Friday, November 18, 2016


     On Saturday, January 21, 2017, the day after the inauguration, there will be a Million Woman March, a march composed of not only women, but men who support the ideals and hopes and dreams, the demands and the warnings of this march. All who wish to make their wishes and yes, demands, known, are welcome but what are these wishes and hopes and dreams. I can only state them as I see them, through my eyes and heart and mind.
      Most decent people are disgusted with the nastiness and the filth of this campaign. The hatred, the threats, the viciousness - it all has to end, STOP!! But it was not only the campaign for there is much more. How many more Bill Cosbys are there going to be? How many more Roger Ailes? How many more young men who follow their example and think it okay to date rape, to attack unconscious and/or drugged women, to rate women on physical attributes and then assign them roles in sexual fantasies? How much more?
     How much more can we take of the human trafficking that is an ever growing industry? How much more of the abuse of children, of immigrants held as slaves in the homes of masters? How much more legalization or acceptance of hatred, of violence? How much more can we take of pictures of starving and bloodied children, victims of the war of their adults, or victims who are strapped to bombs and sent out to die, to children who are taken, threatened, brainwashed into becoming child soldiers? How much more to child brides? How much more?
      How much more time is needed for people to accept that the half of the world's population that is female have rights that are equal to those of men? How many more years will our voices be stifled, ignored, discounted? It seems that it takes a turbulent time to bring this issue to the forefront. During the Vietnam era women were in the front rows of marches, chaining themselves to fences to block the way, in the buses of Freedom Riders but the gains and the equality vanished into the ether over the years and the hard fought for gains and rights faded into the past.
     Well, these times have brought the whole issue out again. The female candidate was abused, not physically, but emotionally, mentally and the lies of the Internet simply flourished. This hatred of one woman led to other hatreds to come out. Michael Flynn, the new national security adviser, wrote this in a tweet - "This is a new low," he said, retweeting a message that read: "Not anymore, Jews. Not anymore." It was okay to state that one supported Israel yet tweet about the hatred of Jews, of their "internationalism", about their so called conspiracies. The vicious anti Semitism of the past came roiling out of its filthy hiding places and I ask how can one support Israel and be so openly anti Semitic? Is it that the only good Jew is a dead Jew according to these statements and contradictions? Well, not again.
     Well, we are serving notice on the world, on Trump and his administration, on any politician who thinks that he has a right to be anachronistic in one's thoughts and actions. We will follow the ACLU and the NY Times, and all other thinking people who realize that the time has come again for us to rise up, RISE UP, and make demands and give warnings. We will not accept a registry of Moslems living in this country. That thought is abhorrent. That leads to other registrations and Jews have been there before. No more of that. Yes, to the destruction of Islamic terrorism but yes also to the destruction of terrorism and threats from the alt right and extreme right. In fact all terrorism needs to be a thing of the past and we women will raise our voices in that fight.
     We will raise our voices for equal pay for equal work. We will raise our voices for the right to enter any and all professions. We will raise our voices against sexual demands in order to get a job or be promoted or keep that job. We will raise our voices for our daughters and yes, for our sons as well, for demeaning practices demean those who are the targets and those who are the instigators. We will raise our voices for the right of women to obtain contraception and family planning advice. We will raise our voices for the right of women to choose, a most bone crushing soul destroying decision, but one that is their right and not that of the old white men in Washington or state capitals.
We will raise our voices for peace and friendship, for cooperation and for warning -WE ARE WATCHING AND WILL ACT.
     It is not for us to tolerate a world where our youngsters are now playing a game called The Trump Challenge wherein the words "Trump is Coming" are shouted and all scream and run away from the perceived thereat. This is wrong, so wrong for our kids to think of their president as such and yet there it is. So we, the adults, the women of the world have to work doubly hard to forestall and prevent such things, make sure that this campaign is not a repetitive one for if so, then just follow the thought.
     You might not agree with all that is written here but for sure you must agree to at least some, so on Jan. 21, 2017 come to the Clubhouse here at the Village and march for your beliefs, for your daughters and granddaughters, for the rights of LGBTQ people to live their lives in peace, to be accepted and welcomed as equal partners in our society and world. Let us force the cleanup of politics now and in the future. Let us raise our voices in hope.
     Come, join us on Saturday, January 21, 2017 and send a message to the powers that be that no more!! NO More will we tolerate what has gone on, no matter who is the cause and the instigator. Raise our voices. Rise Up! All are welcome. We will meet in Room C and then at 10 AM will march around the Clubhouse, past the pools and around the other side and back to Room C where hopefully we will have a speaker or two from amongst us. Those who cannot walk that distance, please wait for us in Room C and make your voice count as well. Join us. Hear our voices. Raise them loud and proud. There will be flyers soon at the Clubhouse and by the associations. It has been
okayed so there is nothing illicit about this at all. Come, join us, WE ARE WOMEN - HEAR US ROAR!!! 

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