" and he snipped out, "It's a long word." So what, is he intimating  -that I would not understand long words? Dear David, do not go there for I can and have run rings around you in verbal sparring and have proven you so wrong and called you out on your misdeeds. Of course I have even complimented you on the rare positive deeds but tsk, tsk. In any case, I responded in a sympathetic tone that "David, you really need help, serious help. Mental help" and went on my way.
     This is a leader? This is our leader? I cannot figure out who is worse - Donald or David? But I guess Donald for the larger impact and David for the great impact on our daily lives. Not a nickel difference between them. So David, follow your apparent political idol and say that word clearly aloud, post it on your blog and let the world know what comes out of your mouth as you talk to women, emulating The Orange Man. But what can one expect from one who refuses to debate, who believes in backroom policy making, who believes his position is the way to serve his own desires, who has led us into potential bankruptcy or huge increases in the near future - and by the way, the truth. What is the total of UCO and WPRF increases for next year. Enough with the obfuscation of blathering words and excuses. The facts, dear, the facts. The numbers please.
     What a mess we are in  nationally, internationally and very locally. And the world  asks what the Americans have done to themselves, what possessed them and I agree adding on that we can ask that same question of the delegates here. Much work remains ahead of us. We will need to make our voices heard.

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